Hydrology and the Management of Watersheds

Book Description

This new edition is a major revision of the popular introductory reference on hydrology and watershed management principles, methods, and applications. The book's content and scope have been improved and condensed, with updated chapters on the management of forest, woodland, rangeland, agricultural urban, and mixed land use watersheds. Case studies and examples throughout the book show practical ways to use web sites and the Internet to acquire data, update methods and models, and apply the latest technologies to issues of land and water use and climate variability and change.

Water Policy in Minnesota

Book Description

Minnesota has a unique role in U.S. water policy. Hydrologically, it is a state with more than 12,000 lakes, an inland sea, and the headwaters of three major river systems: the St Lawrence, the Red River of the North, and the Mississippi. Institutionally, Minnesota is also unique. All U.S. states use Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) approaches to addressing impaired waters. Every TMDL requires a substantial investment of resources, including data collection, modeling, stakeholder input and analysis, a watershed management plan, as well as process and impact monitoring. Minnesota is the only state in the union that has passed legislation (the 2007 Clean Water Legacy Act) providing significant resources to support the TMDL process. The book will be an excellent guide for policymakers and decision makers who are interested in learning about alternative approaches to water management. Non-governmental organizations interested in stimulating effective water quality policy will also find this a helpful resource. Finally, there are similarities between the lessons learned in Minnesota and the goals of water policy in several other states and nations, where there are competing uses of water for households, agriculture, recreation, and navigation.

Human Impacts to Minnesota Wetlands

Book Description

Minnesota's 3.6 million ha of wetlands have been impacted by a variety of human activities, including agricultural drainage, urbanization, water control, and no-point source pollution. More than half of Minnesota's wetlands have been destroyed since the first European settlers arrived, an average loss of about 35,600 ha/yr. Drainage for agriculture is the major cause of wetland loss in Minnesota, particularly in southern Minnesota and the Red River Valley. In addition to impacting wetlands directly, wetland drainage affects downstream areas by increasing flood flows, and releasing sediment and nutrients. Urban development and highway construction affect a smaller proportion of Minnesota's wetlands, but substantially alter their physical, chemical, and biological properties. Hydrology has a major influence on the structure and function of wetlands, so changes in the frequency, duration, depth, and timing of wetland flooding can severely impact wetlands. While wetlands can assimilate low levels of sediment and nutrients enrichment, excessive inputs can be detrimental. Peat harvesting is not currently extensive in Minnesota, but could cause substantial impacts. Cumulative impact, the incremental impact of an action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions, is becoming an area of increasing concern.