Historical Dictionary of Djibouti

Book Description

Established as a country a little more than a century ago, born as an independent republic in June 1977, Djibouti is among the youngest as well as the smallest states in Africa. Yet its strategic location at the crossroads of the maritime trade routes between Africa, Asia and Europe turned this tiny spot on the world map into a vital player in twentieth century geopolitics. This historical dictionary has been conceived not as a history book but as a reading grid for the major historical items that are still molding the country's social, political and economic life.

Interesting History of Djibouti and the Surrounding Areas

Book Description

Definition of Djibouti: "1) Formerly French Somaliland, French Territory of the Afars and Issas. A republic in East Africa, on the Gulf of Aden: a former overseas territory of France; gained independence 1977. 8492 square miles (21,994 square kilometers). "2) A seaport in and the capital of this republic, in the southeast part." http: //www.dictionary.com/browse/djibouti R Kirk; Report of the Route from Tajurra to Ankobar, Travelled by the Mission to Shwa, under Charge of Captain WC Harris, Engineers, 1841 (Close of the Dry Season); the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London; 1842 R Kirk writes: "Tajurra, situated on the northern shore of the extensive Bay of Tajurra, in latitude 11 degrees 46 minutes 35 seconds north, and longitude 43 degrees 0 minutes 20 seconds east, is a Dankali town, the residence of Sultan Mahomed, a chief of the Adal tribes. It contains about 300 houses, composed of wooden frame-works covered with matting; and has a population of 1200 or 1500 inhabitants, principally engaged in the trade in slaves and salt with the markets of Aussa and Abyssinia. There is no bazaar at Tajurra, but the smaller supplies can be obtained in exchange for beads, buttons, fish-hooks, or tobacco. The anchorage is very limited and insecure during the southwest monsoon; a plentiful supply of water of good quality is obtained from a well to the northwest of the town, near a group of date-palms; there is no cultivation in the vicinity, and grass or forage for horses is very scarce and obtained with difficulty."


Book Description

"A rare feat of analysis and insight on Djibouti.... Samson gives an astute account of this 'freak-of-history' state and the often dubious maneuvering of its leaders since independence in 1977. His book is an absolute must for all those interested in Northeast Africa and its place in the world." --Jon Abbink, Leiden University. "An eloquent and comprehensive analysis of past and present developments in Djibouti." --Leif Manger, University of Bergen. "Interweaving national and international issues, Bezabeh's book contrasts social and political realities with the discourse proclaiming that independence brought freedom, equality, and well-being for Djibouti's population." --Simon Imbert-Vier, Institut des Mondes Africains Wedged between Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia, at the intersection of the world's busiest shipping routes, Djibouti has long been a global geostrategic hub. Samson Bezabeh traces the tortuous political history of this tiny country since its independence from France in 1977. Bezabeh challenges much conventional wisdom as he dissects Djibouti's trials and tribulations. Focusing on the internal, external, and historical factors that drive its domestic politics, his work exposes the troubling dynamics that have allowed the state to survive despite, or perhaps because of, the fragmentation of its society. CONTENTS: Djibouti's Political Dynamics. The Historical Context. Freedom Road: The Presidency of Hassan Gouled Aptidon. A Breath of Fresh Air?: President Ismail Omar Guelleh's First Term. Strengthening Power: President Guelleh's Second Term. A Third Term: Quelling the Opposition. Dashed Hope for Change. What Next for Djibouti?

