The Latin Continuation of William of Tyre

Book Description

William of Tyre’s monumental twelfth-century history of the First Crusade and the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem inspired a rich series of interrelated Old French continuations that proved very popular in the later Middle Ages. In contrast to the thriving literary afterlife that William’s work enjoyed in the vernacular, however, only one continuation of the text is known to have survived in Latin, the language in which William himself wrote. Completed in the early thirteenth century by an unknown ecclesiastical writer in England, this so-called Latin Continuation of William of Tyre picks up the threads of William’s narrative soon after it breaks off in 1184 and goes on to provide a detailed account of the Muslimconquest of Jerusalemin 1187 and the subsequent Third Crusade. Drawing on a range of other written sources, the anonymous continuator of William’s work nevertheless offers a unique contemporary perspective on the tumultuous events of the 1180s and early 1190s and on the crusaders’ failure to recover Jerusalem. For the first time ever, this book provides a complete English translation of the Latin Continuation, together with a new critical edition of the text which, unlike the previous edition of 1934, incorporates both extant manuscripts. Written with both students and researchers in mind, the edition and translation are accompanied by a full critical apparatus, explanatory notes, and a detailed new discussion of the text in the introduction.

The Latin Continuation of William of Tyre

Book Description

"William of Tyre's monumental twelfth-century history of the First Crusade and the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem inspired a rich series of interrelated Old French continuations that proved very popular in the later Middle Ages. In contrast to the thriving literary afterlife that William's work enjoyed in the vernacular, however, only one continuation of the text is known to have survived in Latin, the language in which William himself wrote. Completed at the beginning of the thirteenth century by an unknown ecclesiastical writer in England, this so-called Latin Continuation of William of Tyre picks up the threads of William's narrative soon after it breaks off in 1184 and goes on to provide a detailed account of the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in 1187 and the subsequent Third Crusade. Drawing on a range of other written sources, the anonymous continuator of William's work nevertheless offers a unique contemporary perspective on the tumultuous events of the 1180s and early 1190s and on the crusaders' failure to recover Jerusalem. For the first time ever, this book provides a complete English translation of the Latin Continuation, together with a new critical edition of the text which, unlike the previous edition of 1934, incorporates both extant manuscripts. Written with both students and researchers in mind, the edition and translation are accompanied by a full critical apparatus, explanatory notes, and a detailed new discussion of the text in the introduction"--

The Old French William of Tyre

Book Description

William of Tyre's history of the Kingdom of Jerusalem has long been viewed as one of the most useful sources for the Crusades and the Latin East from the beginnings of the First Crusade to William's death shortly before Saladin's conquest of Jerusalem. However, this text was most popular during the medieval period in an Old French translation. In The Old French of William of Tyre Philip Handyside identifies the differences between the Latin and French texts and analyses the translator motives for producing the translation and highlights significant changes that may provide a better understanding of the period in question. Handyside also argues for a complex manuscript tradition that developed across the medieval Mediterranean.

The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade

Book Description

This is a complete collection in modern English of the key texts describing Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem in October 1187 and the Third Crusade, which was Christendom’s response to the catastrophe. The largest and most important text in the book is a translation of the fullest version of the Old French Continuation of William Tyre for the years 1184-97. This key medieval narrative poses problems for the historian in that it achieved its present form in the 1240s, though it clearly incorporates much earlier material. Professor Edbury's authoritative introduction, notes and maps help interpretation of this and other contemporary texts which are included in this volume, making it an invaluable resource for teachers and students of the crusades.

Deeds Done Beyond the Sea

Book Description

This volume celebrates Peter Edbury’s career by bringing together essays focusing on his major research interests; the great historian of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, William of Tyre, and his chronicle; medieval Cyprus; and the Military Orders in the Middle Ages. All based on original research, contributions include new work on manuscripts from the twelfth to the seventeenth centuries; studies of language in William of Tyre; thematic surveys; legal and commercial investigations pertaining to Cyprus; aspects of memorialization, and biographical studies.

The French of Outremer

Book Description

The establishment of feudal principalities in the Levant in the wake of the First Crusade (1095-1099) saw the beginning of a centuries-long process of conquest and colonization of lands in the eastern Mediterranean by French-speaking Europeans. This book examines different aspects of the life and literary culture associated with this French-speaking society. It is the first study of the crusades to bring questions of language and culture so intimately into conversation. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the crusader settlements in the Levant, this book emphasizes hybridity and innovation, the movement of words and people across boundaries, seas and continents, and the negotiation of identity in a world tied partly to Europe but thoroughly embedded in the Mediterranean and Levantine context.

Crusader Syria in the Thirteenth Century

Book Description

The Old French ’Rothelin’ Continuation of William of Tyre’s Historia provides one of the best contemporary narratives of the history of the crusades and of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in the mid-thirteenth century. Covering the period 1229-61, it has vivid accounts of the disastrous expeditions led by Count Theobald of Champagne (1239-40) and King Louis IX of France (1248-54) as well as of other events in the East. But the text contains far more than this, with a detailed description of Jerusalem itself, songs of protest written by crusaders, and a variety of marvels and adventures, including stories of Alexander the Great, and the poisonous snakes encountered by the Roman army under Cato. This text is here translated into English for the first time, together with a narrative for the same years taken from another Old French Continuation of William of Tyre’s work, part of L’Estoire de Eracles. Both accounts are translated from the Receuil des historiens des croisades: Historiens occidentaux vol. 2 (Paris, 1859). An introduction and full notes make these thirteenth-century events and ideas accessible to students of medieval history and to anyone interested in the lives and patterns of thought of people of that time.

William of Tyre

Book Description

In this study the authors offer the first full-scale study of William of Tyre as a historian.

The Leper King and His Heirs

Book Description

The reign of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem (1174-85) has traditionally been seen as a period of decline when, because of the king's illness, power came to be held by unsuitable men who made the wrong policy decisions. Notably, they ignored the advice of Raymond of Tripoli and attacked Saladin, who was prepared to keep peace with the Franks while uniting the Islamic near east under his rule. This book challenges that view, arguing that peace with Saladin was not a viable option for the Franks; that the young king, despite suffering from lepromatous leprosy (the most deadly form of the disease) was an excellent battle leader who strove with some success to frustrate Saladin's imperial ambitions; that Baldwin had to remain king in order to hold factions in check; but that the society over which he presided was, contrary to what is often said, vigorous and self-confident.

Crusaders and Franks

Book Description

While research on the crusades tends increasingly to bifurcate into study of the crusade idea and the crusading expeditions, and study of the Frankish states the crusaders established in the Levant, Benjamin Kedar confirms-through the articles reproduced in this latest selection of his articles-his adherence to the school that endeavours to deal with both branches of research. Of the ten studies that deal with the crusading expeditions, one examines the maps that might have been available to the First Crusaders and their Muslim opponents, another discusses in detail the Jerusalem massacre of July 1099 and its place in Western historiography down to our days, a third sheds light on the largely neglected doings of the Fourth Crusaders who decided to sail to Acre rather than to Constantinople, while a fourth exposes unknown features of the well-known sculpture of the returning crusader-most probably Count Hugh I of Vaudémont- who is embracing his wife. Of the ten studies that deal with the Frankish Levant, one proposes a hypothesis on the composition stages of William of Tyre's chronicle, another provides new evidence on the Latin hermits who chose to live in the Frankish states, a third examines the catalogue of the library of the cathedral of Nazareth, while a fourth calls attention to convergences of Eastern Christians, Muslims and Franks in sacred spaces and offers a typology of such events, and a fifth proposes a methodology for the identification of trans-cultural borrowing in the Frankish Levant.