The Janus Principle

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The Janus Principle

Book Description

THE JANUS PRINCIPLE offers solutions to the often vexing task of organizing a large organization (and even small firms) into an effective marketing engine to profitably sell into the small business marketplace. Addressing the rapidly expanding role of the Internet and other electronic gateways, the authors also demonstrate how to more effectively use traditional sales tools in an integrated marketing effort. The authors have distilled 20+ years of experience advising Fortune 100 corporations as well as researching the small business marketplace into a concept that large and small organizations can adopt and use. THE JANUS PRINCIPLE is an easily understood and implement approach that helps focus the selling organization (large and small) on those factors that breed success in this enormous, still growing market. THE JANUS PRINCIPLE takes its name from the Roman god of the portal or door that looks both outward and inward. The book lists specific things you need to do to successfully sell to small businesses, and describes how to utilize direct mail and online channels together to profitably sell over the Internet.

The Janus Principle

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International Development Law

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This book describes how international development works, its shortcomings, its theoretical and practical foundations, along with prescriptions for the future. International Development Law provides the reader with new perspectives on the origins of global poverty, identifies legal impediments to sustainable economic growth, and provides a better understanding of the challenges faced by the international community in resolving global poverty issues. The text is structured into two basic parts: the first part deals with the theoretical and philosophic foundations of the subject, and the second part sets forth issues relating to the international financial architecture, namely, international borrowing practices, privatization, and emerging economies. In particular, the book provides new, innovative analysis on corruption as an impediment to sustainable development. The three interlocking facets of corruption are examined: transnational organized crime, Islamic-based international terrorism, and corruption within emerging economies and the international banking system. Thus fresh new analysis adds depth and clarity to a field that heretofore has been scattered and superficial. Finally, the “right to development” within the international human rights discourse is critically reviewed, particularly in light of new jurisprudence emerging from the African context.This book offers a fresh, new and balanced legal perspective on the development process. The text has been rigorously researched and has many practical facets based on the author’s professional experience within the international development field. It is an invaluable research and teaching tool since it takes a multidisciplinary approach to putting complex issues, legal trends and political questions into a clear, new perspective that is highly analytical as well as accessible to the reader. The author's elegant legal prose is both powerful and persuasive.

Organizations Evolving

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In this authoritative exploration of contemporary organisations and the ways they mirror their environment, Howard Aldrich and Martin Ruef chart the development of organisational forms, as well as assessing the impact on these of external innovations.

The Janus Faces of Genius

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In this major re-evaluation of Isaac Newton's intellectual life, Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs shows how his pioneering work in mathematics, physics, and cosmology was intertwined with his study of alchemy. Directing attention to the religious ambience of the alchemical enterprise of early modern Europe, Dobbs argues that Newton understood alchemy - and the divine activity in micromatter to which it spoke - to be a much needed corrective to the overly mechanized system of Descartes. The same religious basis underlay the rest of his work. To Newton it seemed possible to obtain partial truths from many different approaches to knowledge, be it textual work aimed at the interpretation of prophecy, the study of ancient theology and philosophy, creative mathematics, or experiments with prisms, pendulums, vegetating minerals, light, or electricity. Newton's work was a constant attempt to bring these partial truths together, with the larger goal of restoring true natural philosophy and true religion.

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The Time of Janus

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Alexander IX has just become pope. He presides over a Vatican that is a viper’s nest of intrigue, betrayal, and assassinations instigated by the ruthless Dante Sabatini, head of the Praetorian Order. In an orchestrated campaign to take control of the Roman Catholic Church and its wealth, Sabatini has engineered a decades-long campaign of blackmail and coercion that has ensnared members of the College of Cardinals, the church’s governing council. But there is more to Sabatini’s plan than just a takeover of the church. He envisions a world where, through religion, the order becomes an international power able to influence governments and global events. As Alexander struggles to retain his hold on the papacy, the nation island of Janus is confronted with an ultimatum by the Spirit, the omniscient force that oversees the cosmos. Sean Brennan, the island’s leader, must reconcile Janus’s centuries-old anonymity with the Spirit’s demand for the islanders to become a universal force for understanding and reconciliation. It is the only way to confront the planet’s impending turmoil represented by Sabatini’s lust for control. The confrontation between the order and Janus is inevitable, as Sabatini and Brennan have vastly different visions for the planet’s future. It is a battle that leaves no room for compromise, and there can only be one victor. How to reconcile the islanders’ commitment to peaceful co-existence with the necessity of confronting the merciless Sabatini is a question that can only be answered by the Spirit. Unwilling to become directly involved in what it believes is the planet’s imminent Armageddon, the Spirit is an interested observer but refuses to assist the islanders in this epic struggle. However, as the deadly consequences begin to take hold, it may have no choice but to intervene.

The Hope of Janus

Book Description

Pope Paul VII has just reluctantly abdicated. Dante Sabatini, head of the feared Praetorian Order, is preparing to seize control of the Vatican and install Cardinal Charles Ambrosia on the papal throne. In a move to cripple those who oppose him, Sabatini commissions his private assassin, Angelica, to eliminate, through a deadly solution, the problems posed by the island nation of Janus. As turmoil overtakes the peaceful islanders, they must reconcile their commitment to understanding and tolerance against the harsh realities threatening to destroy their centuries-old way of life. While fear and tension stalk Janus, the resulting chaos and violence finally force Sean Brennan to decide the future he wants. As events spiral far beyond his control, Sean is left with two choices: to work with the Spirit to take the islands message to the world and achieve global reconciliation or return to his former life in London, forever ending any possibility of a future on Janus with his fiance, Diane. In this continuing tale, peaceful islanders attempt to overcome a brutal tragedy and further retribution instigated by a corrupt Vatican while Sean faces an agonizing decision whether to let hope in the future be his guide or accept that not all dreams are destined to become reality.