A Native American's Message for America

Book Description

America is facing its greatest challenges since its inception and the reason for this is that we no longer acknowledge our Creator or His righteous laws. In our arrogance, He has given us over to foolishness and our worst passions. To turn us back to Him, He has allowed us to experience political divisiveness, increasing poverty, the growing threat of natural disasters, while also allowing our enemies to gain strength while we become weaker. As a Native American whose ancestors lived on the edge of America for thousands of years, Rev. Dr. Johnson brings a unique, insightful message for this time. For anyone interested in how this nation became great and why it is now being threatened, this is a must read!

Pyramid Quest

Book Description

The Egyptologist acclaimed for re-dating the Great Sphinx at Giza sets his sights on one of the true mysteries of antiquity: the Great Pyramid of Giza. What is the Great Pyramid of Giza? Ask that basic question of a traditional Egyptologist, and you get the basic, traditional answer: a fancy tombstone for a self-important pharaoh of the Old Kingdom. This, Egyptologists argue, is the sole finding based on the data, and the only deduction supported by science. By implication, anyone who dissents from this point of view is unscientific and woolly-minded-a believer in magic and ghosts. Indeed, some of the unconventional ideas about the Great Pyramid do have a spectacularly fabulous ring to them. Yet from beneath the obvious terms of this controversy, a deeper, more significant question arises: how is it that the Great Pyramid exercises such a gripping hold on the human psyche- adding cryptic grace to the back of the one-dollar bill and framing myriad claims of New Age "pyramid power"? In Pyramid Quest, Robert M. Schoch and Robert Aquinas McNally use the rigorous intellectual analysis of scientific inquiry to investigate what we know about the Great Pyramid, and develop a stunning hypothesis: This ancient monument is the strongest proof yet that civilization began thousands of years earlier than is generally thought, extending far back into a little-known time. In tracing that story, we come to understand not only the Great Pyramid but also our own origins as civilized beings.

The Great Pyramid Decoded

Book Description

Understand the Complexity of the World's Greatest Monument Standing sentinel for four and a half millennia, the Great Pyramid of Giza has fascinated all who have beheld its imposing and elegant mass. In The Great Pyramid Decoded, historical theorist, researcher, and best-selling author Peter Lemesurier shares observations based on a simple numeric code which reveals illuminating perspectives on the past as well as prophetic visions of the future. Does the Great Pyramid hearken back to another civilization much older than ancient Egypt? Is it the Old Testament writ in stone? Is it an ancient observatory? A treasure house? A tomb? Is there a message in the geometric ratios? Lemesurier carefully explores these theories and draws some enlightening and meaningful conclusions. Translating the wisdom of this ancient monument, the author presents recommendations for the future which are consistent with the advice of Saint Malachy, Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce, among others. Making connections to several religious traditions, Lemesurier uses the Great Pyramid to illustrate humankind's place in the universe. Read what this archaic wonder of the world has to say about where we came from and where we may be heading. Learn how this one ancient wonder can teach us that we have the potential to reawaken to an enlightened path forward. A must for anyone interested in the mystical wisdom of one of the most magnificent civil engineering feats of all time.

America's Message

Book Description

The Great Pyramid

Book Description

Reprint of the original, first published in 1874.

The Great Pyramid - The Message of the Pharaoh

Book Description

Anyone who wants to solve a mystery of the building of the Egyptian pyramids would say this with prejudice: How can I find out the truth if I’ve never seen the pyramids? I have to see them first. The paradox is born! The Pyramids of Giza plateau have a magical attribute: When you look at them, when you touch them, you become a hopeless loser instead of an optimistic searcher. The size of the stones, uneven rows with break-off edges bring mess in your mind. The pyramids become even more incomprehensible than before. Meanwhile, the pyramids, same as the stars or planets, can be solved without being up there. You just have to turn on your imagination, calculation, and logic. You do not have to see them at all. Moreover, you should not see them, if you really want to solve them! Strangely, but there is a paradox! We authors of this book were lucky! We’ve seen pyramids only on TV and books. And that fact brought bunch of questions which we wanted answers. Free of passion, we started to work with this problem with huge desire and full of optimism. The result exceeded the expectations: The right hypothesis from the beginning, healthy logic, and mathematical calculations gave birth to discoveries one after another. The more we were working with this mystery, the more it became clearer, understandable, and explainable. Dear Reader, When you finish reading this book, you might say this: One of the greatest mysteries of the world does not exist anymore!

Rabbits, the Great Pyramid and why My Grandpa Believes in Aliens

Book Description

Inspired by ancient iconic symbolism, this book outlines the simple thesis that humans need to include a fifth, spiritual 'dimension' into our basic scientific worldview if we are to collectively negotiate towards a sustainable future.