The Human Imperative

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The Human Imperative

The Human Imperative

Book Description

This important new book is about power in the age of Artificial Intelligence. It looks at what the new technical powers that have accrued over the last decades mean for the freedom of people and for our democracies. AI must not be considered in isolation, but rather in a very specific context; the concentration of economic and digital-technological power that we see today. Analysis of the effects of AI requires that we take a holistic view of the business models of digital technologies, and of the power they exercise. Technology, economic power, and political power are entering into ever closer symbiosis. Digital technologies and their corporate masters now know more than people know about themselves, or governments know about the world. These technologies accumulate more and more decision-making powers. Taken together this leads to a massive asymmetry of knowledge and power in the relationship between man and machine. The classical models of action and decision-making in democratic societies are being gradually undermined by such developments. In a new way, the question of the control of technical power arises. This is the first book to look in detail in a holistic way at the challenges of digital power and Artificial Intelligence to Democracy and Liberties, and to set out what can and needs to be done about these challenges in terms of engineering ethics, and democratic action of policy making and legislation. Key audiences are scholars in media sciences, political sciences, computer sciences and engineering, law and philosophy as well as policy makers, corporate and civil society leaders and the educated public. Adapted and updated from the original German language book “Prinzip Mensch – Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz“, published 2020 by Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf. GmbH.

The Human Imperative

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The Human Capital Imperative

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"Alan Coppin is a rare individual. His experience and insight span private and public sectors, charities, and the Armed Forces. The vital importance of human capital is the thread which has bound all this together. His book is a rich gold mine of data, research, wisdom and anecdote." —Sir Gerry Grimstone, chairman of Standard Life, deputy chairman of Barclays, non-executive director of Deloitte and lead non-executive director at the Ministry of Defence In this new book Alan Coppin, a leader with extensive cross-sector experience, draws on discussions with leaders in the public and private sectors, as well as from charities, the military and trade unions to offer you the ideas and practical applications that have proved effective in ensuring human capital is properly valued and managed. Most business decisions are based on lag data – historical reporting of what happened last month, last quarter or last year. It’s solid, real and comforting. Unfortunately, it’s also not a very good indicator of what might happen next. The best lead data – information with genuine predictive power – comes from understanding your people and what they can deliver. All major organizations claim that people are their greatest asset and yet, at the first sign of problems, the first action they take is to fire people. Why, because employees are also an organisation’s biggest liability in terms of cost – and their cost is much easier to quantify than their value. But, like any asset, human capital will only deliver its full value if it is properly understood, measured and managed. The author offers you the tools you need to take the issue beyond the HR department and satisfy the number crunchers in the boardroom. With their help, you can make human capital part of the normal financial metrics essential to running a successful organisation. Isn’t it time you understood and managed the metrics that can predict your organization’s future rather than relying on those that simply report on its past?

The Human Imperative

Book Description

What we read in the newspapers each day and what we consider to be world trends in the last decade do not leave much room for enthusiasm or hopefulness. It is easy for Americans--idealists and realists alike--to fall into despairing attitudes of cynicism, hopelessness, and laissez-faire. Father Hesburgh is a living antidote to this failure of spirit, through the work of his own busy and effective life--one devoted to improving the conditions under which we all live. In this book he offers an agenda of hope and maps out the areas in which belief and action might unite and bring about a better world. Beginning with an apologia for the active life in the Catholic faith, Father Hesburgh moves on to matters of world religion, stating a strong case for world ecumenism. He faces the promises and challenges of bringing human dignity and civil rights from formula to actuality and shows that a humane life in the next millennium requires solutions to problems of population growth, food, overcrowding, and world education. He then sketches a new world alignment which would place the great powers in cooperation with each other and would make them recognize the importance of the underdeveloped half of the planet--the southern hemisphere. The book ends with a ringing exhortation to world citizenship. Father Hesburgh has the broadest possible vision of what it is to be a person in this world, and what is required of all toe create in the new century a unified life for each person and a truly united world. Everyone who reads this book will come away with a deepened and humanized perspective on life today and in the future.

Nietzsche and Transhumanism

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This essay collection deals with the question of whether Nietzsche can be seen as a precursor of transhumanism or not. Debates on the topic have existed for some years, particularly in the Journal of Evolution and Technology and The Agonist. This book combines existing papers, from these journals, with new material, to highlight some of the important issues surrounding this argument. The collection addresses a variety of issues to show whether or not there is a close connection between transhumanist concerns for progress and technology and Nietzsche’s ideas.

