The Italian Reformers and the Zurich Church, c.1540-1620

Book Description

Recently scholars have become increasingly aware of Zurich's role as an intellectual and cultural centre of the European Reformation. This study focuses on a little-known aspect of the Zurich church's international activity: its relationship with Italian-speaking evangelicals during the period 1540-1620. The work assesses the importance of Zwinglian influences within the early Italian evangelical movement and Zurich's contribution to the spread of the Reformation in Italian-speaking territories such as Locarno and southern Graubünden. It shows how, following the establishment of the Roman Inquisition in July 1542, senior Zurich churchmen emerged as important points of contact for Italian reformers in exile. A central concern of the study is the threat to the integrity of the Zwinglian settlement posed by religious radicals within the Italian exile community. Although the radicals were relatively few in number, their activities had a profound influence on the way in which the community as a whole came to be perceived by the Swiss and other Reformed churches. In Zurich, the turning point was a series of doctrinal disputes during the mid-sixteenth century, which culminated in the dissolution of the city's Italian church in November 1563. The alliance forged in the course of those disputes between the leadership of the Zurich church and theologically conservative Italian exiles became the basis for close co-operation in subsequent decades. Drawing heavily on unpublished sources from Swiss archives, the volume sheds light on the processes by which the boundaries of Reformed orthodoxy came to be defined. In particular, it demonstrates the importance of theological controversy and polemic as catalysts for the systematisation of doctrine during this period.

The Emergence of Pastoral Authority in the French Reformed Church (c.1555-c.1572)

Book Description

The Emergence of Pastoral Authority in the French Reformed Church, c.1555-c.1572 offers an account of the issues and ambiguities connected to the implementation of the authority of the first generation of Geneva-trained French Reformed pastors.

Reformation and Early Modern Europe

Book Description

Continuing the tradition of historiographic studies, this volume provides an update on research in Reformation and early modern Europe. Written by expert scholars in the field, these eighteen essays explore the fundamental points of Reformation and early modern history in religious studies, European regional studies, and social and cultural studies. Authors review the present state of research in the field, new trends, key issues scholars are working with, and fundamental works in their subject area, including the wide range of electronic resources now available to researchers. Reformation and Early Modern Europe: A Guide to Research is a valuable resource for students and scholars of early modern Europe.

The Oxford Handbook of Calvin and Calvinism

Book Description

The Oxford Handbook of Calvin and Calvinism offers a comprehensive assessment of John Calvin and the tradition of Calvinism as it evolved from the sixteenth century to today. Featuring contributions from scholars who present the latest research on a pluriform religious movement that became a global faith. The volume focuses on key aspects of Calvin's thought and its diverse reception in Europe, the transatlantic world, Africa, South America, and Asia. Calvin's theology was from the beginning open to a wide range of interpretations and was never a static body of ideas and practices. Over the course of his life his thought evolved and deepened while retaining unresolved tensions and questions that created a legacy that was constantly evolving in different cultural contexts. Calvinism itself is an elusive term, bringing together Christian communities that claim a shared heritage but often possess radically distinct characters. The Handbook reveals fascinating patterns of continuity and change to demonstrate how the movement claimed the name of the Genevan reformer but was moulded by an extraordinary range of religious, intellectual and historical influences, from the Enlightenment and Darwinism to indigenous African beliefs and postmodernism. In its global contexts, Calvinism has been continuously reimagined and reinterpreted. This collection throws new light on the highly dynamic and fluid nature of a deeply influential form of Christianity.

Architect of Reformation

Book Description

Heinrich Bullinger, the friend and successor of Huldrych Zwingli, led the Zurich church for almost fifty years after Zwingli's death and was largely responsible for the construction of the Reformed church in the sixteenth century. Nevertheless, Bullinger has often been called the forgotten Reformer of the sixteenth century. Architect of Reformation is the first broad introduction to Bullinger's life and theology available in English. The book features an international collection of the world's leading Bullinger and Reformation scholars addressing such categories as theology, spirituality, ecclesiology, humanism, politics, and family. At the five-hundred-year anniversary of Bullinger's birth, Architect of Reformation gives the often-overlooked Swiss Reformer his long-overdue and much-deserved recognition as a leading figure among second generation Reformers.


Book Description

In Nicodemites: Faith and Concealment Between Italy and Tudor England, Anne Overell examines those who concealed their beliefs, thus avoiding persecution. Focusing on dilemmas in England and Italy, she concludes that Nicodemites contributed to the erratic development of toleration.

