16 Hindu Samskaras

Book Description

Samskars make living easier, better and fuller, if performed as they should, with right earnestness. Lord Sri Krishna declared in the Gita: “That person easily succeeds in both the physical and spiritual realms (worlds) whose Samskars have been duly completed and that has achieved control over senses. The book 16 Hindu Samskars incorporates all the Samskars that make a person refined and cultured, to grow from inside and to enable one to lead a pious, complete, healthy, happy, pleasant and prosperous life. If all the Samskars are performed and the patterns and rules obeyed then life of a person would be worth living, blissful, and pure enough to get bliss and salvation, and that person would be a worthy citizen able to make the earth a better place for all living beings and to ensure continuity of life. Read 16 Hindu Samskars, learn about them and be Samskari.

Hindu Saṁskāras

Book Description

The Hindu Samskaras give expression to aspirations and ideals of the Hindus. They aim at securing the welfare of the performer and developing his personality.

The Vivāha, the Hindu Marriage Saṁskāras

Book Description

Ceremonial rites and rituals occupy a place of utmost importance in the life of a devout Hindu. In fact, there are no vital actions- brith, initiation, marriage, death etc- which can be allowed to be performed without its appropriate rite or samskara. The number of samskaras has been fluctuating but was finally fixed at sixteen. Marriage is the most important and elaborate out of these sixteen samskaras. Manu enjoins that rituals should be performed in the case of virgin for legalizing the marriage, legitimatizing children and avoiding public scandal. The mantras used in the nuptial rites being in Sanskrit are beyond the comprehension of not only the average Hindu but even the common priests entrusted with the duty of conducting the rituals. To overcome this difficulty the present book was originally prepared in Hindu and is now translated into English with the mantras etc. Romanized for the benefit of those who do not have adequate knowledge of Hindi, for example especially those whose forefathers had migrated to remote countries during the last one hundred years or so.

The Śrāddha

Book Description

Of the sixteen samskaras which encompass a Hindu life the last one is performed for the dead by their sons or grandsons or relatives. Many passages in the Puranas and Dharmasastras extol the role of the son in the life of devout Hindu. The present book deals with the rite of Sraddha and vindicates the popular belief that Sraddha, being an important topic, forms an integral part of Hindu Dharmasastra. The belief in the after-death survival of deceased ancestors and their separate world belongs to the Indo-Iranian period and as such is pre-Vedic. Ancestor-worship for one's prosperity, continuation of one's race, is as old as the Rgveda. Contents Preface, Introduction, The Antyesti Samskara, Appendices, Glossary

16 Hindu Samskaras

Book Description

Samskars make living easier, better and fuller, if performed as they should, with right earnestness. Lord Sri Krishna declared in the Gita: “That person easily succeeds in both the physical and spiritual realms (worlds) whose Samskars have been duly completed and that has achieved control over senses. The book 16 Hindu Samskars incorporates all the Samskars that make a person refined and cultured, to grow from inside and to enable one to lead a pious, complete, healthy, happy, pleasant and prosperous life. If all the Samskars are performed and the patterns and rules obeyed then life of a person would be worth living, blissful, and pure enough to get bliss and salvation, and that person would be a worthy citizen able to make the earth a better place for all living beings and to ensure continuity of life. Read 16 Hindu Samskars, learn about them and be Samskari.

Hindu Samskāras

Book Description

The Upanayana

Book Description

Upanayana is one of the sixteen samskaras or purificatory rites in which a boy is invested with the sacred thread and thus endowedwith second or spiritual birth and qualified to learn the Veda by heart. In this ceremony the boy goes to an Acarya well-versed in the Vedas with a view to be initiated into Vedic studies or a Guru draws a boy towards himself and initiates him into one of the three twice-born classes. From the day the initiation ceremony takes place the young celibate commits himself to a life of austerity and abstinence; he chooses to lead a life rigorously disciplined by vows and disciplinary rules.

Hindu Saṃskāra

Book Description

On Hindu rituals.

Hindu Samskaras

Book Description