Political economy: Trade-unions: how far legitimate. The graphic representation of the laws of supply and demand, and their application to labour. On the principles which regulate the incidence of taxes. The time-labour system. Is one man's gain another man's loss?. Scientific and technical education: Technical education. On scientific teaching in laboratories. Applied science: Prefatory note, by Prof. J. A. Ewing. Submarine telegraphy. Telpherage. On the applition of graphic methods to the determination of the efficiency of machinery. Abstracts of Fleeming Jenkin's scientific papers: List of Professor Jenkin's British patents

Book Description

Law of Supply and Demand

Book Description

The law of the Supply and Demand is a vital concept and part of the economy of the world. This is a concept which is followed by every country and every place in order to make good progress in the product of the goods and services, in the fulfillment of the various demands of the consumers. It is an important aspect which shows the relationship between the various resources and the demands of those resources. The supply is also an important aspect of the production and manufacturing of goods and services. Any business is incomplete without the proper use and utilization of the supply and demand. There is a proper structure which is needed to be followed in order to understand the whole concept. This concept helps in gaining good profits to a company or business and at the same time, it takes care of the consumers and their needs.

The History of Trade Unionism

Book Description

The Economics of W.S. Jevons

Book Description

William Stanley Jevons occupies a pivotal position in the history of economic thought, spanning the transition from classical to neo-classical economics and playing a key role in the Marginal Revolution. The breadth of Jevons's work is examined here which: * includes a detailed consideration of a wide range of his work-policy, theoretical, methodological, applied and empirical * relies on textual exegis * takes account of a wide range of secondary sources A new approach to the 'Jevonian revolution' is adopted, which emphasizes the link between poverty and economics and focuses on the nature and meaning of rationality in Jevonian economics.

Trade Unions and Society

Book Description

First published in 1974, Trade Unions and Society examines the process by which trade unions sought and achieved recognition in the three decades after 1850. It shows a parallel process: on the one hand, trade unionists struggling to attain the indispensable Victorian virtue, ‘respectability’, without sacrificing their essentially protective functions; on the other hand, employers recognizing the value of an ordered system of industrial relation in which trade unions could exert discipline and control over their workers. While this was going on, middle-class radicals (often themselves employers) continued their attack on aristocratic domination of political institutions and looked to a ‘labour aristocracy’ as allies. The book shows the manner in which, thanks to their own efforts and those of their indefatigable publicists, unionists became identified with the respectable elite of the working class. It deals with a crucial period in the trade union development but looks at it not merely from the point of view of the unions, but also that of the employers, politicians, the press, intellectuals, political economists, giving for the first time a rounded picture of trade unionism and industrial relations in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. This book will be of interest to students of economics and history.

Markets, corporate behaviour and the state

Book Description

This book originated at a meeting of American and European specialists in in dustrial organization, at the Instituut voor Bedrijfskunde, Nijenrode (The Netherlands) in August, 1974. The conference endeavored to bring together re searchers in a field where, paradoxically, the underlying phenomena studied are increasingly coordinated and internationalized, yet the observers remain pre dominantly isolated. Only rarely do they resort to comparisons between coun tries, and still less frequently to an analysis from a transnational outlook. As the contributions to this collection demonstrate, it has become clearer and clearer that -whether or not as a result of a random process, or of technological conditions, or of deliberate enterprise strategy - the determinants of market structures and their changes as time passes, have created fundamentally similar effects in different countries, resulting in industrial structures of the same kind. Thus, the largest firms and plants are found in the same sectors, and the most concentrated industries are more or less the same from one country to the other. The studies of Prais, Reid, Jacquemin & Phlips and Linda likewise show that a broad trend toward concentration has been manifest.