Book Description

When we talk of the Laws of God's Kingdom, we are speaking of Rules which people who are in the Kingdom of God must obey or follow. The Rules instruct and command us on how things must be done, or the things that are allowed in it. The Laws of God's Kingdom also refer to how things happen in the Kingdom of God. In other words, the Laws of God's Kingdom describe the outcomes or resultant effects of doing this and that, or not doing this and that. Some things may happen in your life, which you did not expect or which you may not explain; but it may just be that an existing Law in the Kingdom of God has worked. God has magnified and exalted His Word above all His Name. Therefore, be careful not to go against the Laws of the Kingdom of God.

Spiritual Laws

Book Description

...for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 Have you ever wondered why things keep on happening the way they do? Have you ever wondered why life seems to follow a pattern and certain things keep on reoccurring sort of in a circle? Have you ever wondered why certain people seem destined to fail while others seem destined to succeed? In Spiritual Laws: the Operating System of the Kingdom of God, author John Magezi provides key answers to these questions. God has set in place laws and principles that determine the way things happen in the world.

Spiritual Laws and Principles of the Kingdom

Book Description

This publications awakens the believer to a myriad of spiritual laws and principles of God which he can take advantage of and enter deeper realms of the spirit. It is worth exploring the divine truth that there are laws and principles that God has put in place by which He governs the universe. These are categorically physical laws which govern the natural realm and spiritual laws which govern the realm of the spirit. For example, there is a law of gravity which stipulates that if you throw an object up in the air, it will evidently crash back onto the earth; the law of floatation which allows ships and boats to float on water, the law of aerodynamics that enables aeroplanes to fly and the law of electricity which helps us generate heat and light energy. The reality is that when we operate in obedience to these physical laws within nature, we reap positive results but when we violate them, the repercussions are severe. However, as much as there are physical laws, there are also spiritual laws which are the highest class of laws governing and controlling the entire universe. In the spiritual realm, God has established a court system with laws, principles and divine protocols which functions just like the court system of the natural realm. Just like physical laws, when we corporate with these spiritual laws, we reap alarming results but when we violate them, we face the consequences. It's a pity that most people do not understand the operation of these divine laws and protocols, which explains why the devil ends taking advantage of their ignorance, thus gaining a legal foothold that grants him the right to ensnare them into debilitating circumstances of poverty, sickness and defeat. There are certain principles that one can tap into in order to walk into the deeper realities of God's power. Just like there are laws of gravity which governs how to operate in the natural realm, there are also spiritual laws that govern the spirit realm or how to operate in the realm of the miraculous. These laws of the supernatural complement each other and are progressions to enter into the greater depths of God. Each of these laws has a specific manifestation that produces something special. However, it is unfortunate that many believers are failing to operate in the realm of the miraculous because they do not understand spiritual laws and principles which they could take advantage of to generate positive results. Spiritual laws and principles are therefore vital keys that unlock the doors into the supernatural and accentuate an avenue through which the power of God can flow.It is a typical scenario in the body of Christ that so many people have the power but they do not know how to release it. Having the power is one thing and knowing how to tap into the realm of God to release that power is a completely different reality. In the church of Jesus Christ today, God has invested upon believers' tremendous, overwhelming and explosive power and authority but that power is not released as it should because of lack of understanding of spiritual laws and principles governing the realm of the spirit. They have the exousia power but they are not realizing how to tap, activate and exercise it. Failure to tap into the realm of power is what is allowing their homes to be plundered by the enemy without taking authority against it just like Adam allowed the serpent to tempt Eve and deceive her in his presence. It has been noted that a lot of Christians are allowing Satan to dominate their lives and wreak havoc in their families while they are busy crying to God for help. Learning how to tap into the set spiritual laws and principles is therefore vital in birthing forth supernatural manifestations of God's power. You are definitely guaranteed to launch into the greater depths of the miraculous if these spiritual laws and principles are correctly applied, practised and activated.

The Law of God

Book Description

This is the English edition of the classic Russian textbook designed for parents to teach their children "all the fundamental points of the Orthodox Christian faith and way of life." Because children are growing up quickly in a society that raises serious and agonizing questions the author does not teach in naive stories that remain stories only. It offers an overview of the whole of the Old and New Testaments as well as instruction on prayer, worship and what it means to live by the teaching of the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes. Lavishly bound and made to last. Well illustrated with black and white photographs and icons.

The Crucified King

Book Description

The kingdom of God and the atonement are two of the most important themes in all of Scripture. Tragically, theologians have often either set the two at odds or focused on one to the complete neglect of the other. In The Crucified King, Jeremy Treat demonstrates that Scripture presents a mutually enriching relationship between the kingdom and atonement that draws significantly from the story of Israel and culminates in the crucifixion of Christ the king. As Israel’s messiah, he holds together the kingdom and the cross by bringing God’s reign on earth through his atoning death. The kingdom is the ultimate goal of the cross, and the cross is the means by which the kingdom comes. Jesus’ death is not the failure of his messianic ministry, nor simply the prelude to his royal glory, but is the apex of his kingdom mission. The cross is the throne from which he rules and establishes his kingdom. Using a holistic approach that brings together the insights of biblical and systematic theology, this book demonstrates not only that the kingdom and the cross are inseparable, but how they are integrated in Scripture and theology.

