The Livestock Sector in Eastern Europe

Book Description

Agriculture in Eastern Europe is undergoing dramatic change. Ownership of land and animals is transferred from the state to the private sector. Consumer and producer subsidies are being phased out, and formerly protected internal markets are being opened up. These changes have had profound effects on production and rural income and employment, as internal and export demand collapsed and prices plummeted. The whole sector now has to adapt to these open market conditions. The purpose of this paper is to analyze past and present development in the livestock sector, in order to prepare for a carefully formulated and executed adjustment. The authors try to explain the forces which shaped the sector in the past and, based on this analysis, suggest priorities for World Bank assistance in the modernization process.

Livestock Farming Systems in Central and Eastern Europe

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This book examines the potential of Livestock Farming Systems (LFS) research to assess and understand the diversity of livestock farming systems in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). LFS research based on systemic modelling has improved the understanding of livestock production realities at farm level and influenced agricultural development strategies in Western Europe. Researchers from both Western and Eastern Europe carried out this initial study, which was coordinated and sponsored under a collaborative agreement between EAAP and FAO, and was run in selected regions in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic. The results and conclusions of the study are reported in the book, together with the other contributions of interest with respect to the sustainable development of livestock production in CEE presented and discussed during a workshop in Budapest in August 2001. The results of the study demonstrate the adaptability of LFS research to systems predominantly based on large-scale private, corporate and co-operative farms in the CEE countries.

Global Livestock Production Systems

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Informed livestock sector policy development and priority setting is heavily dependent on a good understanding of livestock production systems. In a collaborative effort between the Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Livestock Research Institute, stock has been taken of where we have come from in agricultural systems classification and mapping; the current state of the art; and the directions in which research and data collection efforts need to take in the future. The book also addresses issues relating to the intensity and scale of production, moving from what is done to how it is done. The intensification of production is an area of particular importance, for it is in the intensive systems that changes are occurring most rapidly and where most information is needed on the implications that intensification of production may have for livelihoods, poverty alleviation, animal diseases, public health and environmental outcomes. A series of case studies is provided, linking livestock production systems to rural livelihoods and poverty and examples of the application of livestock production system maps are drawn from livestock production, now and in the future; livestock's impact on the global environment; animal and public health; and livestock and livelihoods. This book provides a formal reference to Version 5 of the global livestock production systems map, and to revised estimates of the numbers of rural poor livestock keepers, by country and livestock production system.

Tackling Climate Change Through Livestock

Book Description

Greenhouse gas emissions by the livestock sector could be cut by as much as 30 percent through the wider use of existing best practices and technologies. FAO conducted a detailed analysis of GHG emissions at multiple stages of various livestock supply chains, including the production and transport of animal feed, on-farm energy use, emissions from animal digestion and manure decay, as well as the post-slaughter transport, refrigeration and packaging of animal products. This report represents the most comprehensive estimate made to-date of livestocks contribution to global warming as well as the sectors potential to help tackle the problem. This publication is aimed at professionals in food and agriculture as well as policy makers.

Agricultural Situation, Eastern Europe

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Includes a review of the year and the outlook for the following year.

East European Economies

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