The Journal of the Academy of Chiropractic Philosophers

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Chiropractic philosophy provides the basis for the science and art of Chiropractic. candidates of the ACP are challenged to examine their own lives to see if chiropractic thinking fits in their life. Chiropractic is a vitalistic philosophy, science and art that has the potential to rock the health care industry when it is understood. ---------- Old Dad Chiro: His Thoughts, Words and Deeds by Myron D. Brown, D.C., F.C.S.C. (Hon.), A.C.P ABSTRACT The task of presenting an overview of the life's work of the founder of the chiropractic profession appeared to be straightforward at first glance. However, when engaged in preparation for the presentation of, D.D. Palmer, his thoughts, words and deeds, it became quickly apparent that this was an extraordinarily broad, yet fascinating assignment. This paper seeks to develop a reasoned context derived from an overview of the thoughts, words and deeds of the profession's founder. That D.D. Palmer was individualistic and enigmatic is undeniable, nevertheless this work intends to provide a look at the whole, to reveal the character and spirit of the founder, thus leading to reasonable assumptions about the meaning of this fascinating life. ---------- Practice Objective and Its Impact on the Future of the Chiropractic Profession By Judith Nutz Campanale, D.C., F.C.S.C. ABSTRACT This paper examines the sociological constructs that define a profession and applies them to the chiropractic profession. The impact of practice objective on the future of the chiropractic profession is also thoroughly discussed. It is concluded that there are currently at least two separate professions within the chiropractic profession, each of which is fairly well defined and supported. This does not bode well for the profession as a whole as it confuses the public/consumer, creates significant internal strife, and inhibits the profession from gaining its own unique market share ---------- The Straight - Mixer Quandary: Will Chiropractic Survive? Can It Thrive? By James J. Peck, D.C. ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with the absence of a homogeneous definition and objective within the chiropractic profession. As a result of this, chiropractic has struggled and even suffered. While the current situation does not bode well for the profession, it is time to investigate satisfactory solutions. Chiropractic has too much to offer humanity to continue on its current path. To cite Thomas Edison "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, he will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." ---------- Rationales For Variations In Frequency Of Patient Care Among Subluxation Centered Chiropractic Practitioners By Felicia Stewart, D.C., A.C.P INTRODUCTION While it is widely known within the profession that there is a great variation in frequency of care, the reasons behind this wide range are seldom discussed in a formal setting. Three philosophical constructs may serve as a basis for decisions concerning how often a practice member is scheduled for an office visit: the definition of vertebral subluxation, adaptability, and the perceived impact of universal forces on the body. Two aspects of chiropractic practice that derive most or all of their foundation from these three constructs include the care plan and patient education. Two new phrases (created for discussion purposes only), phenomenological view of chiropractic and nutritional view of chiropractic, relate to the relationships between these three philosophical constructs and the aspects of chiropractic practice that derive from them. The intent of this paper is to foster introspection and discussion within and among chiropractors concerning their own basis for recommending a frequency of care and to identify ways in which analytical procedures and patient education can better reflect chiropractic philosophy. http: //

Journal of the Academy of Chiropractic Philosophers Voume 2

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An exploration of issues in the philosophy of chiropractic from the Academy of Chiropractic Philosophers at Sherman College of Chiropractic Thomas J. Kramer, D.C., A.C.P.: "Thermodynamics: The Link that Binds the Philosophy, Science and Art of Chiropractic in the Detection of the Neurological Component of Vertebral Subluxation" Michael J. Norman, D.C., A.C.P.: "A Christian Understanding of Innate Intelligence and the Philosophy of Chiropractic" Daniel H. R. Smith, B.App.Sc (Sports) M.Chiro, A.C.P: "The Imperative of Tone within the Philosophy, Science and Art of Chiropractic: An Overview" Marc Swerdlick, D.C., A.C.P.: "Strategic Model for Propagating a Subluxation Correction Paradigm for the Purpose of Increasing Public Utilization"

Chiropractic Philosophy

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The Chiropractor

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1914 Contents: the Moral & Religious Duty of a Chiropractor; Chiropractic a Science, an Art & Philosophy Thereof; Nerve Vibration; a Brief Review; Inflammation; Vertebral Luxations; Health, Disease, Life and Death; Rachitis or Rickets; Biology;.

Life Without Fear

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Chiropractic Philosophy

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The chiropractic health care profession has traditionally been much more sensitive and attuned to its history and evolution then other disciplines and professions. Examination of the historical foundations and principles of chiropractic is as much a part of a student's education as any basic or clinical science subject.