The International Politics of Space

Book Description

The year 2007 saw the fiftieth anniversary of the Space Age, which began with the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in October 1957. Space is crucial to the politics of the postmodern world. It has seen competition and cooperation in the past fifty years, and is in danger of becoming a battlefield in the next fifty. The International Politics of Space is the first book to bring these crucial themes together and provide a clear and vital picture of how politically important space has become, and what its exploitation might mean for all our futures. Michael Sheehan analyzes the space programmes of the United States, Russia, China, India and the European Space Agency, and explains how central space has become to issues of war and peace, international law, justice and international development, and cooperation between the worlds leading states. It highlights the significance of China and India’s commitment to space, and explains how the theories and concepts we use to describe and explain space are fundamental to the possibility of avoiding conflict in space in the future.

The International Politics of Space

Book Description

The year 2007 saw the fiftieth anniversary of the Space Age, which began with the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in October 1957. Space is crucial to the politics of the postmodern world. It has seen competition and cooperation in the past fifty years, and is in danger of becoming a battlefield in the next fifty. The International Po

Securing Outer Space

Book Description

The challenges that space poses for political theory are profound. Yet until now, the exploration and utilization of space has generally reflected – but not challenged – the political patterns and impulses which characterized twentieth-century politics and International Relations. This edited volume analyses a number of controversial policies, and contentious strategies which have promoted space activities under the rubric of exploration and innovation, militarization and weaponization, colonization and commercialization. It places these policies and strategies in broader theoretical perspective in two key ways. Firstly, it engages in a reading of the discourses of space activities: exposing their meaning-producing practices; uncovering the narratives which convey certain space strategies as desirable, inevitable and seamless. Secondly, the essays suggest ways of understanding, and critically engaging with, the effects of particular space policies. The essays here seek to ‘bring back space’ into the realm of International Relations discourse, from which it has been largely removed, marginalized and silenced. The various chapters do this by highlighting how activities in outer space are always connected to earth-bound practices and performances of the every day. Securing Outer Space will be of great interest to students of space power, critical security studies and IR theory.

The Politics of Space Security

Book Description

The past five decades have witnessed often fierce international rivalry in space, but also surprising military restraint. Now, with an increasing number of countries capable of harming U.S. space assets, experts and officials have renewed a long-standing debate over the best route to space security. Some argue that space defenses will be needed to protect critical military and civilian satellites. Others argue that space should be a "sanctuary" from deployed weapons and military conflict, particularly given the worsening threat posed by orbital space debris. Moltz puts this debate into historical context by explaining the main trends in military space developments since Sputnik, their underlying causes, and the factors that are likely to influence their future course. This new edition provides analysis of the Obama administration's space policy and the rise of new actors, including China, India, and Iran. His conclusion offers a unique perspective on the mutual risks militaries face in space and the need for all countries to commit to interdependent, environmentally focused space security.

International Politics of Space

Book Description

The year 2007 saw the fiftieth anniversary of the Space Age, which began with the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in October 1957. Space is crucial to the politics of the postmodern world. It has seen competition and cooperation in the past fifty years, and is in danger of becoming a battlefield in the next fifty. The International Politics of Space is the first book to bring these crucial themes together and provide a clear and vital picture of how politically important space has become, and what its exploitation might mean for all our futures. Michael Sheehan analyzes the space progr.

The Politics of Space and Place

Book Description

What might an analysis of politics which focuses on the operation of power through space and place, and on the spatial structuring of inequality, tell us about the world we make for ourselves and others? From the national border to the wire fence; from the privatisation of land to the exclusion and expulsion of persecuted peoples; questions of space and place, of who can be where and what they can do there, are at the very heart of the most important political debates of our time. Bringing together an interdisciplinary collection of authors deploying diverse perspectives and methodological approaches, this book responds to the pressing demand to reflect on and engage with some of the key questions raised by a political analysis of space and place. Its chapters chart the ways in which inequality and exclusion are played out in spatial terms, exploring the operations of power and resistance at the micro-level of the individual home and small community, analysing modes of securitisation and fortification utilised in the interests of wealth and power, and documenting the ways in which space and place are being transformed by changing socio-economic and cultural demands. As well as analysing the ways in which forms of exclusion and persecution are manifest spatially, the chapters in this book also attend to the forms of resistance and contestation which emerge in response to them. Resistance is found in the persistence of those who build and rebuild their homes and communities in a world which seems bent on their exclusion. At the same time life on the peripheries can give rise to new conceptions of citizenship and public space as well as to new political demands which seek to (re)claim space and contest the dominant order. Bringing together scholars working in fields as diverse as political science, geography, international studies, cultural anthropology, architecture, political philosophy and the visual arts, this book offers readers access to a range of contemporary case studies and theoretical perspectives. Relevant, timely and thoroughly accessible, this text offers an integrated approach to what can be a dauntingly diverse area of study and will be of interest not only to those working in fields such as architecture, political theory and geography but also to non-specialists and students.

The Politics of Space

Book Description

This title provides a concise guide to the way in which politics and space exploration interact.

