The History and Transformation of the California Workers’ Compensation System and the Impact of Senate Bill 899 and the Current Law Senate Bill 863

Book Description

This book has two sections. The first section deals with the History of the California Workers Compensation system and the initial reform law Senate Bill 899. The next section which begins in chapter 6 to 18 has to do with the Current reform law SB 863 one of the most comprehensive and sweeping reform. The book will be valuable to both injured workers and employers by expanding their knowledge about the California Workers Compensation system from the inception of claims to final settlement and lien resolution. Dr. Elias Teferi

The History and Transformation of the California Workers' Compensation System and the Impact of the New Reform Law; Senate Bill 899.

Book Description

The purpose of this study was to determine the perception among defense attorneys regarding the New Reform Law SB899. The study was also to further assess defenses satisfaction with regard to the leadership provided by Governor Schwarzenegger, Senator Poochigian and the Legislature as a whole. Furthermore the study was to assess defense attorneys readiness to defend the gain afforded following the passage of the reform law.

COVID-19's Impacts on California's Workers' Compensation System

Book Description

The authors evaluated the effects of COVID-19 claims on the California workers' compensation system and on the payment of workers' compensation benefits, noting patterns created by the presumptions established by Senate Bill 1159.

Workers' Compensation Reform and Return to Work

Book Description

This monograph analyzes the effects of changes to the workers' compensation system on return-to-work rates for California's injured workers. The authors study how public policies that influence return to work have changed in California in the past decade, estimate average return-to-work rates, compare the trends with the policy changes, and examine the impact that recent system reforms have had on benefit adequacy.

California's 2012 Workers' Compensation Reforms Helped Replace Wages and Offset Earnings Losses After the Great Recession

Book Description

Workers’ compensation reforms (Senate Bill 863) have likely increased wage replacement rates for permanently disabled Californians by 21.4 percentage points since 2012. The bill is helping to offset the recession’s lasting effects on earnings losses.

Senate Joint Resolutions

Book Description