The Hidden Rapture Code

Book Description

To understand the hidden Rapture Code found in the Book of Revelation, we will learn what the Rapture of the Church entails, and also why this event is necessary and the impact upon the inhabitants of earth when it happens. When you read the meaning and "the why" of the Rapture, the next question becomes: Are there any prophetic events that must take place prior to the Rapture. In other words, does prophecy specifically mention events from today, yet to happen, but which happen before the Rapture of the Church? Today, it is widely taught that no prophetic happenings are mentioned in Holy Scripture that must take place before the Rapture. Scripture reveals otherwise. Many prophetic events must take place (as revealed in the 7 scrolls of the Book of Revelation) before the Christian Community is snatched-up via the Rapture. Not withstanding, many of these same respected theologians correctly teach that the Rapture removes Christians from the planet prior to the Great Tribulation. They properly teach that the raptured Christians are already with the Lord before the Great Tribulation, Armageddon, the seven trumpets, the seven vials, and the second coming of Christ. Christians avoid the greatest of troubles, trials, and tribulation. Nonetheless, many serious problems and difficulties will be faced before their raptured escape to the Lord's side in paradise. From today until the Rapture, prophecies which affect the flow of events in today's world will be discussed in detail. It is important to learn what is prophesied from today until the Rapture in order to educate and enable us to prepare mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually for the unpleasant events prophesied in Holy Scripture. Preparation is critical.

The Rapture Code

Book Description

Can there only be one Rapture? The Rapture Code—Part One of an—Eight-Book Coded Series! This is the first book of an Eight-Book Coded Series, concerning Christian living. I’ve been a Christian for 34 yrs., and for over 30 of those years, I have tried to augment the Rapture of the Church; with additional biblical evidence. I started out all those years ago; to accomplish this one task. Well, God has greatly blessed me, in that I found not—one code—concerning the Rapture, but a coded series of eight codes total. Thus, each one relating to the Christians walking out their salvation, in one aspect or another. (Doctrinally, this first book pertains to the Rapture of the Church in a Pre-Millennial position, that promotes as true; The Seven-year Tribulation, the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ; here on earth, the “little season” of Satan, and then the New Heavens and Earth.) What I have uncovered is a deeper answer that gives good reasons for all three rapture positions, which are: Pre-, Mid-, and Post-Tribulation—being three different raptures all taking place during this 7 year time period. Thus, there being three separate raptures instead of just one. I see there are—three raptures of—three different groups of peoples in the Tribulation Period. Instead of the one group—of the one—Rapture of the Church—in only one—of the three rapture positions offered us. Namely, the rapture positions of: Pre-, or Mid-, or Post-Tribulation. Thus again, I see three different raptures taking place as follows: Rapture of the Church—Rapture of the Two Witnessess—Rapture of the Elect of Israel (Pre-Tribulation) (Mid-Tribulation) (Post-Tribulation) Israel is always the key to proper biblical prophecy. Without Israel in existence today as a nation; there would be no final: End Times. Israel and the Church are separate in the Scriptures, and so it only makes sense (especially after seeing the evidence that I have accumulated in this book) that Israel would have it’s “OWN” rapture. Further, Christians, are making the same error of judgment pertaining to Christ’s Rapture of the Church (seeing only one rapture); that Israel made concerning Christ’s First Coming. Israel, perceived wrongly that there was only one Coming of Christ, which they were sorely mistaken, and we now know that there are two Comings of the LORD, one 2,000 yrs. ago and one in the near future. But Christians are making the same error in thinking that there is only one rapture of one major group of people: The Rapture of the Church. When in fact, there are—two raptures of—two major groups of peoples, as noted above. (Note: The Two Witnesses are not a group, though, I feel, with some Scriptural evidence; that the 144,000 may go up with the Witnesses.) In which the “Left Behind” notion will be proved wrong. Also, I have found a “word pattern order” exclusive to the KJB, that shows forth this order in many OT verses as well as the NT. I have found the threefold pattern of these three raptures in the “Breastplate of the High Priest,” in the “Seven Feasts of Israel,” in the books of “Daniel and Revelation,” in the books of “Matthew, Mark, and Luke,” and in many other places! In addition, these truths will strengthen the “Eternal Security” of any Believer. Finally, I have discovered many new “study aids” for advance studies that only appear in the KJB, which will strengthen the Christian for the ongoing battle for the Bible—The King James Bible, in which these study aids can and will be demonstrated throughout this Eight-Book Coded Series, by which these eight codes are based in Acts 3. The codes are there in this chapter; four times—in a four times over—repeating order—perfectly. This co

Enoch's Rapture Code

Book Description

Does the life of Enoch have an embedded hidden biblical code that points to another possible time for the rapture of the Church? Many believe that it may occur on The Feast of Trumpets, but this "logical consistency" revelation may prove otherwise. Discover this and more in this dynamic new book from the Revealing Mysteries and Forbidden Histories series.

Cosmic Codes

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Apocalypse Code

Book Description

Hal Lindsey, the father of modern-day Bible prophecy, contends that he has cracked the "Apocalypse Code" revealing long-hidden messages about man's future and the fate of the earth as prediced by the biblical prophet Daniel.

What "Left Behind" Left Behind

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The Chamberlain Key

Book Description

The book that inspired the major History Channel special, "God Code," shows there is more to the Bible than meets the eye--messages from God hidden for ages, now revealed by modern computer technology. Imagine you are a young, ambitious, successful appraiser of artifacts and antiquities--your services in demand by many of the most powerful individuals and branches of government in Washington, D. C. Your future could not seem brighter--except for a troubling dream... with the same mysterious message... on the same exact date... three years in a row. Timothy P. Smith, heir to a renowned family business responsible for construction or renovation of some of America's most cherished landmarks, struggled to understand the significance of his recurring dream... until he had another dream--one that identified a specific location where it seemed he might find answers to his questions. So Timothy drove to a remote spot in British Columbia. There the adventure--which later led to a startling discovery in the oldest Hebrew text of the Bible--began. It took the convergence of the sacred text, one man's life, and modern computer technology to reveal messages that may explain dramatic world events, as well as influence every person alive today. Welcome to The Chamberlain Key. What You Will Discover in The Chamberlain Key: - An encrypted code in Genesis, in the oldest known Hebrew text of the Old Testament, centuries before predicted the birth and resurrection of Jesus. - Scientific evidence that this encrypted code was authored by the divine hand of God. - Signs that there are more encrypted codes in this same Hebrew text that will lead to additional messages from God to humanity - Hidden clues that may lead to the location of long-missing sacred artifacts, such as the Ark of the Covenant - Insights on why Timothy P. Smith was chosen to uncover this encrypted code. - A dire warning that God wants us to hear--and heed. "However one wishes to interpret the meaning and significance of the text, they may rest assured that the text on which Timothy Smith bases his interpretation has almost certainly been there for a very long time, since before the birth of Christ." --Eugene Ulrich, Ph.D., Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame