Honey Bee Diseases and Pests

Book Description

Control of diseases and pests of honey bees is one of most challenging tasks in improving quality of honey and honey bee by-products, especially for the beekeepers in developing countries. This publication describes common diseases and pests of honey bees and their importance and provides a practical guide to the basic technology available to beekeepers for their control and prevention.

Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera) Disease Diagnostics and the Role of Veterinarians

Book Description

In 2017, federal laws (Veterinary Feed Objective) were updated to classify the western honey bee (Apis mellifera) as a livestock species overseen by veterinarians. This change aimed to enhance antimicrobial stewardship over antibiotics prescribed for honey bee colonies. The inclusion of veterinarians in honey bee medicine provides a unique opportunity to utilize their combined skills in population medicine, epidemiology, and diagnostics. The purpose of this study was to highlight some of the ways in which a multidisciplinary approach can benefit honey bee health. For example, using the tools of veterinary pathology, a colony of western honey bees was diagnosed with Amoebic disease caused by the poorly understood amoeba Malpighamoeba mellificae. Using a combination of techniques, including histopathology and next-generation sequencing, major contributions were made to the characterization of this disease. This kind of multimodal approach to diagnosing honey bee diseases is paramount to understanding the complex interactions between the multiple stressors bees concurrently face. For this reason, a multiplex reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction for the simultaneous detection of four common bee viruses was developed. This assay will allow further investigation into the numerous viruses that infect bees, often concurrently. The projects described herein provide two examples of the broad positive impact that veterinarians can have on apiculture.

The Buckeye

Book Description

Honey Bee Pathology

Book Description

The honey bee; Viruses; Bacteria; Fungi; Protozoa; Parasitic mites; Insect and nematode parasites; Disorders of uncertain origin and non-infectious diseases; The treatment of bee diseases.