Emily Dickinson

Book Description

Giving us a new sense of Dickinson&’s ways of being in her world, this book traces the perceptions of that world in the poetry and contributes to our pleasure in the performance of a virtuoso. Elizabeth Philips shows the imaginative uses the poet made of her own life but also the verifiable use of her responses to others&—personal friends and relatives, historical and literary figures, and &“nature&’s people&”&—in the play of language that registered her insights. The book is not a biography; it considers, instead, evidence of the poet&’s character and her character as a poet. Dickinson emerges as less self-enclosed and enigmatic than she is frequently assumed to be. Phillips is among those who reject the view of the poet as a psychologically disabled, perhaps mad woman who withdrew into herself because of some devastating emotional experience, presumably love that went wrong. She questions the common desire to connect the texts with a trauma for which the center is missing. While Dickinson pursued the vocation of a poet, she was actively engaged in much else that required stamina and resourcefulness. A woman in a 19th-century household, for instance, was not a woman of leisure; Dickinson bore a heavy share of domestic duties and familial responsibilities throughout most of her life. The crisis she experienced during the early 1860s, in a cluster of responses to the Civil War, coincided with the onset of her difficulties with her eyes. Suffering from exotropia and photophobia, she never fully recovered and gradually withdrew into the less severe light of the house in Amherst. She continued to care for those close to her and to write both letters and verse. From the perspective of Dickinson&’s maturity and resilience, we also see her gift for depicting and dramatizing episodes in a manner that gives the illusion of their being autobiographical whether they are or not. Dickinson was, however, an actress who changed roles and points of view as readily as she experimented with poetic genres. Analyses of her various personae (or &“supposed persons&”) for dramatic monologues in the Browning tradition&—which enabled the poet to represent a range of experiences different form her own&—serve to dispel much of the confusion that has surrounded her in the last century. Rather than searching for an illusive absent center, Phillips scrutinizes in a most revealing way the poet&’s reading, appropriation, and command of materials from the Bront&ës, George Eliot, Hawthorne, the Brownings, Shakespeare, and the Southey for personae that introduce us to a Dickinson heretofore hardly glimpsed. A central vision of the study is the poet as a biographer of souls.

Robert Browing

Book Description

Reproduction of the original: Robert Browing by C.H Herford

Robert Browning

Book Description

1905. A biography of Robert Browning who is known to the general public as the writer of The Pied Piper, the hero of the play, The Barretts of Wimpole Street and as the husband of the celebrated poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Herford writes in the Preface: Browning is confessedly a difficult poet, and his difficulty is by no means all of the kind which opposes unmistakable impediments to the reader's path...this book may perhaps be described as an attempt to work out, in the detail of Browning's life and poetry, from a more definitely literary standpoint and without Hegelian prepossessions, a view of his genius not unlike that set forth with so much eloquence and penetration, in his well-known volume, by Professor Henry Jones. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.

Lone Wolf’S Run

Book Description

When a vicious serial-killer comes looking for John Wolf Trotter and his biker brothers, she has more than torture and death in mind. This time, shes backed up by a well-trained paramilitary band of disciples fueled by their own hatred. Wolf, a writer named for his passion for riding the back roads as a lone-wolf biker, has a troubled past. It started when he and his friends brought a killer for hires career to a sudden end. Blondie, the dead assassins unique and illusive partner, has devised a plan that will destroy the fragile trust among motorcycle clubs, the police, and the public that has taken decades to build. When Wolf and his buddies try to lure this devious chameleon out, bodies begin to pile up in apparently unrelated incidents. While the authorities spin their wheels, Wolf and his brothers devise their own risky plan. Will it derail the growing national threat before it sparks a bloody conflict that could be impossible to stop and almost certain to get them killed? Delivering more than just suspense and excitement, Lone Wolfs Run is an innovative hybrid thriller that skillfully incorporates safety advice and actual unique destinations into the plotmap included. Lone Wolfs Run put me on my motorcycle Strange is the experience that teaches one to value riding safety while witnessing unexpected mayhem in the riding community. Larry Lindsey, legislative director, Alabama ABATE, MSF rider/coach