The History of Djibouti

Book Description

Embark on a captivating journey through the intricate tapestry of Djibouti's history and culture with our latest text-only masterpiece. Immerse yourself in the rich narratives that have shaped this enigmatic nation, from its ancient beginnings to its modern-day accomplishments. This amazing book takes you through the chapters of Djibouti's past, unveiling its hidden treasures, forgotten stories, and enduring legacies. Unveil Ancient Echoes: Delve into the ruins, artifacts, and archaeological wonders that offer a glimpse into Djibouti's distant past. Traverse through prehistoric roots, trade routes, and empires that have left an indelible mark on the land. Celebrate Cultural Resilience: Discover how Djibouti's diverse cultures have coexisted harmoniously through the ages. From architectural treasures and historic cities to the vibrant flavors of its cuisine, witness the fusion of tradition and modernity. Explore Natural Marvels: Venture into Djibouti's breathtaking landscapes, from salt lakes to coral reefs, and encounter its diverse ecosystems. Learn about the conservation efforts aimed at safeguarding its unique marine life and terrestrial wonders. Preserve History: Journey alongside Djibouti as it strives to preserve its rich heritage for future generations. Explore museums, initiatives, and collaborations that honor the past while embracing progress. This text-only book is a testament to the power of words, painting vivid images and sparking your imagination as you traverse Djibouti's historical tapestry. Immerse yourself in the captivating narratives, ancient echoes, and vibrant cultures that make Djibouti a truly extraordinary destination. If you're a history enthusiast, a lover of diverse cultures, or simply curious about the world's hidden gems, this book is your ticket to discovering Djibouti like never before. Unlock the door to a world of stories, heritage, and wonder, and embark on a journey that will leave you enriched, enlightened, and eager for more. Purchase your copy today and let the pages of history come alive in your ha

Djibouti History, Culture and Tourism

Book Description

Djibouti tourism, Djibouti is growing faster in tourism business due to its attachment in tourist industry, Africa can't tell enough what it has as nature, Djibouti has presently a good number of reserves in different location of the country filled up with natural and natures beings what makes the history of our earth, explore Djibouti for educative tourism, holiday and business, you will never regret it. History and Culture of Djibouti is very important for anyone who want to find out about Africa's diversity, the tradition, religion, and people's life style are analyzed for your better education, security is one of the most important when want to visit a country that you don't know much about. This book is for yourself education.

History of Djibouti, Political Governance

Book Description

History of Djibouti Political Governance. An information Book. Ethnicity as a major springboard of identity politics has significantly affected the Republic of Djibouti since 1960s as Colonial rule, the Cold War and regional politics contributed to widen the rift of ethnic cleavage between Afar and Issa. The mobilization of Afars, the minority one, in the early 1990s faced with a heavy handed repression of the Issa dominated government which makes even the power sharing peace negotiation of 1993 less satisfactory. The power sharing scheme of the government was considered as a political contrivance of coopting Afar political figures for dumping the just claim of Afars which is so deep, and the conflict went on. This had exerted pressure on the government to make constitutional concessions of recognizing the plurality of Djibouti. However, from the perspective of accommodation an ethnic demand which has sustained for long, the constitutional and political adjustments are less adequate

WorldRover: Djibouti History

Book Description

WorldRover presents a brief history about Djibouti. The information was obtained from the 1996 U.S. State Department Background Notes. The Somali and Afar tribes in the Djibouti region were the first on the African continent to adopt Islam. France established a protectorate in Djibouti in 1884. Djibouti gained independence on June 27, 1977.

Djibouti, Pawn of the Horn of Africa

Book Description

This is a title which examines the East African country of Djibouti in a historical framework.

Djibouti LP

Book Description

Elmore Leonard, New York Times bestselling author and "the hippest, funniest national treasure in sight" (Washington Post), brings his trademark wit and inimitable style to this twisting, gripping—and sometimes playful—tale of modern-day piracy Dara Barr, documentary filmmaker, is at the top of her game. She's covered the rape of Bosnian women, neo-Nazi white supremacists, and post-Katrina New Orleans, and has won awards for all three. Now, looking for a bigger challenge, Dara and her right-hand-man, Xavier LeBo, a six-foot-six, seventy-two-year-old African American seafarer, head to Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa, to film modern-day pirates hijacking merchant ships. They learn soon enough that almost no one in the Middle East is who he seems to be. The most successful pirate, driving his Mercedes around Djibouti, appears to be a good guy, but his pal, a cultured Saudi diplomat, has dubious connections. Billy Wynn, a Texas billionaire, plays mysterious roles as the mood strikes him. He's promised his girlfriend, Helene, a nifty fashion model, that he'll marry her if she doesn't become seasick or bored while circling the world on his yacht. And there's Jama Raisuli, a black al Qaeda terrorist from Miami, who's vowed to blow up something big. What Dara and Xavier have to decide, besides the best way to stay alive: Should they shoot the action as a documentary or turn it into a Hollywood feature film?