The Upanishads

Book Description

This is a scriptural commentary of Lahiri Mahasaya on The Upanishads. If we scan the word Upanisad, we see that Upa means sitting and nisad means near. Thus, the very word Upanisad specifies personal relationship: the Guru-param-para, Master to Disciple learning from the living lips of a Guru. In ancient times, the disciples sat near the Guru to learn the spiritual discipline from the living lips of their Guru to realize the supreme Self. They practiced strictly in accordance with the instructor they received personally from the living lips of their Guru. This is a Kriya Yoga book intended to be read and practiced by everyone, with/without initiation. Please note that the Guru here means the Kutastha, i.e., the place between the eyebrows, also known as The Third Eye. Every word uttered by a Yogi has a special meaning that is totally unintelligible to even the highly intellectual people. This book is written in such a way that everyone can follow it up while trading the path of Kriya. People think that they are very intelligent, but if they try to understand very seriously, they realize perfectly that nothing is happening according to their intellect. Only those whose breath is not blowing in the left or right nostril are intelligent in this world. When breathing is faster, then in one day and one night respiration can flow up to 113,680 times. Normally during the same time, the figure is 21,600 times. During a day and night, if respiration is faster than usual, the breath can flow in and out 113,680 times. Normally, in the course of a day and night, there are 21,600 breaths. This figure is reduced by Kriya practice to 2,000 times. So, breathing 1,000 times in the day and 1,000 times in the night, in a normal course, provides greater Tranquility to a Yogi. One of his breaths takes about 44 seconds. Such a Yogi is matured in Kriya practice. Thoughts are inseparably related to breathing. So, when the number of breaths is reduced, thoughts are reduced proportionately. Eventually, with the tranquilization of breath, thoughts are dissolved. Thereby, the seeker can attain the After-effect-poise of Kriya, or eternal Tranquility, which is Amrita, nectar proper.

The Kriya Yoga Upanishad

Book Description

The Upanishads

Book Description

Low Price Edition is available at This is a scriptural commentary of Lahiri Mahasaya on The Upanishads. If we scan the word Upanisad, we see that Upa means sitting and nisad means near. Thus, the very word Upanisad specifies personal relationship: the Guru-param-para, Master to Disciple learning from the living lips of a Guru. In ancient times, the disciples sat near the Guru to learn the spiritual discipline from the living lips of their Guru to realize the supreme Self. They practiced strictly in accordance with the instructor they received personally from the living lips of their Guru. This is a Kriya Yoga book intended to be read and practiced by everyone, with/without initiation. Please note that the Guru here means the Kutastha, i.e., the place between the eyebrows, also known as The Third Eye. Every word uttered by a Yogi has a special meaning that is totally unintelligible to even the highly intellectual people. This book is written in such a way that everyone can follow it up while trading the path of Kriya. People think that they are very intelligent, but if they try to understand very seriously, they realize perfectly that nothing is happening according to their intellect. Only those whose breath is not blowing in the left or right nostril are intelligent in this world. When breathing is faster, then in one day and one night respiration can flow up to 113,680 times. Normally during the same time, the figure is 21,600 times. During a day and night, if respiration is faster than usual, the breath can flow in and out 113,680 times. Normally, in the course of a day and night, there are 21,600 breaths. This figure is reduced by Kriya practice to 2,000 times. So, breathing 1,000 times in the day and 1,000 times in the night, in a normal course, provides greater Tranquility to a Yogi. One of his breaths takes about 44 seconds. Such a Yogi is matured in Kriya practice. Thoughts are inseparably related to breathing. So, when the number of breaths is reduced, thoughts are reduced proportionately. Eventually, with the tranquilization of breath, thoughts are dissolved. Thereby, the seeker can attain the After-effect-poise of Kriya, or eternal Tranquility, which is Amrita, nectar proper.

La Kriya Yoga Upanishad

Book Description

Enseignement d'un Guru à son Disciple, La Kriya Yoga Upanishad couvre les huit membres du Kriya Yoga, l'étude de l'anatomie ésotérique, d'ordinaire transmise uniquement verbalement de Maître à disciples, et la cosmologie ésotérique. Le texte consacre de vastes sections illustrées à des sujets métaphysiques tels que les Chakras, les Nadis, les dix Pranas et la Kriya-kundalini. La Kriya Yoga Upanishad évoque aussi les Tirthas, lieux astraux intérieurs importants de pèlerinages qui visent à adoucir le Karma et à produire un nettoyage spirituel en apportant des bénédictions sacrées. Sont dévoilés également où se trouvent le véritable Gange et la ville sacrée de Varanasi (Bénarès). La sagesse ésotérique contenue dans ce texte sacré et les techniques enseignées permettront à votre conscience de couler librement dans les courants Praniques qui imprègnent le Temps et l'Espace et vous mèneront à la Conscience Cosmique. Porteur de la Flamme de la Lignée de Babaji et de Paramahansa Yogananda, fondateur et Précepteur Spirituel du Temple du Kriya de Chicago, c'est avec une compréhension mystique profonde que Goswami Kriyananda guide les âmes depuis plus de soixante années sur le chemin de l'Illumination en leur transmettant la Sagesse immémoriale du Kriya Yoga.

