The Heart of the Diaconate

Book Description

The Diaconate

Book Description

This book is a highly readable, comprehensive study that has established itself as the definitive work on the diaconate. Drawing upon original sources, the book provides valuable insights into the development of the office of the deacon in the early church and situates it within the context of the church s total ministry. Dr. Barnett contends that a radical change in the nature and understanding of the church s ministry took place in the fourth century. A ministry that had included the whole people of God in a horizontal, organic structure gave way to one that was clerical and hierarchical. This change, among other factors, eventually transformed the diaconate into an inconsequential, transitional office on the way to the priesthood. Responding to the present-day revival of the diaconate in the Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, and other churches, Barnett calls for a restoration of the office to its original place as full and equal order, thus re-creating the great symbol of the servant ministry that Christ gave to all the church. James Monroe Barnett, now living in retirement in Omaha, is the former rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Norfolk, NE.

A Deacon's Heart

Book Description

In volume offers insight and guidance regarding this new ministerial order both to those who are called into the diaconate, and those among whom they will minister. The book begins by locating the office of deacon within the larger United Methodist understanding the ministry of all God's people and of ordained ministers. Drawing on the stories of those whom God has called and ordained to the ministry of deacon, the authors portray the crucial link between the worship of the church and service to the world that is central to the office of deacon. The book concludes with answers to common questions asked by deacons and the churches in which their ministry takes place: Who pays for insurance? What about pensions? What responsibilities do deacons have to the congregations that hire them, and what to the conferences of which they are members?

Understanding the Diaconate

Book Description

What is a deacon? More than fifty years since the restoration of the permanent diaconate by the Second Vatican Council, the office of deacon is still in need of greater specificity about its purpose and place within the mission and organizational structure of the Church. While the Church is more than a social reality, the Church nonetheless has a social reality. Our understanding of the diaconate therefore benefits from a theological discussion of the divine element of the Church and a sociological examination of the human element. Understanding the Diaconate adds the resources of sociology and anthropology to the theological sources of scripture, liturgy, patristic era texts, theologians, and magisterial teachings to conclude that the deacon can be understood as “social intermediary and symbol of communitas” who serves the participation of the laity in the life and mission of the Church. This research proposes the deacon as a servant of the bond of communion within the Church (facilitating the relationship between the bishop/priest and his people), and between the People of God and the individual in need. Thus authentic diaconal ministry includes a vast array of many concrete contexts of pastoral importance where one does more than simply serve at Mass.

Word, Liturgy, Charity

Book Description

To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the restoration of the diaconate as a permanent and stable order of ministry in the United States, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University undertook a contemporary study of the diaconate in the United States. Building on studies completed in 1981 and 1995 as well as annual research that CARA has conducted for the USCCB since 2005, CARA designed a comprehensive study of deacons, their wives, diaconate directors, and bishops to explore all aspects of this ministry. This book explores trends in the diaconate as well as current and emerging opportunities and challenges in the ministry. Deacons and their wives, diaconate directors, and bishops share insights about how those trends impact diaconal ministry today and into the future.

Compendium on the Diaconate

Book Description

In recent years there has been a growing theological-pastoral interest in ministerial service and ministries in the Church, with a particular emphasis on the diaconal ministry and role that deacons have in the Church. The Compendium on the Diaconate: A Resource for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons explores how bishops, along with their helpers, the priests and deacons, have taken up the service of community, exercising the divinely established ecclesiastical ministry on different levels. The Church is ministry, service, diaconia, and it is called to be of service to the many aspects and sectors of the Church.This volume is a collection of fundamental texts for understanding the roots of the diaconate, understanding its ministerial special city and its potential for development in today's world as well as the Church's pastoral care.

Theology of the Diaconate

Book Description

"In these three essays - which were presented as keynote lectures at the 2004 conference of the National Association of Diaconate Directors - Professors Cummings, Ditewig, and Gaillardetz construct theologies of the diaconate in conversation with one another and the church. The result is essential reading for deacons, aspirants to the diaconate, deacon directors, as well as the other orders of the clergy, and the laity" -- Book jacket.

The Character of the Deacon

Book Description

The Character of the Deacon describes and moves forward the current theological and scriptural understanding of the diaconate.

