David and Solomon

Book Description

The exciting field of biblical archaeology has revolutionized our understanding of the Bible -- and no one has done more to popularise this vast store of knowledge than Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman, who revealed what we now know about when and why the Bible was first written in The Bible Unearthed. Now, with David and Solomon, they do nothing less than help us to understand the sacred kings and founding fathers of western civilization. David and his son Solomon are famous in the Bible for their warrior prowess, legendary loves, wisdom, poetry, conquests, and ambitious building programmes. Yet thanks to archaeology's astonishing finds, we now know that most of these stories are myths. Finkelstein and Silberman show us that the historical David was a bandit leader in a tiny back-water called Jerusalem, and how -- through wars, conquests and epic tragedies like the exile of the Jews in the centuries before Christ and the later Roman conquest -- David and his successor were reshaped into mighty kings and even messiahs, symbols of hope to Jews and Christians alike in times of strife and despair and models for the great kings of Europe. A landmark work of research and lucid scholarship by two brilliant luminaries, David and Solomon recasts the very genesis of western history in a whole new light.


Book Description

Looks at the life and legacy of King Solomon, describing his temple, the nature of his wisdom, and his biblical writings.

The History of Saul, David and Solomon

Book Description

The stories of Saul, David, and Solomon are inextricably entwined, but they are scattered in the Bible between the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and 1 and 2 Kings. This book tells you the full, true story of Israel's Greatest Kings in a single, uninterrupted narrative. Samuel, the righteous Judge and Prophet, anoints Saul, a Benjamite, the tallest of his countrymen, as Israel's first King. As Saul disobeys God and declines into madness, defeat, and suicide, David, the shepherd from Bethlehem, of the tribe of Judah, arises to kill the giant Goliath and become the King's son-in-law and rebel leader on the run. Finally, David becomes King of Judah and then King of Israel, and the House of Saul loses its royal standing. David is a man after God's own heart, but his deliberate sins - adultery and murder - result in bloodshed and civil war. His son, Solomon, secures the throne over the heads of his older brothers, and receives unparalleled wisdom, wealth, and power from God. He builds the First Temple, but then falls into apostasy. The story of these men covers the transition of Israel from a theocracy, ruled by Judges accountable directly to God, to a monarchy, with all the failings of men. If you are a believer, this book will enhance your devotions by helping you know the Biblical narrative more intimately. If you are a skeptic, its logic will challenge your doubts. Here you will discover facets of this era - surprising things in plain sight - in the ink on the pages of Scripture - but that many have overlooked.

The Book of King Solomon

Book Description

The story of King Solomon, as told by his court historian.

The Key of Solomon the King: A Biography Concerning King Solomon; His Magic, Conjurations and Mythical History (Biblical Pseudepigrapha) (Hardcover

Book Description

The story of King Solomon has fascinated spiritual and religious writers for millennia - this book advances a theory that Solomon was infact a Magi who created many of the rituals, spells and symbols important to occultists. Although the idea that Solomon carried some sort of mystical powers is not new, this book purports to be written in the ancient king of the Jews' own hand. The magical symbols and diagrams which are situated alongside the various rituals and incantations are intricate, containing pentacles and other shapes. Towards the end of the book a large table is appended, detailing a selection of mystical alphabets and their English. For his investigation, Mathers delved deep into the archives of the British Museum, unearthing an old French manuscript of the text which he duly translated into English. He also replicated the diagrams and symbols; these efforts resulted in this modern English version of the old Solomon manuscripts, and an increase in interest toward writings hitherto obscure.

King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

Book Description

The Queen of Sheba comes to Jerusalem to test King Solomon's wisdom. The king answers all her questions and reveals the splendor of his realm in this epic love story for children. Based on Biblical, Rabbinic and Ethiopian sources.

King Solomon

Book Description

Though the world's wisest king, Solomon's heart was led astray by temptations of wealth, sex, and power. And we face the same dangers today, though the temptations may be different in degree and detail. Author Philip Ryken writes, "In witnessing Solomon's moral triumphs and sinful failures we learn how to live more wisely. By the grace of God, we may avoid a tragic downfall of our own and learn how to use money, sex, and power for the glory of God." Tracing Solomon's life from coronation to burial—and from godly devotion to self-serving excess—Ryken shows readers how to avoid similar downfalls and seek God's glory amid earthly temptations. These thirteen chapters are pastoral, rich in application, and biblically faithful. This overview of Solomon's life also includes a study guide, making it a great resource for both personal and group use.

נצור לשונך מרע

Book Description

King Solomon and Temple of Solomon

Book Description

*Includes pictures *Discusses the debate and theories over the historical and religious nature of King Solomon's life, and the construction and operation of the temple *Compares the Bible to the historical record to trace the roots of Solomon's reign and temple *Includes a bibliography for further reading King Solomon is one of the most famous men in the Bible, but also one of the most elusive historical figures. He is credited with supervising the construction of the first Temple in Jerusalem, and excavations and archaeologists continue to dig in an effort to find it in places that are now religiously sensitive for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Information about King Solomon comes almost exclusively from the book of Kings, occasionally supplemented by additional material found in the book of Chronicles. This is problematic for several reasons. First, the book of Kings does not simply record the actions of the king and the details of his reign for posterity; the author weaves a narrative that is often more concerned about making theological points rather than recording historical details. Moreover, the first edition of this book was written in the 6th century B.C. at the earliest, about four centuries after King Solomon would have lived, by an editor given the title of Deuteronomistic Historian. It is likely that this editor relied upon some type of royal "court history" as a source document. The temptation with a figure like Solomon can be to go to one of two extremes. Some readers may want to look at Solomon only as a historical figure without acknowledging the literary elements that play a big role in his life story. Other readers may find themselves at the other extreme and view Solomon entirely as a literary figure, dismissing any historicity at all from his story. Given how important he is as a religious figure, it's necessary to keep in mind both the literary and historical elements of the monarch's story. There was not any one entity more central to the Yahwistic Judean religion during the monarchy than the temple of Solomon. It symbolized the presence of YHWH in the nation, as well as his enduring protection of the nation and the Davidic royal throne. Judean worshippers directed their prayers toward the Solomonic temple, and eventually, the Judean prophets and theologians declared that this was the only legitimate location where priests could perform sacrifices and other religious rites for YHWH. Its significance can be seen most clearly in the dramatic cognitive dissonance experienced by the Judeans in Babylonian captivity after the destruction of the temple, which had been so central to their religious conception that they had great difficulty reconciling its destruction with their continued belief in YHWH at all. The Temple and the Biblical descriptions of it have fascinated people for centuries and led to all kinds of conjecture and imagination. In addition to countless works of art, Isaac Newton tried to make a model of it in his writings, and he wrote about the temple extensively. Even Freemasons give a nod to Solomon's Temple by calling their meeting places temples as well. That said, the Temple remains an enduring mystery due to conflicting accounts and descriptions of it in the Bible, and some scholars have even put forth theories that the structure was not originally designed to serve religious purposes in the first place. King Solomon and Temple of Solomon: The History of the Jewish King and His Temple discusses the history, mystery and controversy surrounding Solomon and the temple, examining the Bible and historical record in an attempt to separate fact from fiction. Along with pictures and a bibliography, you will learn about Solomon and Solomon's Temple like never before.