The Impact of International Migration on Inclusive Growth: A Review

Book Description

International migration is an important channel of material improvement for individuals and their offspring. The movement of people across country borders, especially from less developed to richer countries, has a substantial impact in several dimensions. First, it affects the migrants themselves by allowing them to achieve higher income as a result of their higher productivity in the destination country. It also increases the expected income for their offspring. Second, it affects the destination country through the impact on labor markets, productivity, innovation, demographic structure, fiscal balance, and criminality. Third, it can have a significant impact on the countries of origin. It may lead to loss of human capital, but it also creates a flow of remittances and increases international connections in the form of trade, FDI, and technological transfers. This paper surveys our understanding of how migration affects growth and inequality through the impact on migrants themselves as well as on the destination and origin countries.

Inclusive Growth Analysis in Economies Prone to International Migration

Book Description

Inclusive growth (IG) analysis involves analyzing the available data in a country to determine the best course of action for accelerating growth and or improving the distribution of the opportunities and benefits from the growth process. In economies in which international migration is a significant trend, that determination may be especially challenging. The international migration phenomenon can contribute to (or detract from) growth and its distribution through myriad number of complex and sometimes divergent channels, and these effects can change substantially over time. The ability to analyze these impacts, however, is often significantly handicapped by a lack of appropriate data. Moreover, because the migration decision is inherently a private decision made by households in the best interest of their welfare, determining the policy conclusions based on the results of inclusive growth analysis is often unclear. Governments are rightfully wary of interfering with the migration process. This paper examines the issue of international migration in inclusive growth. The aim is to provide the practitioners of inclusive growth diagnostics a useful framework for assessing the nature of the international migration phenomenon, and to highlight the key tools utilized in evaluating its current and potential impact on shared growth.

International Migration, Economic Development, and Policy

Book Description

This second volume provides thinking on new topics in the field of international migration, and presents nine additional studies covering countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, North America, South Asia and the Pacific, as well as Western Europe.

OECD Insights International Migration The Human Face of Globalisation

Book Description

Examines the reality of international migration today, including where migrants come from and go to, how governments manage migration, how migrants perform in education and the workforce and migration's impact on developing countries.

Development Centre Studies Can Social Protection Be an Engine for Inclusive Growth?

Book Description

The potential role of social protection in the development process has received heightened recognition in recent years, yet making a strong investment case for social protection remains particularly challenging in many emerging and developing countries. This report challenges us to think deeply about the economic rationale for social protection investments through an inclusive development lens. It helps us understand the links between social protection, growth and inequality; how to measure those links empirically; social protection’s impact on inclusive growth; and how to build a more solid economic case for greater social protection investments.

International Migration Outlook 2021

Book Description

The 2021 edition of International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and the labour market inclusion of immigrants in OECD countries. It also monitors recent policy changes in migration governance and integration in OECD countries.

New Perspectives on International Migration and Development

Book Description

Through pressing, current case studies, contributors examine the ubiquitous interplay among migration, development, culture, human rights, and government, all toward advancing more effective solutions to international migration issues.