Nine Lives to Eternity

Book Description

Nine Lives to Eternity is a true chronicle of cheating death time and again. This inspirational and faith-driven human triumph details the aftermath of my many harrowing experiences and mishaps, any of which should have resulted in certain death. Each time, I was somehow incessantly saved by guardian angels. The numerous near-death experiences accounted for twenty-six fractured bones and rendered me unconscious on five separate occasions, yet somehow I lived to tell my compelling story of survival and triumph over death. By the release date of this book, the good Lord has allowed me to somehow, someway survive up until and beyond the celebration of my fifty-fifth birthday. Trust me when I reiterate that my life hasnt been a painless journey while defeating death on a habitual basis. Beginning as a mere infant at the age of nine months old and then continuing through fifty-five years, Ive cheated death again and again. During my lifes journey, Ive survived an unfathomable twenty-seven encounters with death. Ive escaped death through seven different machinery and equipment mishaps. Ive avoided horse or mule death challenges no fewer than five times. Although one of my lifes greatest pleasures has always been motorcycling, Ive paid a price by suffering through five singular accidents that should have terminated my life. Few in life could survive even one automobile crash, yet Ive lived to describe three separate vehicular collisions. In addition, Ive escaped death from toxic fumes twice and twice averted death threats while working within dangerous third world countries. Ive even fallen from a rooftop, nearly crashed in an airplane, and lived through a poisoning, yet by the grace of God, Ive failed to become a fatality statistic. Ive often joked that for every day in which I dont read my own name within a newspaper obituary column that becomes a really good day for me. To survive so many brushes with death is difficult to absorb. My goal-driven ambitions have unfortunately brought me to the threshold of death numerous times. Ive driven myself to limits that few would attempt. Early in life, I set a goal for myself to try and fit three lifetimes of experiences into my short time on this planet. As a youth, I never believed that I would survive beyond an age of forty years. Most certainly, my high-risk behaviors reduced my odds for a lengthy existence. As my life unfolded, the numerous encounters with death became staggering. Between the ages of nine months up until nine years, I faced death three times. From the ages of ten years through my nineteenth birthday, death crossed my pathway four more times. During my tumultuous twenties from the ages of twenty years through twenty-nine years, I survived eight separate death encounters. Between the ages of thirty years through thirty-nine years, my chances of death slowed down to two. By the ages of forty years through forty-nine years, the Grim Reaper visited me on three separate occasions. As I reached midlife, I discovered that the pace of my death engagements was increasing. From the ages of fifty years through fifty-five years, Id already amassed five singular close encounters with death. Perhaps that assertion should come as no surprise. Since reaching my fifties, Id done little to slow down or reduce my zest for life and risk-taking determination. Few adults when faced with their own midlife crisis will attempt such outlandish feats as mountain climbing to the summit of Devils Tower in Wyoming or riding a motorcycle nonstop for ten thousand miles or consulting in the midst of a war within the country of Afghanistan. Im thankful for each and every day that Im allowed the privilege of living. I try to give thanks and praise to my Lord every day for granting me the tenacity to overcome even the worst of survival odds. Through my strong faith and spirituality, and by never accepting defeat, Ive been able to constantly repel the onset of death.

Robert Browning

Book Description

Passionate love legends of the past

Book Description

Passionate Love Legends of the Past: Stories of Undying Romances is a collection of fascinating love stories that have even changed the course of history. They include some of the most popular and frequently heard stories of love and romance. These legends are widely adapted in various literary genres because of their powerful emotional appeal. The collection is not exhaustive but is exclusive because of the edifying features and historical importance of the stories. The legendary tales are re-told here as they are read and heard in popular versions to refresh the memory.