The Kingdom Paradigm Workbook and Journal Edition

Book Description

The Kingdom Paradigm Workbook and Journal Edition is a resource and study guide de-signed to prepare you for abundant kingdom living. Its daily or weekly lessons are a comprehensive navigation tool that will open you up to an unlimited world that is gov-erned by the favor, power, and grace of God's kingdom.Small or large group studies are encouraged. You can also take the personal journey to a new and empowered you through self-study. At the end of each chapter, be sure to fill out the daily journal section and review it regularly.In this powerful workbook you will learn:* How to apply the principles of unlimited thinking* Simple strategies that will build your faith and transform your world* How the kingdom of God works specifically from the inside out* Basic principles of leadership, influence, and entrepreneurship* How to create and develop clarity of your call and mission

The Marketplace Paradigm Workbook and Journal Edition

Book Description

The Kingdom Paradigm Workbook and Journal Edition is a resource and study guide designed to prepare you for abundant kingdom living. Its daily or weekly lessons are a comprehensive navigation tool that will open you up to an unlimited world that is governed by the favor, power, and grace of God's kingdom.Small or large group studies are encouraged. You can also take the personal journey to a new and empowered you through self-study. At the end of each chapter, be sure to fill out the daily journal section and review it regularly.In this powerful workbook you will learn:* How to apply the principles of unlimited thinking* Simple strategies that will build your faith and transform your world* How the kingdom of God works specifically from the inside out* Basic principles of leadership, influence, and entrepreneurship* How to create and develop clarity of your call and mission

The Entrepreneur Paradigm Workbook and Journal Edition

Book Description

The Entrepreneur Paradigm Workbook and Journal Edition is an intentional study guide strategically purposed to unlock the entrepreneur within you. Every person possesses the unique ability to master something, solve a problem, and make a true difference in the world. That is what it means to be a kingdom entrepreneur, and throughout this comprehensive study you will learn the perimeters and distinct points that outline what it means to have a kingdom business.This workbook is specifically designed to help churches unlock the talent in their minis-tries that often goes undeveloped. It's also a step-by-step guide to doing business God's way. Businesses, organizations, and ministries can host large or small group settings for teams and individuals to complete this study. From this workbook you will learn:* How to apply the 7 unique points of a kingdom business* How to tap into global marketplace innovation and influence* How to become an innovator and problem solver in the world* How to unlock the power of kingdom entrepreneurship* How to launch or grow a scalable startup or company* How to master reaping your harvest in business and in life

The Prayer Paradigm Workbook and Journal Edition

Book Description

The Workbook & Journal Edition of The Prayer Paradigm is an intensive study guide and companion designed to help you leverage the strategies from each chapter into daily practices that can take you to the next level of Kingdom influence with prayer. It includes journal space strategically designed for daily thought and mediation of each lesson. Churches, organizations, staff, small groups, and families are invited to experience this powerful life-changing journey together. With consistent participation we can unleash a global awakening of prayer that the world has never seen. Encourage others to join this revolution! The lessons in this workbook are designed: To give you a bolder, more accurate approach to prayer to produce a conscious awareness of how the laws of the Kingdom operate and how sound governs your life. For you to evolve or to be on the path of evolving into a conscious awareness of your authoritative dominion as a redeemed Kingdom citizen by mastering your divine communication. To empower you with the mindset, techniques, and strategies needed to remove all barriers and hindrances to answered prayer."

The Kingdom Paradigm

Book Description

In the first book of his kingdom series, The Kingdom Paradigm, Julian presents a clear and practical approach to experiencing the kingdom of God in an authentic and tangible way. Within each of us is the roadmap to powerful victorious living and the DNA of leaders, kings, and influencers. The Kingdom Paradigm offers results-oriented teaching, life enriching concepts, and supernatural keys for unleashing that kingdom influence in every area of life. Prepare to experience life above and beyond its every limitation as you discover how to: - Understand God's kingdom - Experience real kingdom manifestation - Create a kingdom paradigm - Tap into heavenly influence - Eradicate frustrations of inconsistent living - Reshape your life and attract the things you want - Activate supernatural law - Enlarge your vision and finish strong - Live a life without limits

