The Impact of Collaboration Planning Forecasting and Replenishment, CPFR, on the Performance of Firms in a Supply Chain

Book Description

Les entreprises manufacturières oeuvrant dans des domaines de haute technologie sont aujourd'hui confrontées à de multiples impératifs qui les incitent à collaborer avec des partenaires pour l'ensemble des leurs activités. Cette étude analyse l'impact de la planification de la collaboration sur la performance d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement. L'étude a été menée en deux phases dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement d'un équipementier du secteur des télécommunications. La première phase, l'étude de terrain, a comme objectifs de bien cerner les méthodes de collaboration et d'identifier les intérêts des différents membres de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. La deuxième phase, le questionnaire électronique, a comme objectifs d'analyser l'impact de la planification de la collaboration sur l'innovation au sein des entreprises de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, et d'évaluer l'effet médiateur des innovations sur la relation entre la planification de la collaboration et la performance de la chaîne.

The Impact of Collaboration Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) on the Performance of Firms in a Supply Chain [microform]

Book Description

Les entreprises manufacturières oeuvrant dans des domaines de haute technologie sont aujourd'hui confrontées à de multiples impératifs qui les incitent à collaborer avec des partenaires pour l'ensemble des leurs activités. Cette étude analyse l'impact de la planification de la collaboration sur la performance d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement. L'étude a été menée en deux phases dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement d'un équipementier du secteur des télécommunications. La première phase, l'étude de terrain, a comme objectifs de bien cerner les méthodes de collaboration et d'identifier les intérêts des différents membres de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. La deuxième phase, le questionnaire électronique, a comme objectifs d'analyser l'impact de la planification de la collaboration sur l'innovation au sein des entreprises de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, et d'évaluer l'effet médiateur des innovations sur la relation entre la planification de la collaboration et la performance de la chaîne.

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment

Book Description

Based on original research conducted at the Harvard Business School, Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment gathers the insights and experiences of 38 leading CPFR practitioners from around the world and from a variety of industries, including manufacturers, retailers, consulting companies, and IT-solutions providers. Packed with valuable case studies and insider accounts from some of the most powerful companies using CPFR today - including giants such as Wal-Mart, Safeway, Ace Hardware, and Procter & Gamble.

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR)

Book Description

Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: A, San Diego State University, course: Seminararbeit im MBA Studiengang, language: English, abstract: Today's business environment is facing more challenges than it has ever faced before. Whether it be globalization, shorter product life cycles, industry-wide consolidations, or the rapid advancements that have been made in information technology - all these factors have contributed to a steady increase in competitive pressure on domestic and foreign markets. In an economy that is increasingly becoming more volatile, organizations find it more difficult to achieve or maintain their competitive advantage. A way of overcoming these challenges and establishing advantages has been through optimization of the supply chain. Initially, these improvement efforts were limited to areas within the organization, such as inventory, quality, or the manufacturing process itself. In the early nineties, however, when the American retail and consumer goods industry was experiencing stagnating revenues and, at the same time, rising costs, an increase in productivity was hardly to be realized. At that time, aggressive pricing policies were seen as the only approach to gain market share, but the consequences, mainly a negative impact on margins and profits, made it an unsustainable business practice (Seifert, 2003). This led the retail industry to recognize that real gains could only be realized through open cooperative partnerships between retailers and manufacturers. As the supply chain improvement initiatives progressed, they began to include collaboration between the manufacturer, its suppliers, and clients. Although collaboration between trading partners was known as an efficient method for improving forecast accuracy, increasing service, and reducing costs, it was not until then that supply chain partners systematically devised processes that would move the information to where it could ad

Das Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) Konzept im Rahmen des Supply Chain Managements

Book Description

Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: In dieser Diplomarbeit wird das moderne Kooperationskonzept Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR - Kooperative Planung, Prognose und Warenbevorratung) hinsichtlich seiner Rahmenbedingungen, Vorgehensweise und Umsetzbarkeit analysiert und bewertet. Unternehmen aus Industrie und Handel sind sich zunehmend der Notwendigkeit einer kooperativen, rationalisierten Supply Chain bewusst. Diesbezüglich wird CPFR als direkte Fortführung und Reifung des bekannten ECR-Ansatzes darstellt, da es logistische und absatzorientierte Aspekte nunmehr gemeinsam in unternehmensübergreifende Abverkaufs- und Bestellprognosen einfließen lässt. Basierend auf diesem hohen kooperativen Level verspricht das Konzept den partizipierenden Unternehmen sowohl Kosteneinsparungen als auch Umsatzsteigerungen. Gang der Untersuchung: Hinsichtlich der Vorgehensweise wird zunächst das von der Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Association entwickelte neunstufige Prozessmodell vorgestellt, bevor näher auf Effizienzvorteile, Erfolgsfaktoren sowie allgemeine Probleme der Implementierung eingegangen wird. Dieser Schwerpunkt der Diplomarbeit ist bewusst praxisnah gestaltet und beinhaltet neben einem einleitenden Fallbeispiel zahlreiche Rückgriffe auf bestehende Forschungsdaten. Auf den Erkenntnissen dieses Analyseteils stützt sich schließlich die kritische zukunftsgerichtete Bewertung von CPFR. Inhaltsverzeichnis:Inhaltsverzeichnis: InhaltsverzeichnisA AbbildungsverzeichnisC AbkürzungsverzeichnisD 1.Einleitung1 2.Einführung in das Supply Chain Management2 2.1Begriffsbestimmung und Definition2 2.2Ursprünge und Treiber der SCM-Entwicklung5 2.2.1Globalisierung6 2.2.2Standardisierung7 2.2.3Informationstechnologien7 2.2.4Veränderte Kundenbedürfnisse und Konzentration auf Kernkompetenzen8 2.2.5Zusammenfassung9 2.3Aufgaben und Ziele des Supply Chain Managements9 2.4Grundlagen des Efficient Consumer Response-Konzeptes12 2.4.1Definition und Ziele13 2.4.2Die Bausteine im Efficient-Consumer Response-Konzept13 Marketingseite14 Logistikseite15 Basistechnologien16 2.4.3Strategische Erfolgsfaktoren von ECR17 3.Grundlagen des Kooperationskonzeptes Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment18 3.1Begriffsbestimmung und Definition19 3.2Die Entstehungsgeschichte und die Initiatoren von CPFR20 3.2.1Collaborative Forecasting and Replenishment zwischen Warner-Lambert und [...]

