The Impact of Athletic Participation on At-risk High School Students

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The need to lessen the dropout rate for America’s high schools necessitated a search for answers by examining the impact of athletic participation on at-risk high school students. Research supports the contention that benefits athletics for students at-risk of dropping out. However, the majority of empirical research on athletic participation has been conducted on athletes and non-athletes, leaving a gap in regard to at-risk students. The study provides a comparison between athletic participation and non-participation with at-risk students. The goal of this study was to share the findings of an investigation of the impact of athletic participation on at-risk high school students’ academic performance. The academic performances included: standardized assessments, attendance, behavior, and dropout rate. This study sought to compare the criterion-referenced scores of at-risk athletes and at-risk non-athletes, as well as the GPA scores, attendance rates, number of disciplinary referrals, and the dropout rate of the 2 categories. of students, using non-experimental research. The major findings of this study revealed that more at-risk non-athletes dropped out of school than at-risk athletes.

The Impact of Athletic Participation on Academic Performance of Students at the Secondary Level

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For the purpose of this study, students were divided into categories depending on if they participated in athletics and by sex. These students' passage percentage on the Social Studies portion of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) was compared to attempt to determine if participation in athletics had an effect on the passage rate. The Pearson Chi-Square formula was used to determine the p-value of the results. The results indicated that male and female students that were involved in athletics had higher passage rates on the Social Studies portion of the AHSGE. The results came from a research site in southeast Alabama.

The Effect of Athletic Participation on the Academic Achievement of High School Students

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Athletic participation is a major component of the high school experience for many students across the country, yet in difficult economic times athletic funding is often the first area reduced when education budgets need to be balanced. These cuts are usually performed without data on or inquiry into the relationship between athletic participation and academic achievement. If a relationship could be proven, advocates of athletics would have a stronger argument for the preservation of funding. This study utilized a quantitative, causal-comparative design to examine the relationship between athletic participation and academic achievement. Grade point averages of students who participated in high school athletics three years in a row were compared with those of students who did not participate for three years in a row. The study focused on the growth rate, or change in grade point average over the three years, in order to make a stronger argument that differences in achievement between the two groups could be attributed to participation (or lack of participation). On average, the achievement of athletes was significantly higher than that of non-participants during the first year, but athletes lost some of this advantage over the course of the study, meaning that they experienced negative growth. Non-participants did experience positive growth that was statistically significant, however the effect size was small, meaning that the practical significance is minimal. Based on the results of the study, it is difficult to make the argument that athletics are linked to improved academic achievement. While athletic participation can still be considered part of the overall education of students with numerous benefits such as the development of leadership and teamwork skills, these benefits do not seem to translate to the classroom. Because the practical significance is low, there are no recommendations based on the results of this study in relation to funding or policy changes, although school districts may want to consider making the funding of activities proven to have a direct link to improved academic achievement their top priority. Future research in this area should continue to focus on growth rate rather than overall performance and attempt to first duplicate these results at additional sites. The rate of participation (number of sports played) should also be introduced to the conversation as it may affect results. Future studies may also wish to investigate why the rate of academic growth was so low for all students.

"If You Let Me Play"

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The Effect of Athletic Participation on Academic Achievement for High School Seniors in Eastern Tennessee

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This causal-comparative study with a narrative component investigated the effect athletic participation on the academic achievement of senior student-athletes and non-athletes who attended three public high schools in Eastern Tennessee. The impetus for the study was the conflicting research as it relates to the impact athletics participation had on academic success at the college and high school levels. Through student athlete and non-athlete comparisons of ACT scores and GPAs, the researcher found athletic participation did not affect academic achievement for high school seniors who graduated in 2009 from the three target high schools when compared to non-athletes. However, statistically significant and extremely significant differences were found when the ACT scores and GPAs of the male and female student- athletes were compared. Data was also collected from the target high schools' teaching staffs. The Likert scale survey items and open-ended responses from the target high schools' teachers revealed the following regarding the academic achievement of senior student-athletes: the effect of athletic participation was positive, school systems directly affect the academic achievement of senior student- athletes, parental involvement directly affects academic achievement, athletic participation and academic achievement was important in the target school community, and the effect of athletic participation on the AYP measurement was positive.

