The Impact of Opening Leads Against Notrump Contracts

Book Description

"It's generally accepted that defense is the most difficult part of the game. Audrey's latest book takes a look at defending against notrump contracts with a focus on the opening lead and how it impacts the subsequent defense. The book covers: the oldest maxim, fourth highest from longest and strongest...and why it has stood the test of time; when to lead partner's suit...and which card to lead; why you should avoid leading the opponents' suit...and what to do if you can't; what to lead from a sequence...and why it matters; when to lead the 'top of nothing'; when it's time to 'take the tricks and run'; there are 16 practice deals. The book is for the advancing player."--Publisher's description.

Winning Suit Contract Leads

Book Description

Winning Notrump Leads was a ground-breaking and very well-received book that used the power of computers to determine which opening leads work best against a variety of auctions at notrump. Using enhanced software, the authors now turn their attention to suit contracts. They generate millions of random deals, retaining those that match the chosen auction, for example 1S-2S-4S. By playing these deals automatically against each of the 13 possible opening leads from a given hand, they are able to discover which lead is most likely to beat the contract (also the best lead at matchpoint pairs). The authors provide insightful commentary to each result, answering timeless questions such as: When should I lead a trump? When is a doubleton a good opening lead? Should I lead differently against a partscore? Should I make an aggressive or a passive lead? Should I lead an ace against a small slam? Which leads work best against a grand slam? By using the number-crunching computer power available nowadays, there is no longer any need to rely on general opening-lead guidelines passed down by our ancestors. We think you will be surprised by many of the discoveries made during this investigation! DAVID BIRD (top) and TAF ANTHIAS were contemporaries at Cambridge University, both reading mathematics. They carried out research and development on software systems for over 30 years at IBM's UK Laboratories. In the 1970s they formed a successful bridge partnership, winning a number of national events. David is now one of the world's top bridge writers with 116 books to his name. Taf moved on to the USA, where he became a vice president of Cisco Systems. They have joined forces on this ground-breaking book.

No Trump Contracts

Book Description

No trump contracts provide the nuts and bolts of bridge card play. Without a trump suit lurking in the background, where small cards can pop up unexpectedly and ruff your winners, the play is simplified and becomes all about the correct handling of the suits. This does not imply that no trump play is easy--far from it. There are difficult decisions to be made all along the line: should you take a finesse? which is the danger hand? when is it right to hold off? In this groundbreaking book, renowned bridge author David Bird helps you to answer these questions and to comprehend the reasoning as to why certain decisions are taken. Each independent principle is thoroughly examined and the reader is then invited to test their own understanding of the concept by answering a number of puzzles typical of those that arise in practical play.

Bidding Topics

Book Description

This books contains articles adapted into book form that have been designed for all levels of player: by starting with the basics on the topic and gradually filling in details up to expert level, I hope to frame the issues in a way all can understand and also raise issues for a partnership to discuss. The techniques in this book are sustainable and can be incorporated into any bidding system. Learn from the best and see instant improvement in your results at the bridge table.

Audrey Grant's Better Bridge

Book Description

"This book tells you everything you need to know about the most widely accepted bidding methods. Read about the secrets of hand evaluation that can dramatically improve your game. Learn how to describe your hand to partner so that the partnership can find its way to the best contract. Discover new concepts that keep the bidding conversation straightforward. You'll be confident when you go to your next bridge game because you'll have the solid foundation needed to handle any bidding sequence."--Back cover

Beginning Bridge

Book Description

Written for complete beginners, this book is based on material that Barbara Seagram uses in her own classes to introduce hundreds of new players to the game every year. The book will take readers to the point where they can enjoy a social game with friends or begin to explore their local bridge club.

Improve Your Declarer Play

Book Description

This second title in Audrey Grant's Bookmark Series teaches how to implement the endplay in bridge. In some suit combinations it's better to have the suit led by the opponents into the declarer's strength. Learn how to recognize suits better led by defender, identify the exit card, eliminate defenders' options and play the throw-in. There are explanatory hands plus ten practice deals. Fold-out bookmark flaps reference the essential ideas.


Book Description

Defense is the hardest part of playing bridge, but that doesn't mean that it's impossible to learn. The authors explain how to make a plan as a defender: how to work out from the auction and play what declarer probably has, and which of the strategies available to defenders is likely to be successful.

Contract Bridge for Beginners

Book Description

Here is the first book on Contract Bridge for beginners which introduces them at once to the generally accepted Point Count method of bidding used by the experts. Written by the leading authority, the foremost teacher, and the most successful bridge player in the world, it will prove a boon to the novice and the average bridge player alike.

Good, Better, Best

Book Description

Bridge players constantly argue about the 'best' bidding systems and conventions. Strong Club or Natural? With or without relays? Standard or 2/1? Weak or strong notrump? Was the Blue Club system really better than the natural systems in the 1950s and 1960s? Is two-way Stayman as good as Stayman and transfers? Disciplined or undisciplined weak twos -- which work better? And many, many more... Well, now we have the answer to those questions, provided by exhaustive analysis and the results of computer simulations. And not only which is better, but also by how much, typically tested in thousands of 24-board IMP matches. Playing the same deals via the same AI software eliminates the variable of player skill, and bidding methods are judged solely on their own merits. It is as objective a test as modern technology can provide. And the results may not be what you would expect.