Collaborative Planning in Supply Chains

Book Description

In light ofthe vast number ofpublications on Supply Chain Management (SCM) it is not easy to extract those which will have a great impact both on theory and practice. The dissertation of Gregor Dudek certainly is one such valuable source because it tackles inter-organizational collaboration in a novel and effective man ner. SCM is concemed with the coordination of material, information and financial flows within and across often legally separated organizational units. lt has gained great attention both in industry and research as an important area for improving competitiveness. A Supply Chain (SC) can be regarded as a hybrid between a market relationship and a hierarchical organization and as such requires specific tools to support the efficient planning and execution of the order fulfillment proc ess. Software vendors have developed so called Advanced Planning Systems (APS) to overcome deficiencies of traditional Enterprise Resource Planning systems and to better support the planning functions needed in SCM. However, APS are based on the principles of hierarchical planning which are well-suited for intra organizational SCs but fall short when non-hierarchical collaboration between partners (companies) is needed. This is particularly true when a buyer and a sup plier have to align their medium term order and supply plans.

Performance Measurement of the Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment Program

Book Description

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) is a powerful tool which bring many benefits for companies, such as Inventory and Stock-out reduction, increasing sales and profits. This is however, under the assumptions that both parties have fully implemented the program and have full collaboration capabilities, and that they have enough resources to properly manage the CPFR relationship. However, this is not often the case. Managing CPFR relationships requires manpower, and time and capital investments. Companies find themselves overwhelmed when trying to fully implement CPFR; even large multinational companies, realize that although they have successfully established some CPFR relationships, they face the same hurdles when attempting to expand and include more partners and/or categories into the program.For these reasons, I've proposed and developed two tools to help companies assess and manage their CPFR relationships. First, I developed a six-stage CPFR maturity assessment to identify the current status of the CPFR relationship and its capabilities. It is built upon 5 dimensions: “Supply Chain Collaboration”, “People & Organization”, “Information Technology”, “Process Efficiency: Planning & Forecasting”, and “Process Efficiency: Replenishment”. The second tool is conceptual matrix, when different collaboration levels are determined based on partner and category classifications. The idea is to be able to identify those scenarios where CPFR is most helpful, to prioritize the allocation of resources.Finally, a match between the two tools grants a way for companies to benchmark their current performance against optimal performance for their classification, thus free resources in those that are overdeveloped to allocate them to those with improvement opportunities.

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishement

Book Description

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) is the sharing of forecasts and related business information among business partners in the supply chain to enable automatic product replenishment. CPFR, a set of guidelines supported and publis

Supply Chain Collaboration. Status quo, Potenziale und Grenzen des Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment

Book Description

Volatilität, Komplexität, Digitalisierung und Globalisierung prägen unsere Wirtschaft heutzutage in hohem Maße. Auch auf Unternehmensebene wirken sie sich aus. Viele Unternehmen versuchen, mit einem geeigneten Supply Chain Management die einzelnen Schnittstellen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette zu optimieren. So wollen sie die Bedürfnisse der Kunden auch in Zukunft befriedigen. Ein Mittel zur Bewältigung von Einflussfaktoren ist das Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR). Doch wie weit ist dieses Modell in der Praxis schon? Hat es sich bereits etabliert? Und sind neben den zahlreichen Vorteilen auch Nachteile zu erwarten? Marie Wüst präsentiert in ihrer Publikation den Status quo des CPFR. Grundlage für das Modell ist die Supply Chain Collaboration. Diese stellt zugleich die intensivste Form einer Kooperation dar. Marie Wüst erklärt die Funktionsweise des CPFR und untersucht, wie praxistauglich es tatsächlich ist. Dabei bezieht sie auch die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts wie das sich verändernde Konsumentenverhalten sowie den digitalen Wandel ein. Aus dem Inhalt: - VUCA; - Efficient Consumer Response; - Business to Business; - B2B; - Enterprise Resource Planning; - ERP

Bridge Employment

Book Description

With the long-term trend toward earlier retirement slowing, and the majority of older workers remaining in employment up to and beyond statutory retirement age, it is increasingly important that we understand how to react to these changes. Bridge employment patterns and activities have changed greatly over the past decade, yet there is little information about the benefits of the various different forms this can take, both for employees and employers. This comparative international collection provides the first comprehensive summary of the literature on bridge employment, bringing together experiences from Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan. It identifies the opportunities, barriers and gaps in knowledge and practice, whilst offering recommendations on how organisations and individuals can cope with future challenges in aging and work. Written by international experts in the field, each chapter also makes substantive and contextualized suggestions for public policy and organizational decision-makers, providing them with a roadmap to implement and integrate bridge employment into policies and practices designed to prolong working life - a priority for workers, organizations and societies in the coming decades. This unique research handbook will be useful to a wide range of readers with an interest in the new concept of bridge employment and the extension of working life, and of interest to researchers and practitioners in organizational behavior, labor market analysis, human resource management, career development/counselling, occupational health, social economy and public policy administration