The Islamic Antichrist

Book Description

"In 'The Islamic Antichrist', Richardson exposes Western readers to the traditions of Islam and predicts that the end times may not be far away. His book will stun readers unaware of the similarities between the Antichrisst and the "Islamic Jesus." His research on the relationship between Christian end-time prophecy and Islamic expectations of world domination will shock readers and shape the debate over radical Islam for years to come. This is the book to read to understand Islam's potential role in fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible"--Page 2 of cover.


Book Description

A highly acclaimed and fascinating examination of Islamic and biblical end-time prophecies. Discover the startling similarities between the biblical Antichrist and Islam's Messiah figure known as Imam al-Mahdi. A must read for anyone interested in Islam, Bible prophecy or the underlying spiritual factors behind many of today's current events.

Mideast Beast

Book Description

Whereas most students of the Bible have long held that some form of humanism or universalist religion would catapult the Antichrist to world power, this book systematically proves the biblical case for an Islamic Antichrist.

The Islamic Antichrist

Book Description

God has begun to reveal the truth about the End Days and the Rise of the Islamic Antichrist, whom the Muslims call Imam Madhi. In this book we will show conclusively that only Islam can fill the role of the Antichrist. You will be shown how Islam is trying to revive its Islamic Caliphate in the Middle-East, which perfectly fulfils the role of the Biblical Empire of the Beast. And also how Islam is planning to create a New Islamic World Order, through Global Jihad, which will begin with the conquering of Jerusalem. We'll compare Muslim tradition about the Last Days and Christian end time scripture, only to discover some shocking revelations, that have remained hidden until now, which will tear the veil and mystery off the end days for good. Finally you'll discover what the Real Mark of the Beast is, and how it connects to 666. Even the book of Revelation has been made easy to understand.

Islam - The Cloak of Antichrist

Book Description

"Bible prophecy is like a giant jigsaw puzzle- except there is no picture on the box." Jack Smith introduces the reader to his unique method of deciphering biblical prophecy in his book Islam, the Cloak of Antichrist. He sees prophecy as a very large, intricate puzzle. Each piece of that puzzle is a passage or verse of prophetic Scripture that is correctly interpreted. That piece must also fit in with the pieces around it. Every piece that is added acts as a foundation for the next piece. Mr. Smith teaches the reader this method of deep Bible study throughout his book, while also answering tough questions, including: Who is the Antichrist? What is the truth behind the Muslim religion and the Qur'an? What is Israel's importance in the last days? Some of the special features of this book include: A table at the end of each chapter that summarizes the significant points. A glossary to help the reader understand confusing "end-times" terms. Extensive historical and factual notes. A color insert with images of the Dome of the Rock. According to Jack Smith, "holy war" against Jews and Christians is a common thread woven throughout Bible prophecies of the last days. This holy war will encompass the entire earth, including a wearing down of Christianity, a trampling of Jerusalem, and Islam's eventual dominion over the entire world, including the White House. Smith interprets Shi'ah Islam of Iran to be a leading force in this holy war.

Decoding the Antichrist and the End Times

Book Description

Will the real Antichrist please stand up? For the last two thousand years people have been anxiously trying to analyze who the Antichrist might be and when he might be revealed. Many people have made preposterous claims, and of course, they have been wrong. If you’re not careful, you can get caught up in the debate and spend so much time arguing with other Christians over the details that you don’t accomplish anything for the kingdom! To make matters worse, we now live in an era when, for the first time, we have the possibility of an artificial intelligence Antichrist, a human computer hybrid that will demand to be worshipped. Have you ever wondered if it’s OK to have Alexa, Siri, and other forms of artificial intelligence in your home? We know that the Bible says great deception is coming, so what is a concerned believer to do? Author and minister Mark Biltz wants you to understand the methods of the Antichrist so you won’t be deceived. This book will help you know the big picture of what has happened historically, what is unfolding this very moment, and what the future holds concerning the Antichrist based on the unfolding purposes of God.

The Islamic Antichrist Myth

Book Description

The debate among Christians continues to rage: Exactly where will the Antichrist come from? And to what religion will he belong? Over the last ten years, an increasing number of pastors and prophecy experts have abandoned their support for the traditional "Roman Antichrist" view and are now promoting the Islamic Antichrist Theory. The Beast of the Apocalypse, they now say, will rise out of Islam-somewhere in the Middle East-and he will conquer the world with a vast army of unstoppable Muslim warriors. In support of this conjecture, proponents of the Islamic Antichrist Theory point to several pertinent facts. For example:?The Bible repeatedly refers to the Antichrist by Arabic titles, such as King of Babylon, King of Tyre, the Assyrian, etc.?In agreement with Revelation 20:4, Islam requires the beheading of those who will not submit to their leader's authority.?The Greek letters for 666-according to some experts-actually stand for: "In the name of Allah, we will make war."Yet despite all these "facts," the Bible clearly states that the Antichrist's homeland lies to the northwest of Israel-a region completely devoid of Arabic nations. Indeed, the principle of divine retribution requires that God take vengeance on a Roman Caesar, as payment for Rome's execution of Jesus in 32 A.D. and its destruction of Jerusalem a short time later. Here, in The Islamic Antichrist Myth, Charles K. Bassett examines fifteen of the most popular arguments in support of the Islamic Antichrist Theory, and patiently explains why each one is wrong. Once this myth is dispelled, says Bassett, the only logical conclusion is that the Antichrist must be a "Roman," and he must come out of Europe.

What Is the Antichrist-Islam Connection?

Book Description

A scholarly study of the symbols in Daniel and Revelation specifically addressing what role the religion of Islam will play in the rise of the Antichrist.

The Catholic Thing

Book Description

The Catholic "thing" - the concrete historical reality of Catholicism as a presence in human history - is the richest cultural tradition in the world. It values both faith and reason, and therefore has a great deal to say about politics and economics, war and peace, manners and morals, children and families, careers and vocations, and many other perennial and contemporary questions. In addition, it has inspired some of the greatest art, music, and architecture, while offering unparalleled human solidarity to tens of millions through hospitals, soup kitchens, schools, universities, and relief services. This volume brings together some of the very best commentary on a wide range of recent events and controversies by some of the very best Catholic writers in the English language: Ralph McInerny, Michael Novak, Fr. James V. Schall, Hadley Arkes, Robert Royal, Anthony Esolen, Brad Miner, George Marlin, David Warren, Austin Ruse, Francis Beckwith, and many others. Their contributions cover large Catholic subjects such as philosophy and theology, liturgy and Church dogma, postmodern culture, the Church and modern politics, literature, and music. But they also look into specific contemporary problems such as religious liberty, the role of Catholic officials in public life, growing moral hazards in bio-medical advances, and such like. The Catholic Thing is a virtual encyclopedia of Catholic thought about modern life.