Kriya Yoga

Book Description

Restlessness and calmness are always together. Restlessness comes from the mundane body. Submerge your soul in the Infinite before, during, and after every act-then you will get calmness. We are born for Self-realization-the God-consciousness in us. Think of God constantly, no matter what you are doing. Practice makes man perfect. An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theories. Theory will take a devotee outside, while practice will take him inside. Theory will make an individual restless and selfish. Practice will give him inner peace and liberation from ego. Practice, practice, and practice in order to feel the presence of God in every breath, in every sound you hear, in everything you see, in every though that comes to your mind, and even in the breathless state. Feel the presence of God as much in your enemy as in your friend. Remain firmly anchored in the Divine Omnipresent, the Divine Omniscient, the Divine Omnipotent - even when you are occupied in worldly activities.

The Power and Limitation of Kriya Yoga

Book Description

Kriya Yoga, widely known in Eastern Part of India, is given in different forms to aspirants by different Gurus. In Guru Shishya Parampra (tradition of Master - disciple), is existing in established traditions and the same is being transferred from one Guru to another. For example, Kriya Yoga was transmitted from Baba Ji to Lahari mahashaya to Yukteswar Swami to Paramhansa Yogananda Ji. But another form of Kriya Yoga is also developed by different Acharya based on their experiences. For example, Kriya Yoga given by SKY (Simplified Kundalini Yoga) in the form of "Kaya Kalpa" (to retain the youth hood of the body) and other associates of Yogada Satsang differ in certain extent. This made me conscious to know the actual or original concepts of Kriya Yoga described in Veda or in Upanishad. Fortunately, "Yoga Chudamani Upanishad" also known as Crown Jewels of Yoga" provides the clear concepts of Kriya Yoga related to its basic principles, purpose, methodology, benefits, Limitation with precaution. In the age of internet, nothing can be kept secret; hence it is better to know its boons and banes fully while practicing the same (Kriya Yoga). Last few years, Kriya Yoga has become the hot cake in spiritual world as the aspirants have been given the exposure of its benefits only. The banes of Kriya Yoga (if not practiced correctly) have not been elaborated; hence the performer of Kriya yoga might get in trouble in due course. However, Yogada satsang provides all precautionary measures if the same (Kriya Yoga) is given by authentic masters. Because of curiosity and urgency to take up Kriya Yoga by the aspirants, there is probability to do some mistakes while practicing the same; even though, correct methodology has been given by the master. This book is an eye opener to all the Seekers (Sadhakas) of Kriya Yoga. This provides the inbuilt corrective approach in the minds of seeker (Sadhaka), whether the method adopted in Kriya Yoga is fully correct or any mistakes is being carried out? This book also brings mile stone or yard stick to the seeker by cropping its results in terms of benefits. This book works like an alarming bell against its caution or warning provided in MN -70 of Yoga Chudamani Upanishad. To gain the maximum benefits of Kriya Yoga, the book is placed before the reader without having any likes and Dislikes against any cult or master of Kriya Yoga. The book consists of 35 images which describe the theme of each topic in brief for the better clarity of the reader. Importance of Kriya yoga for the scientists is the main attraction of the book.

Seven Lessons in Conscious Living

Book Description

A systematic manual for learning the history and lifestyle of Kriya Yoga, the tradition of Yogananda that goes back through Sri Yukteswar to Lahiri Mahasaya. Roy Davis was initiatesd by Yogananda himself 50 years ago and is thus in the direct line of transmission of this movement. The seven lessons are systematically set out with exercise at the end of each chapters. The serious student will gain a great deal from careful reading and folowing the practices outlines in the book .

Kriya Yoga

Book Description

Paramahamsa Hariharananda's discourse regarding the scientifically proven benefits of Kriya Yoga makes this book a rare treasure for any sincere seeker. The world-renowned realized master describes the stages of spiritual transformation in detail, including many experiences that sadhaks, even those in family life, may encounter while practising. At the same time, he uses his unique scientific approach to explain how physical and mental functions also improve.

The Eternal Way

Book Description

One of the earliest commentaries on the popular and highly respected yoga scripture known as the Bhagavad Gita. Roy Eugene Davis explains the inner meaning in the light of Kriya Yoga in this new commentary on this scripture. Its seven hundred verses encourage the reader to acquire Self-knowledge and to intentionally engage in constructive performance of personal duties along with dedicated spiritual endeavor--to practice Kriya Yoga. The Sanskrit word kriya means action. Yoga can mean to yoke or unite soul awareness with God; practice of procedures for this purpose; or samadhi, the realization of spiritual wholeness, the culmination of successful practice.