The Paradigm

Book Description

Desiring the Kingdom (Cultural Liturgies)

Book Description

Malls, stadiums, and universities are actually liturgical structures that influence and shape our thoughts and affections. Humans--as Augustine noted--are "desiring agents," full of longings and passions; in brief, we are what we love. James K. A. Smith focuses on the themes of liturgy and desire in Desiring the Kingdom, the first book in what will be a three-volume set on the theology of culture. He redirects our yearnings to focus on the greatest good: God. Ultimately, Smith seeks to re-vision education through the process and practice of worship. Students of philosophy, theology, worldview, and culture will welcome Desiring the Kingdom, as will those involved in ministry and other interested readers.

The Elisha-Hazael Paradigm and the Kingdom of Israel

Book Description

This study deals with the most important king of the Aramaean kingdom of Damascus, Hazael, and the impact he had on biblical literature, which goes beyond the few verses that mention him explicitly in the Book of Kings and the Book of the Twelve. The extra-biblical sources reveal that Hazael managed to create a large kingdom and to expand his authority over the whole of Syria-Palestine, including the Kingdom of Israel and the House of David, during the second half of the ninth century BCE. The Bible presents that power of Hazael as oppression of both kingdoms, yet the biblical writers elaborated a much more nuanced portrait of Hazael than first meets the eye. In the Elijah-Elisha cycles, Hazael provides a theological interpretative paradigm, the Elisha-Hazael paradigm, which provides in the Book of Kings and in the Book of the Twelve (especially in the books of Amos and Jonah) the key to explain God's mysterious dealings with Israel and Israel's enemies. Hazael is presented as a faithful agent of YHWH, who fulfils the divine plan. Beyond the power Hazael yielded across the Levant in his life time, the Elisha-Hazael paradigm reveals his enduring influence in Judah and in biblical literature.

The Discipleship Paradigm

Book Description

This volume examines the Fourth Gospel narrative in terms of its character portrayal, especially the portrayal of anonymous characters. It focuses on how characterization impacts readers, eliciting their involvement in the narrative, particularly the recognition of and response to Jesus' identity, and how anonymity facilitates that participation. The first chapters examine the understanding of characterization in contemporary literary theory, then the author explores other contemporaneous narratives for the function of anonymous characters in those narratives. The final chapters examine specific character portrayals in the Fourth Gospel, demonstrating how the narratives of anonymous characters draw the reader into participation in the narrative and enables identification with those characters, especially the disciple Jesus loved, the Johannine paradigm of discipleship.

From Law to Grace

Book Description

The gospel is not about a law you must keep.It is about receiving a life that will keep you. It is not about living this lifeout of fear. It is about living a life of faith. It is not about rules. It is about arelationship with the Father.The message of John the Baptist and of Jesus is simply this; repent, for thekingdom of God is at hand. The kingdom of God is one paradigm shift away. Oneof the meanings of the word repent is to change your mind. It also means to changeone's bent, or to turn about. Many times, when we preach repentance, we preachwhat we turn from, but we never emphasize what we turn toward. Many have turnedfrom law and religion, only to turn toward the bondage of sin. Or they have turnedfrom the bondage of sin, only to trade it for the bondage of religion. The messageof this book is primarily to help you turn toward the present reality of the kingdomof God. The gospel of the kingdom is not just about a ticket to heaven someday. Itis about receiving the Holy Spirit that will allow you to live the abundant life as acitizen of the kingdom of God right now. The message that John the Baptist wasdeclaring was that of another form of government called the kingdom. It was comingon the scene, and would replace the government of the law.The Message Bible, in II Corinthians 3:7-9 calls the old covenant the governmentof death and condemnation. It was a constitution chiseled on stone tablets. The newcovenant is the constitution of the kingdom and is a government of affirmation. Itis written on the fleshly tablets of our heart. It is the government of the living spirit.This book will help you turn toward the Lord. When our heart turns toward theLord, the veil will be taken away. This book will help you make the paradigm shiftfrom law to grace.