Overcoming Crisis

Book Description

The current prolonged season of war and worldwide economic crisis has created countless personal crises. Unemployment, forclosures, threats, and fears loom--and Christians are not exempt. You can survive and even thrive during these times. Myles Munroe tea....

The Law of Dominion

Book Description

The Law of Dominion is the 2 book of the Kingdom Teaching Mini-book Series by Dr. J.C. Matthews designed to provide a progressive, yet comprehensive study of the concepts, laws and principles upon which God's Kingdom operates on earth. The Law of Dominion is a prime law drawn from the Dominion Mandate given by God to man at Genesis 1:26-28, wherein God establishes man as the ruler of the earth. This declaration of dominion has profound impact upon what God can do in the earth without the participation of a human being. Understanding the Law of Dominion and its impact upon man's rights, responsibilities and relationship with God concerning the earth is essential for every believer to know. This book provides an easy to read and practical guide through this law and the elements that comprises it to assist believers at every level to walk away with an operative understanding of the Law of Dominion.

Principles of the Kingdom of God

Book Description

Table of Contents Principles of the Kingdom of God - Title Page Table of Contents Preface Introduction To Principles of the Kingdom of God God Is Real Who and What Is God? Introduction - Names of God In the Old Testament - Names of God In the New Testament - The Father - The Son - The Holy Spirit - Oneness of the Trinity Man: Body, Soul and Spirit The Soul - The Body - The Spirit The Principle of Faith More Things About Faith The Principle of Hope The Principle of Love The Principle of Spirituality Transference and Appropriation - How God Transfers His Nature to You; The Way He Removes Sin The Principle of the Father's Family The Principle of Prophecy and Prophets The Principle of Salvation Becoming a Son of God The Body of Christ The Principle of Resurrection Life Hell; Hades; Gehenna; Sheol Satan: His Nature; Purpose and Spiritual Warfare The Lord's Supper and the Last Supper The Principle of Worship The Second Coming of Jesus Christ The Principle of Authority Over Futility Creators of a New Age Principles of the Kingdom of God is the title of this Book. This Book explores spiritual principles as opposed to the principles of this present age. In everyday life we are well familiar with the principles that operate here on the earth. We know that when a door is shut we must open it in order to pass through. We know that touching a hot stove will cause pain and a burn. Science is aware of the rules and boundaries of the laws of physics and chemists know the results of mixing elements together to cause a certain result. Although there are many of the scientific laws of nature currently unknown to mankind, he continues to strive to find answers and to reconcile the scientific world of which we are aware using out five senses. What science does not understand, or is unwilling to admit, there is a realm beyond the certainties of this physical realm that is incapable of scientific proof. That realm is called "The Spiritual Realm." Most deny its existence or if they mentally assent to the possibility that such a realm exists they know little about it and certainly don't apply it to their everyday lives or scientific pursuits. Some look on such things as foolishness as the Apostle Paul said: "But a natural [unspiritual] man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised" (1 Corinthians 2:14). However, as this book will attempt to point out, the spirit realm is very much a real place, actually more real than our physical world. The spirit world has its own set of rules and principles that govern it. However its ways are past finding out by the natural mind of man and thus invisible to those without spiritual sight. The Apostle Paul said in the Bible: "because the human mind is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so" (Romans 8:7). Thus our intellect is useless in knowing anything beyond what we can see or touch. Just taking the most basic of the spiritual laws, the 10 commandments for instance, who can argue that we all would be a little better off if everyone was able to follow these basic rules? There would be no crime, therefore no expensive jails to confine criminals. The family unit, which has been broken down in this generation, would stay intact as children would respect their parents; there would be no adultery to break up the family and coveting would all together cease. There would be no serious disparity between the rich and the poor and the poor would be taken care of without great expenditure of funds to do so. There would be no greed, war, competition etc. just to name a few. Jesus said that if we were to pray at all we should pray to God:

The Kingdom of God

Book Description

In the last hundred and fifty years the kingdom of God has emerged as one of the most important topics in theology, New Testament studies, and the life of the church. But what exactly is the kingdom of God? What does it mean for the people of God and what does it mean for how they live in the world? In The Kingdom of God, part of the Biblical Theology for Life series, Nicholas Perrin explores this dominant biblical metaphor, one that is paradoxically the meta-center and the mystery in Jesus' proclamation. After survey interpretations by figures from Ritschl to N. T. Wright, Perrin examines the "what, who, and how" questions of the kingdom. In his sweepingly comprehensive study, Perrin contends that the kingdom is inaugurated in Jesus' earthly ministry, but its final development awaits later events in history. In between the times, however, the people of God are called to participate in the reign of God by living out the distinctly kingdom-ethic through hope, forgiveness, love, and prayer. X