The Life and Legacy of Gokhan Acikkollu

Book Description

I will never stop seeking for justice and trying to hold those perpetrators accountable for their crimes, both in this world and the next. I will never say “Well, it is just fate, and there is nothing we can do about it.” No, I will not step aside! I will demand justice until justice is done! Yes, I believe firmly in destiny and the Hereafter, but I also believe that if I let those perpetrators get away with their horrendous crimes, shame on me! Yes, shame on me! Until my last breath, I will chase the murderers and their bosses! I will do everything in my power, and if I cannot get any results in this world… There is a God! There is a Hereafter! There is Divine Justice! I fully believe!


Book Description

You know how it goes in fairy tales… The dark sorcerer who gets angry at the prince uses magic to turn him into a frog. The frog-turned-prince cannot talk anymore, so only a miracle can save him now. This is pretty much what happened to the volunteers of the Hizmet Movement. Using a staged fake coup, the patriots of this country were framed in just one night as traitors by the evil corrupt political power and their names were added into the lists of torture and death. All their properties have been seized and they were left no other choice but to escape from their homeland. What you will read below are the true stories of the Hizmet volunteers, one of them is a past lawyer of Bank Asya and the other is a distinguished scientist. You will witness how their lives have been taken from them after that ominous night of coup and how they fought back to save their families from evil. The only difference between these stories and those fairy tales is that… everything in this story is true!

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words The Illustrations of a Teacher in Prison

Book Description

Yolgezer, a formerly imprisoned artist, invites the world to see the dire human rights violations in Turkey. Through an anonymous activist perspective, the artist specifically depicts Turkey’s jails where tens of thousands of political prisoners are kept. You will not only witness how the life is like in prison, but also learn why those prisoners of conscience are incarcerated and how they feel behind bars.


Book Description

A photo frame can sometimes loudly shout out the truth that hundreds of striking words may have difficulty in elucidating. As AST, we wanted to utilize the power of images to demonstrate the violations of rights that we have also tried to announce with reports and special studies. This book in your hand focuses on people from all walks of life who have been subjected to the ruthless persecution of the regime in Turkey during the last decade. Especially after the coup attempt of 15 July 2016, it is a reality that many people, who have never been involved in violence in their lives, have been subjected to monstrous pressure and discrimination just because of their social affiliations. The state apparatus, which has been rapidly evolving towards a one-party dictatorship, overturned all the rules of law in the ensuing period, shelved the constitutional rights and decriminalized legal acts that could never be considered a crime within the framework of universal principles, and even made a blatant attempt to retroactively exploit these newly-defined crimes to sentence people. As part of the mass cultural genocide perpetrated against the members of the Gülen Movement, also known as Hizmet: * Investigations were launched against more than 1.5 million people for terrorism allegations, * 300,000 people were detained, * More than 100,000 people were arrested. * 234,419 passports revoked, * More than 17,000 women were arrested, * Nearly 900 babies had to grow up in prison with their mothers. * Hundreds of thousands were laid off from their jobs, * Properties of thousands of people were forcibly confiscated. As AST, we wanted to record the intense oppression and persecution and to demonstrate the unlawful and anti-democratic practices of the political regime in Turkey and make a note of history with 159 photographs, some of which could be the symbols of this period. For example, among many others, the photos featured Zabit Kişi, who was tortured for 108 days and lost 30 kilos due to intense torments; Bilal Konakçı, a bomb disposal expert, who was sent to prison on account of the “membership in a terrorist organization” years after he became blind and had a 98-percent disability when a bomb exploded while he was trying to defuse it; or Ms. Hacer, whose hospital room door was well guarded by a police team that was there to detain her soon after she gave birth. We were unable to demonstrate all the atrocities due to the physical limitations of this book. Yet the book will achieve its purpose if it can interpret the sufferings of the innocent masses, albeit with a weak voice.

Third Reich in the Unconscious

Book Description

The Third Reich in the Unconscious: TransgenerationalTransmission and Its Consequences examines the effects of the Holocaust on second-generation survivors and specifically describes how historical images and trauma are transferred. The authors reveal the many ways in which the psychological legacy of the Nazi regime manifests itself in subsequent generations and how psychopathology, if present, can assume a number of different forms. Among the detailed case histories and treatment considerations, the text provides insight for developing strategies that will tame and eventually prevent transgenerational transmission.

Sick and Elderly Political Prisoners in Erdogan's Turkey

Book Description

The jails in Turkey have long been mentioned in the same breath as inhumane actions and the breach of even the most basic rights, especially against the political prisoners. The violations have reached to unprecedented levels in parallel with the emergence of the current political-Islamist authoritarianism. The oppressive regime under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s rule instrumentalized the country’s legal system to muzzle the political dissidence, turning the prisons into concentration camps. The number of inmates behind the bars has reached historic highs. Hosting convicts much more than their capacities, the prisons, which were already substantially subpar, have fallen way below the minimum acceptable standards for human dignity. Patients in particular bore the most of the brunt of this precipitated deterioration of the prison conditions and the wrath of the Turkish regime against its opponents.

The Baby in the Bag

Book Description

“The Baby in the Bag” is a compilation of four riveting first-hand accounts of refugees from modern-day Turkey. Their homelands rapidly turned into open-air prisons that persecuted them for crimes that they had not committed. They stood strong in the face of employment termination, harassment, persecution, incarceration, smuggling, and death in order to defy all odds and find freedom in faraway lands. Their narratives sound more like movies than lived experiences, yet they are the stories of thousands of innocent people. The title refers to the book's flagship story of the same name, an intense story of a mother's requirement to hide her newborn in a duffel bag in order to safely escape Turkey. Join our heroes on their journeys as they search desperately for some of life's most important treasures; family, freedom, liberty, and happiness.

Observing the Scribe at Work

Book Description

Scribes are paradoxically both central and invisible in most societies before the typographic revolution of the 15th century, witnessed by every manuscript, but often elusive as historical figures. The act of writing is a quotidian and vernacular practice as well as a literary one, and must be observed not only in the outputs of literary copyists or reports of their activities, but in the documents of everyday life. This volume collects contributions on scribal practice as it features on diverse media (including papyri, tablets, and inscriptions) in a range of ancient societies, from the Ancient Near East and Dynastic Egypt through the Graeco-Roman world to Byzantium. These discussions of the role and place of scribes and scribal activity in pre-typographic cultures both contribute to a better understanding of one of the key drivers of these cultures, and illuminate the transmission of knowledge and traditions within and between them.

Authoritarian Neoliberalism

Book Description

Authoritarian Neoliberalism explores how neoliberal forms of managing capitalism are challenging democratic governance at local, national and international levels. Identifying a spectrum of policies and practices that seek to reproduce neoliberalism and shield it from popular and democratic contestation, contributors provide original case studies that investigate the legal-administrative, social, coercive and corporate dimensions of authoritarian neoliberalism across the global North and South. They detail the crisis-ridden intertwinement of authoritarian statecraft and neoliberal reforms, and trace the transformation of key societal sites in capitalism (e.g. states, households, workplaces, urban spaces) through uneven yet cumulative processes of neoliberalization. Informed by innovative conceptual and methodological approaches, Authoritarian Neoliberalism uncovers how inequalities of power are produced and reproduced in capitalist societies, and highlights how alternatives to neoliberalism can be formulated and pursued. The book was originally published as a special issue of Globalizations.