The Great Push

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Book Description

By 1915 the trenches of the Western Front were in different states of repair, including the captured trenches, which had all but been destroyed as a result of shell fire. The countryside and villages were a scene of utter devastation, nothing but mud and mounds of rubble where communities and fields of wheat had once stood. The main battles during 1915 were Ypres, French Flanders, Artois, Aisne, Champagne and Vosges. During September and October 1915 an attack by French and British forces from Vimy Ridge to La Bassée, was called the Artois-Loos Offensive or the Third Battle of Artois. This novella by Patrick MacGill, the 5th of 20, is based on his experiences in the trenches of Loos during this period, which resulted in arguably his best book on World War One. A classic of war literature, The Great Push could be considered autobiographical in nature and is nevertheless a passionate and compelling book which describes the fear, resilience, humour and fatalism of those who fought in the raw edge of one of the most terrifying wars ever to have been waged. MacGill had somehow penned all but the last two chapters in the trenches of Loos before being wounded. He wrote the last two chapters while recovering in hospital in the latter part of 1915. 10% of the profit from this book will be donated to the Royal British Legion to help fund their work with returned servicemen. TAGS: The Great Push, Great War, 1915, Loos, trenches, Ypres, French Flanders, Artois, Aisne, Champagne, Vosges, Vimy Ridge, La Bassée, Artois-Loos Offensive, Third Battle of Artois,


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Even in the midst of the death and destruction of war there are strange and funny occurrences. Occurrences made hilarious and farcical because of the circumstance in which they occur. These hilarious occasions are more often than not recalled with greater ease and much mirth long after the war has ended and everyone has gone home. Their recall is made easier if only because soldiers would prefer not to recall the painful memories that come with the experience of having been in battle. Herein are over 300 short stories, anecdotes, pranks, jokes and laughable affairs recalled by servicemen after the Great War patiently collated and published with care by Carleton B. Case in 1919. TAGS: Funny Stories from the Great War, funny, jokes, pranks, anecdotes, laughable affairs, Carleton Case, hilarious occasions, recall, World War One, World War 1, World War I, WWI, WW1, Great War, trench humour, humor, trench humour,


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Throughout history cartoons can have had a powerful psychological, emotional, and political impact. One hundred years before WWI, Napoleon is reported to have said that the English caricaturist James Gillray "did more than all the armies in Europe to bring me down.” During World War I, no cartoonist exercised more influence than Louis Raemaekers of Holland. Charged with "endangering Dutch neutrality," his cartoons led the German Government to offer a 12,000 guilder reward for his capture, dead or alive. A German newspaper, summarizing the terms of peace Germany would exact after it won the war, declared that “Indemnity would be demanded for every one of Raemaekers' cartoons.” Raemaekers cartoons were also instrumental in fighting against deeply entrenched American isolationism. When, in 1917, the United States entered the war, Raemaekers embarked on a lecture tour of the USA and Canada, rallying the new allies for support and arguing the case for mobilisation against the German Empire. The Christian Science Monitor commented “From the outset his works revealed something more than the humorous or ironical power of the caricaturist; they showed that behind the mere pictorial comment on the war was a man who thought and wrought with deep and uncompromising conviction as to right and wrong.” All too often art critics, art historians, aestheticians, and others have dismissed cartoons and caricatures as silly — not serious — trivial, and irrelevant. Yet, as you will see with the cartoons in this first volume, here are cartoons and caricatures that, in retrospect, possibly had more effect on the German High Command and German populace than possibly a new Allied offensive, giving weight to the adage “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.” - if only pen and paper could have been used to greater effect in this, the Great War.

The Brown Brethren

Book Description

The Brown Brethren explores the story of men who lived and died in the trenches during World War One. Any English soldier wearing brown had become one's "Brown Brethren" during the War in the channels. This is a thrilling as well as a painful tale that will leave a person thinking about it long after it is finished. The Irish author and journalist Patrick MacGill served during the First World War with the London Irish Rifles. This service led him to describe the events in this book more honestly and with such strong emotions.

The Diggers: The Australians in France

Book Description

The Diggers' is an absorbing World War I fiction by Patrick MacGill, an Irish journalist and writer known as "The Navvy Poet" because he had worked as a navvy before he began writing. This work is historically significant as it comes from a man who witnessed the war first-hand. MacGill served with the London Irish Rifles during the First World War and was injured at the Battle of Loos on 28 October 1915. He was then recruited into military intelligence.

Children of the Dead End: The Autobiography of an Irish Navvy

Book Description

'Children of the Dead End' is a harrowing autobiographical account of Patrick MacGill's life growing up in abject poverty in Donegal, leaving school at 10 and home at 12 to work as a "navvy" in Scotland. MacGill's memoir sheds light on the often overlooked lives of itinerant workers of the early 1900s, depicting vividly the harshness of their working conditions and the loss of innocence during a boy's coming of age.

POEMS by Wilfred Owen - 23 of WWI's best poems

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Wilfred Edward Salter Owen, MC (18 March 1893 – 4 November 1918) was an English poet and soldier, is considered to be one of the greatest poets of WWI. His war poetry on the horrors of trenches and gas warfare was heavily influenced by his mentor Siegfried Sassoon, and stood in stark contrast both to the public perception of war at the time and to the confidently patriotic verse written by earlier war poets such as Rupert Brooke. Herein you will 23 find such poems, like “Anthem for Doomed Youth,” “Dulce et Decorum est.,” “Spring Offensive,” “Futility” and others that lament the passing of so many in such dire circumstances. “Anthem for Doomed Youth,” is one of the most perfectly structured of Owen’s poems, It convinced Sassoon in October 1917 that Owen was not only a “promising minor poet” but a poet with “classic and imaginative serenity” who possessed “impressive affinities with Keats.” Owen was killed in action on 4 November 1918 during the crossing of the Sambre–Oise Canal, exactly one week (almost to the hour) before the signing of the Armistice which ended the war, and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant the day after his death. His mother received the telegram informing her of his death on Armistice Day (11 Nov.), as the church bells were ringing out in celebration.

Memory, Narrative and the Great War

Book Description

Memory, Narrative and the Great War examines the varied and complex war writings of Patrick MacGill within a contemporary framework. David Taylor tracks how MacGill shifted from heroic wartime narratives in his autobiographical writings to the pessimistic, guiltridden characters in his postwar novel, Fear!, and play, Suspense. Using these texts to show how MacGill remembered and reremembered his wartime experiences, Taylor analyzes MacGill's writings with implications for a broader interpretation of Great War literature, highlighting wartime memory and narrative as an ever-changing kaleidoscope in which pieces of memory take on different—but equally valid—shapes with the passing of time.

European War Collection

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