The Law of Criminal Conspiracy

Book Description

This second edition covers the changes to the law of criminal conspiracy in the Commonwealth, Victoria, Western Australia, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory up to 1990. These changes were not in practice significant - the crime survives in its fundamentals in all jurisdictions. They have been dealt with in this second edition along with the many decisions on the topic which have been reported since 1981.

The Crime of Conspiracy in International Criminal Law

Book Description

This book looks at the relevance of conspiracy in international criminal law. It establishes that conspiracy was introduced into international criminal law for purposes of prevention and to combat the collective nature of participation in commission of international crimes. Its use as a tool of accountability has, however, been affected by conflicting conceptual perceptions of conspiracy from common law and civil law countries. This conflict is displayed in the decisions on conspiracy by the international criminal tribunals, and finally culminates into the exclusion of punishment of conspiracy in the Rome Statute. It is questionable whether this latest development on the law of conspiracy was a prudent decision. While the function of conspiracy as a mode of liability is satisfactorily covered by the modes of participation in the Rome Statute, its function as a purely inchoate crime used to punish incomplete crimes is missing. This book creates a case for inclusion in the Rome Statute, punishment of conspiracies involving international crimes that do not extend beyond the conceptual stage, to reinforce the Statute’s purpose of prevention. The conspiracy concept proposed is one that reflects the characteristics acceptable under both common law and civil law systems.

The Poulterers’ Case (1611)

Book Description

Every student of criminal law knows for a fact that the Poulterers' Case (1611) launched modern criminal conspiracy. This decision laid the first stone of the principle that an agreement to commit a crime is also a crime. However, besides what the law reports say, little is known about the facts of the case. This edition of the testimonies collected by the Star Chamber intends to fill this gap. Additionally, an introductory study will discuss how these facts shed new light on the reasons that were mustered in support of the decision. It will also argue that modern conspiracy was not a creation of the courts but rather of the nineteenth-century scholars who turned the Poulterers' Case into a landmark case.Todo estudiante angloamericano de derecho penal sabe que el Poulterers’s Case (1611) dio el primer paso hacia el delito moderno de conspiración en Inglaterra. Esta decisión puso la primera piedra del principio según el cual con el acuerdo para cometer un delito se comete ya un delito. Sin embargo, aparte de lo que dicen los law reports, poco se sabe de los hechos del caso. Esta edición de los testimonios recogidos por la Star Chamber pretende colmar esta laguna. Además, un estudio introductorio analizará cómo estos hechos arrojan luz sobre las razones que se esgrimieron en apoyo de la decisión. También se argumentará que la conspiración moderna no fue una creación de los tribunales, sino de los juristas del siglo XIX que convirtieron el Poulterers’ Case en un hito jurisprudencial.

A Portable Guide to Federal Conspiracy Law

Book Description

This newly-updated version is a practical, well-organized look at federal conspiracy law. With reliable, up-to-date information and will help you prepare for pretrial and in-trial considerations that can shape and influence trial tactics and strategies.