Aquinas, Original Sin, and the Challenge of Evolution

Book Description

Drawing on Aquinas, Houck proposes a groundbreaking theory of original sin that is theologically robust and consonant with evolutionary theory.

The Transmission of Sin

Book Description

Originally published in Italian in 1978, The Transmission of Sin is a study of the origins of the doctrine of original sin, one of the most important teachings of the Catholic Church. While the doctrine has a basis in biblical sources, it found its classic expression in the work of St. Augustine. Yet Augustine did not work out his theory on the basis of the biblical texts alone, rather he sought to understand them in the context of the religious thinking of his own time. Pier Franco Beatrice's work seeks to illuminate that context, and discover the post-biblical influences on Augustine's thought. Although he made considerable efforts to defend and elaborate the doctrine of hereditary guilt, says Beatrice, the doctrine already existed before Augustine and was in fact widespread in the Christianity of the time, particularly in the West. He locates its origins in Egypt in the second half of the second century CE, in Jewish-Christian circles that saw sexual congress as the source of the physical and moral corruption that afflicts all humans. In reaction to this extreme view, which rejected marriage and procreation as inherently evil, other theologians developed a more moderate position, recognizing only personal sin, which could not be inherited. Beatrice argues that Augustine's doctrine exemplified a synthesis of these two trends which would ultimately triumph as the orthodox Catholic position.

A History of Christian Thought Volume II

Book Description

A treatment of the evolution of Christian thought from the birth of Christ, to the Apostles, to the early church, to the great flowering of Christianity across the world. Beginning with Augustine, Volume 2 covers the flowering of Christian thought that characterized both the Latin West and the Byzantine East during the Middle Ages.

St. Augustine, His Confessions, and His Influence

Book Description

This book introduces Augustine of Hippo and his influence on Christian theology. Part One works through all thirteen books of the Confessions, introducing the life and thought of the bishop of Hippo with commentary on frequent but brief quotations. The Confessions reveal Augustine’s major doctrinal concerns, some of them explicitly and thoroughly (such as the Manichees, Platonists, scripture), others implicitly (monasticism, Donatism, ministry), and some in passing (Trinity) or as a preview (Pelagians). Part Two sketches the medieval reception of the Augustinian theological legacy, not chronologically but topically, in the order of the concerns in the Confessions, such as original sin, St. Monica, medieval Manichees, monastic communities, new Donatists, Neo-Platonism, the introspective soul, symbolic scripture, the Trinity, and above all the recurring Pelagian controversies over free will and grace, election and predestination, that continued into the Reformation.

Answer to the Pelagians

Book Description

The Works of St. Augustine - an English Translation for the 21st century.