The Effects of High School Athletic Participation on Student Achievement, Attendance, and Discipline

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During tough financial times, school districts are continuing to look for ways to save money by cutting programs. Some school districts look to the cost of athletics as a way to save money. Educators who consider this option may wish to consider the effects of athletics on the academic achievement, attendance, and discipline of student participation. This study involved one high school in the Central Valley of California and compared the athletes to the nonathletes in regard to their GPA, days in attendance at school, and the number of disciplinary referrals. Students were identified as athletes, if they participated in any of the fourteen sports offered at the school. Students were identified as nonathletes if they did not participate in any sports at the school. The sample number selected for both the athletes and nonathletes was fifty and they were selected randomly. After the students were identified, they were listed alphabetically. Every seventh student athlete was selected from a list of 355 students for this study and every ninth student nonathlete was selected from a list of 459 students for this study. A t-test of independent samples was used to analyze the data at the .05 level. The data that were collected and analyzed suggest athletes have a significantly better GPA and attendance record than nonathletes. Also, the results suggest that the number of disciplinary referrals between athletes and nonathletes was not significantly different.

The Effects of Male High School Students’ Participation in Athletic Sports on Academic Achievement

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With the rapid and steady growth of athletic participation, it is important that student athletes excel in the classroom and on the playing field. However, as the pressures of being a high school athlete grow, educators must seek better ways of supporting student athletes and help them understand the importance of their education. The purpose of the study was to determine if male students who participated in athletics had higher academic achievement mean scores than male students who did not participate in athletics. The study focused on measuring the cumulative grade point averages (GPAs), Algebra I end-of-course (EOC) test scores, and English II end-of-course (EOC) test scores for all male students. A causal-comparative research design was used to examine the differences in the academic performance of the male students who participated in high school athletics and those who did not participate. The research study was conducted using existing data from three high schools in Mississippi for 234 male high school students. There were 118 non-athletes and 116 athletes. Findings from the study revealed there were no statistically significant differences in cumulative GPAs, Algebra I EOC mean test scores, and English II EOC mean test scores for athletes and non-athletes. However, there was a statistically significant difference between African American male students and White male students for the mean scores of the cumulative GPAs and English II EOC test scores. The findings of the study revealed academic achievement was not affected by athletic participation. Recommendations for future research include conducting focused research on African American males and other minority groups and the implementation of high school academic support programs for student athletes.

The Impact of Athletic Participation on Academic Performance

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This study focuses on how student who participate in high school sponsored athletics compare to students who do not participate in athletics when it comes to the performance in the classroom. The study seeks to show that if student athletics do indeed have a higher academic performance then more funding and options should be available to fund athletics in schools. This study will also seek to determine what possible factors make student athletics perform between in the classroom. ... The results of the study show that athletes do in fact perform better in academic settings than non-athletes. The athletes have a higher mean and median GPA than non-athletes. The more sports that the athlete participates in also has a positive effect on how well they perform in academics. ...

'If You Let Me Play'

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The recent NIKE advertisement titled "If You Let Me Play," claims many benefits for girls who play sports. In contrast, there exists a hypothesis that today's society overemphasizes the role of sports to the detriment of some students, in particular inner-city minority males. This paper examines the effects of participating in high school athletics on students' educational and labor market success in order to test these two theories. I make three contributions to the literature. First, I allow the athletics effect to vary across specific team and individual sports. Second, I use instrumental variables estimation to control for self-selection into sports. Finally, I use measures of peer involvement in sports, similar to other work on neighborhood effects, to instrument each individual student's athlete status. Using nationally representative samples from High School and Beyond and the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, OLS results show that athletics contributes positively to educational and labor market success for all students except minority females. Controlling for the endogeneity of athletic participation, however, I find significant positive effects only for white students with respect to educational outcomes. This suggests that some of the seemingly beneficial effect of sports reflects underlying differences between athletes and non-athletes.