Visions and Heat

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Student Soldiers

Book Description

Hario Kecik’s diary is without peer in Indonesian literature as a portrait of talented and brave young revolutionaries during the first days of the Republic which followed a brutal Japanese occupation and finally led to the November 1945 Battle for Surabaya, the longest, bloodiest and most decisive warfare in the Republic’s history. More than one hundred thousand young men and women - the majority under twenty years of age - took up weapons against the modern British-Indian Army and arriving Dutch forces intending to re-establish Dutch colonial rule in the Indies. For Indonesian readers, no period of Indonesian history will better repay study than the events in Surabaya in the last months of 1945, when the August 17 Proclamation of Independence seemed had become almost a dead letter as the British and Japanese forces to combined to put down Merdeka! movements in Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon and Semarang. Young readers, especially, will take courage and marvel at the bravery of school-aged boys taking up arms, while Indonesian readers in general will finally understand that while August 17 was the date of the Proclamation, independence was by no means guaranteed as city after city fell post-war to the British. Surabaya and Hario’s Kecik’s generation changed all that


Book Description

Revolusi! is the book accompanying the Rijksmuseum exhibition, in which the Indonesian struggle for independence is followed through the eyes of the people who were there. ‘Revolusi!’ explores the history of the Indonesian struggle for independence between 1945 and 1949. Central to this are the fighters, artists, diplomats, politicians, journalists, men, women and children who experienced the revolution first hand. Dutch and Indonesian authors show how the ideal of a free Indonesia was fervently pursued; how it was fought over, how negotiations took place, how propaganda was carried out and how the revolution changed people’s lives. In this way ‘Revolusi!’ presents a range of personal and collective experiences, told from multiple points of view: from Indonesian and Dutch perspectives as well as those of the groups and individuals in between, with an eye towards the international power arena. It is published in collaboration with the Rijksmuseum. The contemporary works of art, historical objects, propaganda posters, films, photographs and archival documents that accompany these stories testify to a turbulent past.


Book Description

This book traces the beginning of the process of nation-formation, the struggle for independence, the hopeful beginning of the new nation-state of Indonesia only to be followed by hard and difficult ways to remain true to the ideals of independence. In the process Indonesia with its sprawling archipelago and its multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation has to undergo various types of crisis and internal conflicts, but the ideals that have been nurtured since the beginning when a new nation began to be visualized remain intact. Some changes in the interpretation may have taken place and some deviations here and there can be noticed but the literal meaning of the ideals continues to be the guiding light. In short this is a history of a nation in the continuing effort to retain the ideals of its existence.