The International Politics of Space

Book Description

The year 2007 will see the 50th anniversary of the Space Age, which began with the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in October 1957. Since that time, the development of space technology has revolutionised many aspects of life on Earth, from satellite television to mobile phones, the internet and micro-electronics. It has also helped to bring about a revolution in the use of military force by the most powerful states. Space is crucial to the politics of the postmodern world. It has seen competition and cooperation in the past fifty years, and is in danger of becoming a battlefield in the next fifty. The International Politics of Space is the first book to bring these crucial themes together and provide a clear and vital picture of how politically important space has become, and what its exploitation might mean for all our futures. Michael Sheehan analyses the space programmes of the United States, Russia, China, India and the European Space Agency, and explains how central space has become to issues of war and peace, international law, justice and international development, and cooperation between the worlds leading states. It highlights the significance of China and India's commitment to space, and explains how the theories and concepts we use todescribe and explain space are fundamental to the possibility of avoiding conflict in space in the future. This ground-breaking book will be of great interest to students of international relations, space politics and security studies.

Space, Territory, and the State

Book Description

This collection of essays addresses the neglected issues of space, border and statelessness in international politics and contributes a much needed view from the South . Importantly, it asserts that chasms created by borders (including those between India and Pakistan) can be bridged by dialogue, a little analysed tool in international relations.

Space Environment and International Politics

Book Description

Embark on an enlightening journey through the vast expanse of space law and policy with “Space Environment and International Politics”. Authored by experts in the field, this comprehensive volume explores the intricacies of international space law, from the development of legal frameworks to the challenges posed by space debris and the regulation of space activities. Delving into the space policies of international organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, and the European Space Agency, the book offers invaluable insights into efforts to ensure outer space security and foster sustainable space politics. Examining key issues surrounding space security and warfare, including cyber security threats and the militarization of space, the authors provide a nuanced understanding of the evolving geopolitical dynamics. With its meticulous research, insightful analysis, and balanced discussions, this book is an indispensable resource for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners navigating the complex terrain of international space law and politics. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an aspiring student, “Space Environment and International Politics” offers a captivating glimpse into the legal, political, and technological dimensions of politics beyond Earth. CONTENTS PREFACE CHAPTER I. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND SPACE ENVIRONMENT THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL SPACE LAW… Caner Akkaya and Ozan Örmeci LEGAL STATUS OF SPACE DEBRIS. Çağla Arslan Bozkuş and Volkan Bozkuş SPACE NEGOTIATIONS THROUGH THE LENSES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Öncel Sençerman PEACEFUL AND NON-PEACEFUL USES OF OUTER SPACE IN INTERNATIONAL LAW Tuba Taşlıcalı Koç CHAPTER II. SPACE POLICIES OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS UNITED NATIONS’ EFFORTS TO ENSURE OUTER SPACE SECURITY.. Doğan Şafak Polat NATO’s SPACE POLICY in the 2000s. Sibel Kavuncu EVOLUTION OF THE EUROPEAN SPACE AGECY (ESA): REGULATION OF SPACE IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICS. Caner Akkaya and Cenap Çakmak CHAPTER III. STATES AND SUSTAINABLE SPACE POLITICS RUSSIAN FEDERATION’S SPACE SECURITY APPROACH.. Ahmet Sapmaz TüRKIYE’S STUDIES IN THE SPACE FIELD.. Hande Ortay DEVELOPMENT OF SPACE POLICY AND LAW IN TÜRKİYE.. Onur Sabri Durak EXAMINATION OF TÜRKİYE’S SPACE POLICIES WITHIN THE SCOPE OF SUSTAINABILITY Çağlar Özer CHAPTER IV. SPACE SECURITY AND WARFARE CYBER SECURITY IN SPACE.. Serkan Gönen AN ASSESSMENT OF SPACE SECURITY: UNDERSTANDING SPACE THREAT VECTORS AND THEIR IMPACT ON MILITARY ASPECTS AND HUMAN SECURITY UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW… Nebile Pelin Mantı ASSESSMENT OF EXPANDING SECURITY INTO SPACE AND TRANSFORMING SPACE INTO A NEW WARFIGHTING DOMAIN: OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS. Murat Pınar and Soyalp Tamçelik MILITARY IMPORTANCE OF SPACE AND SPACE SECURITY.. Fuat İnce SPACE SECURITY PERCEPTIONS OF SPACEFARING NATIONS. Serap Gürsel EMERGING SPACE WARFARE TECHNOLOGIES AND SPACE AS A POSSIBLE THEATER OF WAR.. Serap Gürsel CHAPTER V. SPACE ENVIRONMENT AND INTERNATIONAL POLITICS SPACE SECURITY THROUGH MAIN IR THEORIES. Burak Şakir Şeker POWER BALANCE IN THE SPACE ENVIRONMENT.. Burak Şakir Şeker SPACE AND INTERNATIONAL POLITICS. Mesut Şöhret SPACE DIPLOMACY AS A GLOBAL SECURITY MEASURE IN WEAPONIZATION OF OUTER SPACE.. Tolga Erdem CHAPTER VI. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS, SOCIAL LIFE AND SPACE CULTURE NANO AND MICRO SATELLITES AS THE PILLAR OF THE ‘NEW SPACE’ PARADIGM Fuat İnce SATELLITE POLLUTION AROUND THE WORLD.. Hüseyin Çelik CONCEPTS AND MODELS OF DESIGN FOR URBANIZATION OF SPACE.. Ersan Koç IS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY POSSIBLE IN THE SPACE?. Gökhan Alptekin