Johann Sleidan and the Protestant Vision of History

Book Description

One of the major challenges faced by the emergent Protestant faith was how to establish itself in a hitherto Catholic world. A key way it found to achieve this was to create a common identity through the fashioning of history, emphasising Protestantism's legitimacy and authority. In this study, the life and works of one of the earliest and most influential Protestant historians, Johann Sleidan (1506-1556) are explored to reveal how history could be used to consolidate the new confession and the states which adopted it. Sleidan was commissioned by leading intellectuals from the Schmalkadic League to write the official history of the German Protestant movement, resulting in the publication in 1555 of De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo Quinto, Caesare, Commentarii. Overnight his work became the standard account of the early Reformation, referenced by Catholics and Protestants alike in subsequent histories and polemical debates for the next three centuries. Providing the first comprehensive account of Sleidan's life, based almost entirely on primary sources, this book offers a convincing background and context for his writings. It also shows how Sleidan's political role as a diplomat impacted on his work as a historian, and how in turn his monumental work influenced political debate in France and Germany. As a moderate who sought to promote accommodation between the rival confessions, Sleidan provides a fascinating subject of study for modern historians seeking to better understand the complex and multi-faceted nature of the early Reformation.

The Sacralization of Space and Behavior in the Early Modern World

Book Description

In the Early Modern period - as both reformed and Catholic churches strove to articulate orthodox belief and conduct through texts, sermons, rituals, and images - communities grappled frequently with the connection between sacred space and behavior. The Sacralization of Space and Behavior in the Early Modern World explores individual and community involvement in the approbation, reconfiguration and regulation of sacred spaces and the behavior (both animal and human) within them. The individual’s understanding of sacred space, and consequently the behavior appropriate within it, depended on local need, group dynamics, and the dissemination of normative expectations. While these expectations were defined in a growing body of confessionalizing literature, locally and internationally traditional clerical authorities found their decisions contested, circumvented, or elaborated in order to make room for other stakeholders’ activities and needs. To clearly reveal the efforts of early modern groups to negotiate authority and the transformation of behavior with sacred space, this collection presents examples that allow the deconstruction of these tensions and the exploration of the resulting campaigns within sacred space. Based on new archival research the eleven chapters in this collection examine diverse aspects of the campaigns to transform Christian behavior within a variety of types of sacred space and through a spectrum of media. These essays give voice to the arguments, exhortations, and accusations that surrounded the activities taking place in early modern sacred space and reveal much about how people made sense of these transformations.

A King Translated

Book Description

King James is well known as the most prolific writer of all the Stuart monarchs, publishing works on numerous topics and issues. These works were widely read, not only in Scotland and England but also on the Continent, where they appeared in several translations. In this book, Dr Stilma looks both at the domestic and international context to James's writings, using as a case study a set of Dutch translations which includes his religious meditations, his epic poem The Battle of Lepanto, his treatise on witchcraft Daemonologie and his manual on kingship Basilikon Doron. The book provides an examination of James's writings within their original Scottish context, particularly their political implications and their role in his management of his religio-political reputation both at home and abroad. The second half of each chapter is concerned with contemporary interpretations of these works by James's readers. The Dutch translations are presented as a case study of an ultra-protestant and anti-Spanish reading from which James emerges as a potential leader of protestant Europe; a reputation he initially courted, then distanced himself from after his accession to the English throne in 1603. In so doing this book greatly adds to our appreciation of James as an author, providing an exploration of his works as politically expedient statements, which were sometimes ambiguous enough to allow diverging - and occasionally unwelcome - interpretations. It is one of the few studies of James to offer a sustained critical reading of these texts, together with an exploration of the national and international context in which they were published and read. As such this book contributes to the understanding not only of James's works as political tools, but also of the preoccupations of publishers and translators, and the interpretative spaces in the works they were making available to an international audience.

Italian Reform and English Reformations, c.1535–c.1585

Book Description

This is the first full-scale study of interactions between Italy's religious reform and English reformations, which were notoriously liable to pick up other people's ideas. The book is of fundamental importance for those whose work includes revisionist themes of ambiguity, opportunism and interdependence in sixteenth century religious change. Anne Overell adopts an inclusive approach, retaining within the group of Italian reformers those spirituali who left the church and those who remained within it, and exploring commitment to reform, whether 'humanist', 'protestant' or 'catholic'. In 1547, when the internationalist Archbishop Thomas Cranmer invited foreigners to foster a bolder reformation, the Italians Peter Martyr Vermigli and Bernardino Ochino were the first to arrive in England. The generosity with which they were received caused comment all over Europe: handsome travel expenses, prestigious jobs, congregations which included the great and the good. This was an entry con brio, but the book also casts new light on our understanding of Marian reformation, led by Cardinal Reginald Pole, English by birth but once prominent among Italy's spirituali. When Pole arrived to take his native country back to papal allegiance, he brought with him like-minded men and Italian reform continued to be woven into English history. As the tables turned again at the accession of Elizabeth I, there was further clamour to 'bring back Italians'. Yet Elizabethans had grown cautious and the book's later chapters analyse the reasons why, offering scholars a new perspective on tensions between national and international reformations. Exploring a nexus of contacts in England and in Italy, Anne Overell presents an intriguing connection, sealed by the sufferings of exile and always tempered by political constraints. Here, for the first time, Italian reform is shown as an enduring part of the Elect Nation's literature and myth.