Encountering Christ the Servant

Book Description

Receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach. These are the words a newly ordained deacon hears from his bishop as the Book of the Gospels is placed in his hands. It is a solemn but joyous moment in which the deacon is called to a lifelong pursuit of bearing witness to Christ the Servant. The foundation of the deacon’s diaconate, the very foundation of his ministry, is intimate communion with Christ the Servant. This communion originates and deepens in the interior life, and it is here, through prayer and meditation, where he truly discovers God on a personal level and, at the same time, discovers himself in a more profound way. In Encountering Christ the Servant: A Spirituality of the Diaconate, Deacon Dominic Cerrato, PhD, offers deacons and deacon candidates an integrated approach to diaconal life and ministry, rooted in the cultivation of the interior life. In this study, Deacon Dominic outlines the primacy of the interior life, the necessity of abandonment, the sacrament of the present moment, and living the Servant Mysteries. Entering into a new and more intimate relationship with Christ the Servant will open deacons and deacon candidates to their true identity, and their mission, as heralds of the Gospel of Christ. "In this book, Deacon Dominic provides a fresh way of looking at the diaconate based on his personal experience, unique theological reflection, and a spirituality centered on Christ, the Servant. His insights are worthy of contemplation by the laity and priests." — Most Reverend Shawn McKnight, Bishop of Jefferson City, Missouri "A fascinating book that every deacon — and anyone curious about deacons — should add to their library. Deacon Cerrato has crafted a rich resource that serves as an excellent introduction to the spirituality of the diaconate, linking this vocation of service to the entire Body of Christ. Encountering Christ the Servant really means encountering him in one another — and this book helps open our eyes to the beautiful possibilities of a servant church." — Deacon Greg Kandra, author and blogger, The Deacon's Bench "Encountering Christ the Servant penetrates the heart of diaconal spirituality like no other work before it. Rooted in the ordained deacon's intimate participation in divine love and cultivated by a rich interior life that enlivens his ministry, Deacon Cerrato elevates and advances the understanding of deacons as a living icon of Christ the Servant. This book, which shines a bright light on the spiritual life of the deacon, is truly a gift to the entire Church!" — Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, author of Father Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African American Priest "Anytime there is a specialized work that focuses on the uniqueness of the deacon, it is a blessing. Anytime anyone attempts to plumb the depths of diaconate identity and spirituality the blessing is doubled! Readers who draw from this text will be consoled, challenged, and hopefully opened up to God's plan for their ongoing conversion. Thank you, Deacon Dominic, for providing one aspect of a broader and important movement seeking the renewal of the Diaconate." — Dcn. Stephen F, Miletic, Ph.D., Professor of Scripture, Interim Director at the Institute for Diaconate Renewal, Franciscan University of Steubenville ABOUT THE AUTHOR Deacon Dominic Cerrato, Ph.D., is Editor of OSV’s The Deacon magazine, Executive Director of Diaconal Ministries, and Director of Diaconal Formation for the Diocese of Joliet. Ordained 25 years, Deacon Dominic is an author, national speaker, and retreat master. In 2020, he was appointed by Pope Francis to the international papal commission on women and the diaconate. He and his wife, Judith, have been married for 38 years, and they have 10 children and many grandchildren.

Answering the Call

Book Description

Answering the Call is the story of nineteen Catholic permanent deacons from the Diocese of Savannah (Georgia) whose lives underwent profound transformations as they embarked upon a journey of self-discovery which revealed to them both the awesome power of God and the holiness of everyday life. When these deacons, who come from vastly different spiritual, professional, and educational backgrounds, responded to God's call, they soon became aware of the profound impact their decision would make on their lives as husbands, fathers, and, most of all, servants of God. Any person who experiences a crisis of faith or wants to deepen his or her relationship with God, will find the theological, pastoral, and spiritual aspects of these essays informative as they will inspire further reflection and discernment. Each of the essays can be read as a guide to ministry that provides personal and experiential advice about how to minister in a God-centered and healing manner. A person considering a religious vocation, or any man discerning God's call as a permanent deacon, or is a candidate or a deacon now, will appreciate the honesty with which each deacon describes the expected and unexpected stages of his journey.