The Hermeneutics of Social Identity in Luke-Acts

Book Description

Luke-Acts presents a vision of the kingdom of God and the early church in a program of decentralization, that is, a movement away from the centralized power structures of Judaism. Decentralization of the temple, land, purity laws, and even the people that seem to possess the power early in Acts (i.e., Peter and the other apostles) makes room for a move of radical inclusion. Luke demonstrates the Holy Spirit as the prime initiator of outward expansion of the kingdom of God, radically including and welcoming God-fearers, gentiles, an Ethiopian eunuch, and more. Fox argues that Luke-Acts is purposed to create social identity in God-fearing readers using the rhetorical tools of the first century to communicate prescribed beliefs and norms, promise and fulfillment, and prototypes and exemplars. Each of these elements is examined and traced through Luke’s two-volume work.

The Hermeneutics of Social Identity in Luke-Acts

Book Description

Luke-Acts presents a vision of the kingdom of God and the early church in a program of decentralization, that is, a movement away from the centralized power structures of Judaism. Decentralization of the temple, land, purity laws, and even the people that seem to possess the power early in Acts (i.e., Peter and the other apostles) makes room for a move of radical inclusion. Luke demonstrates the Holy Spirit as the prime initiator of outward expansion of the kingdom of God, radically including and welcoming God-fearers, gentiles, an Ethiopian eunuch, and more. Fox argues that Luke-Acts is purposed to create social identity in God-fearing readers using the rhetorical tools of the first century to communicate prescribed beliefs and norms, promise and fulfillment, and prototypes and exemplars. Each of these elements is examined and traced through Luke's two-volume work.

The Spirit and the 'Other'

Book Description

In this title, Kuecker uses social identity theory to examine the interface between the Holy Spirit and ethnicity in Luke-Acts . Kuecker uses an artillery of social identity theory to demonstrate that in Luke 's narrative the Spirit is the central figure in the formation of a new social identity. In his argumenation, Kuecker provides extended exegetical treatments of Luke 1-4 and Acts 1-15. He shows that Luke 1-4 establishes a foundation for Luke's understanding of the relationship between human identity, the Spirit, and the 'other' - especially as it relates to the distribution of in-group benefits beyond group boundaries. With regard to Acts 1-15, Kuecker shows that the Spirit acts whenever human identity is in question in order to transform communities and individuals via the formation of a new social identity. Kuecker argues that Luke depicts this Spirit-formed social identity as a different way of being human in community, relative to the normative identity processes of other groups in his narrative. This transformed identity produces profound expressions of interethnic reconciliation in Luke-Acts expressed through reformed economic practice, impressive intergroup hospitality, and a reoriented use of ethnic language. Formerly the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement, this is a book series that explores the many aspects of New Testament study including historical perspectives, social-scientific and literary theory, and theological, cultural and contextual approaches. The Early Christianity in Context series, a part of JSNTS, examines the birth and development of early Christianity up to the end of the third century CE. The series places Christianity in its social, cultural, political and economic context. European Seminar on Christian Origins and Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus Supplement are also part of JSNTS.

Luke: A Social Identity Commentary

Book Description

In this commentary, Robert L. Brawley provides comprehensive coverage of issues and concerns related to Luke from the perspective of social identity. He argues that the Gospel of Luke is strongly concerned with the formation of identity from the very start of the text, which aims at the creation of a socially responsible community in continuity with that community's collective past. Brawley establishes a theoretical framework that focuses his interpretation - ranging from the narrative world and sociological issues to postcolonialism and hierarchies of dominance - and uses these perspectives to provide a clear overview of historical and critical issues related to an understanding of Luke. He then provides a thorough outline of and commentary on the text of the Gospel. Brawley's engagement with the text serves as an invaluable resource for scholars, students, clergy, and others interested in their own discoveries of the resources of Luke.

The Ethnic-Religious Identity of the Ethiopian in Acts 8:26-40

Book Description

This work examines the background of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26–40. For a comprehensive study, it utilizes echoic allusion, cultural background, and narrative criticism. It explores the textual tradition of Deut 23:1–8 in Jewish literature, with a particular focus on Isaiah’s inclusive presentation of “eunuchs” and “foreigners” in contrast to the Deuteronomy stipulation for the assembly of the Lord. This work also explores the ancient practice of castration, the Jewish exiles in Elephantine, and Jewish pilgrimage to reconstruct the cultural background of the Ethiopian eunuch. Additionally, it focuses on Luke’s authorial role in presenting the gospel’s geographic, ethnic, and religious expansion to identify the Ethiopian’s ethnic and religious identity in the narrative development of the three trajectories. The conclusion drawn is that the Ethiopian eunuch cannot be identified as an uncircumcised gentile. Instead, he is more like an African man of Jewish descent, included in the Abrahamic covenant but excluded from the cultic setting of worship in the temple.

The Social World of Luke-Acts

Book Description

"Although the focus in this book is on Luke-Acts, the models and methods presented here can be employed with insight and profit for the interpretation of other New Testament documents. Focussed on Luke-Acts, this volume can serve as a handbook which covers both the interpretation of a specific text and the presentation of an adequately broad historical-critical method of interpretation." --

Exploring the New Testament in Asia

Book Description

There is a growing recognition that God’s design is for us to read Scripture alongside the whole church in all of its cultural and linguistic diversity. Exploring the New Testament in Asia is a textbook for students and scholars of the New Testament to help the church hear and see the good news of Jesus anew. This collection of essays offers theological reflections on New Testament themes from Asian perspectives, while addressing contextual issues in light of the New Testament. Touching on topics such as salvation, holiness, poverty, ethnic tensions, reconciliation, honoring elders, persecution, and hospitality, the scholars in this book demonstrate the importance of a varied contemporary context for understanding the New Testament. The result is a theological contribution that is both contextually relevant and biblically faithful.

Identity and Ethics in the Book of Ruth

Book Description

This study demonstrates the importance of including narrative ethics in a construction of Old Testament ethics, as a correction for the current state of marginalisation of narrative in this discipline. To this end, the concept of identity is used as a lens through which to understand and derive ethics. Since self-conception in ancient Israel is generally held to be predominantly collectivist in orientation, social identity theory is used to understand ancient Israelite identity. Although collectivist sensitivities are important, a social identity approach also incorporates an understanding of individuality. This approach highlights the social emphases of a biblical text, and consequently assists in understanding a text's original ethical message. The book of Ruth is used as a test case, employing a social identity approach for understanding the narrative, but also to model the approach so that it can be implemented more widely in study of the Old Testament and narrative ethics. Each of the protagonists in the book of Ruth is examined in regards to their personal and social self-components. This study reveals that the narrative functions to shape or reinforce the identity of an ancient Israelite implied reader. Since behavioural norms are an aspect of identity, narrative also influences behaviour. A social identity approach can also highlight the social processes within a society. The social processes taking place in the two most commonly proposed provenances for the book of Ruth are discussed: the Monarchic and Persian Periods. It is found that the social emphases of the book of Ruth most closely correspond to the social undercurrents of the Persian Period. On this basis, a composition for the book of Ruth in the Restoration period is proposed.