The Imperative of Responsibility

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Hans Jonas here rethinks the foundations of ethics in light of the awesome transformations wrought by modern technology: the threat of nuclear war, ecological ravage, genetic engineering, and the like. Though informed by a deep reverence for human life, Jonas's ethics is grounded not in religion but in metaphysics, in a secular doctrine that makes explicit man's duties toward himself, his posterity, and the environment. Jonas offers an assessment of practical goals under present circumstances, ending with a critique of modern utopianism.

Hope Is an Imperative

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The author has championed the cause of ecological literacy in higher education, helping to establish and shape the field of ecological design, and working to raise awareness of the threats to future generations posed by humanity's current unsustainable trajectory.This volume brings together his most important works.

The Stability Imperative

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“Stability preservation” (weiwen) has long been an imperative of China’s one-party state. At the same time, China has recently embedded a commitment to the protection of human rights in its constitution. This book examines the multiple and shifting ways in which weiwen impinges on the implementation of human rights. Using case studies, Sarah Biddulph methodically examines the state’s response to labour unrest, medical disputes, and forced housing evictions. As she demonstrates, the state’s reaction can vary from taking steps to ameliorate the underlying causes of the citizens’ grievances to the repression of rights-related protests and the punishment of protestors. The Stability Imperative: Human Rights and Law in China reveals how the systematic failure of the legal system to protect rights coupled with an overemphasis on coercive forms of stability preservation is undermining the authority of law in China and could, ultimately, damage the Communist Party’s leadership.

Too Many Humans

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This "Little Green Book" presents 21 proposals for reducing the size of the human population to 1 billion people, in order to enable humanity to live sustainably on Earth. For centuries and millennia, humans have exploited the inherited riches of the Earth without significant observable permanent harm. The Industrial Revolution, which used non-human, non-animal power sources to accomplish tasks, began in the 18th century in Europe and North America. In the early 19th century, that power increasingly came from the burning of fossil fuels, primarily coal and oil, and that burning created carbon dioxide. The ills of fossil fuel burning were compounded by population growth. Around the beginning of the 19th century, medical and nutritional advances led to the reduction of the death rate and populations began to grow more rapidly. This change can be said to be the beginning of the Demographic Transition, which is defined as the period during which there is a large gap between the declining death rate and the subsequent reduction of the birth rate which typically occurs several generations later. Proposed here are additional stages of the model to show a Sustainable Demographic Transition (SDT) to a human population of 1 billion, which was the population of the Earth around 1800. The question posed in this book is whether the human birth rate can be reduced soon enough to avoid much of the potential further damage to the Earth, and reduced further to enable remediation of previous damage. The year 1800 is chosen in this book as the pivotal year for the Industrial Revolution and Demographic Transition. At that time, the carbon dioxide density in the atmosphere was approximately 300 parts per million. During the subsequent 215 years, the Industrial Revolution accelerated and, together with exponential population growth, has degraded the ability of the Earth to sustain life. Whatever damage to the Earth the Industrial Revolution would have produced for a planet supporting one billion humans, that damage has been multiplied, so far, by the growth of the human population since 1800 to 7.3 billion by mid-2015. If not stopped, the multiplier will continue to grow. Even at the current and seemingly slow annual growth rate of 1.2%, the Earth's population will double to 14.6 billion in 58 years. Such a total is inconceivable, and avoidable. There has been debate about whether the sheer number of people is the problem or whether their unequal or excessive consumption patterns are the problem. The problem with that debate is that it poses a false choice, which need not be resolved here. That is, while there is no question that there is substantial inequality among people of income and wealth and therefore, of Earth-degrading consumption, there is also no question that every human being has an impact on the Earth. Putting it simply, more humans produce more carbon. Further, more humans have produced too many more humans. There are two basic elements of each human's impact on the Earth. First s/he consumes energy and resources, and s/he has the capacity to have children. Whatever the world's consumption patterns, there will be less consumption and Earth degradation when there are fewer people. This truth is a corollary to the message of population stabilization advocates since the 1970s - "Whatever your cause, it's a lost cause until we control population growth." The first of the 21 proposals is that all humans be encouraged to have no children, or at most, one child. The alternative to achieving population reduction through voluntary means is to endure catastrophes and collapse and gross reduction of biodiversity.