The Living Eternal World

Book Description

Discussing the true life and the true world, this book is Woo Myung’s second book about Truth. It is a guidebook of the mind for modern people who want to live the true life with the true mind as the true self. It is the true mind that will never disappear even after everything in this world disappears. This is the true nature that we seek. Woo Myung fully describes the everlasting world of Truth and also how one can go to this living world and live eternally in the everlasting world.

Eternal Living

Book Description

Curated by Dallas Willard's long-time colleague and friend Gary Moon, this medley of images, snapshots and "Dallas-isms" moves readers toward deeper experiences of God. Whether influenced by him as a family member, friend, professor, philosopher or reformer, contributors bring refreshing insight into his ideas, what shaped him and also his contagious theology of grace and joy.

Resurrected to Eternal Life

Book Description

In this deeply personal and daring meditation, eminent theologian Jürgen Moltmann challenges many closely held beliefs about the experience of dying, the nature of death, and the hope of eternal life. Moving deftly between biblical, theological, and existential domains, Moltmann argues that while we know intimately the experience of dying--both our loved ones' dying and, ultimately, our own--death itself is a mystery. Are those who have died in fact dead? If the dead are alive, how or in what respect? When the dead awaken to eternal life, who wakes? Moltmann's interrogations yield surprising and beautiful fruits. The living soul that awakens to eternal life is not a ghost in a machine, but the Lebensgestalt, the shape and story of a life, its human and divine contexts, its whole. Drawing on themes from his oeuvre's entire arc, Resurrected to Eternal Life testifies to the inner unity of Moltmann's theology: the cross, the Spirit, the kingdom, the end, and the hope that makes the end present here and now. Seasoned readers of Moltmann will find in these pages a capstone of a lifetime of theological exploration, while those new to his complex thought will find a concise and elegant entry point into his voluminous work.

The Living Eternal World

Book Description

Describes the practice of Maum Meditation.

Eternal Life

Book Description

In this booklet, Andrew teaches on eternal life.

A Brief History of Living Forever

Book Description

In this “ingenious, funny, and chilling” novel (Publishers Weekly, starred review) from the author of Spaceman of Bohemia, two long-lost siblings risk everything to save their mother from oblivion in an authoritarian near-future America obsessed with digital consciousness and eternal life—a story that “packs a walloping punch” (Esquire). When Adéla discovers she has a terminal illness, she leaves behind her native Czech village for a chance at reuniting in America with Tereza, the daughter she gave up at birth, decades earlier. But the country Adéla experienced as a young woman, when she eloped with a filmmaker and starred in his cult sci-fi movie, has changed entirely. In 2030, America is ruled by an authoritarian government increasingly closed off to the rest of the world. Tereza, the star researcher for VITA, a biotech company hellbent on discovering the key to immortality, is overjoyed to meet her mother, with whom she forms an instant, profound connection. But when their time together is cut short by shocking events, Tereza must uncover VITA’s alarming activity in the wastelands of what was once Florida, and persuade the Czech brother she’s never met to join her in this odds-defying adventure. Narrated from the beyond by Adéla’s restless spirit, A Brief History of Living Forever is a high-wire act of storytelling from a writer “booming with vitality and originality,” whose “voice is distinct enough to leave tread marks” (New York Times). By turns insightful, moving, and funny, the novel not only confirms Jaroslav Kalfař’s boundless powers of invention but also exults in the love between a mother and her daughter, which neither space nor time can sever. “Kalfař is a wise, rapturous, and original writer . . . Eloquent, heart-stunning, and rich in awe-inspiring prose.” —San Francisco Chronicle “Relentlessly inventive . . . His writing has the same hyperactivity and fidgety contempt for generic boundaries as that of the young Safran Foer.” —The Guardian

Workers of the life eternal

Book Description

Five people, who have devoted their entire lives to the practice of the good, are at the end of their physical lives. Due to their merit, they are entitled to the help of a spirit rescue team. The spirit author Andre Luiz tell us about his experience as a member of the team. This is an enthralling narrative that reveals details of the tasks performed by spirits at the moment of the death of the physical body. In this book, Andre Luiz confirms the principles revealed by the Spiritist Doctrine regarding the existence of the spirit world, where discarnate spirits dwell, living a new life while preparing to return once again to the earthly journey. “... Death does not extinguish friendly cooperation, mutual support, comforting intercession or the evolutionary endeavor. The vibratory dimensions of the universe are infinite, as infinite as are the worlds that populate the immensity of space.”

In Light of Eternity

Book Description

In bestseller after bestseller, Randy Alcorn has held readers spellbound with fast-paced, gripping fiction infused with eternal themes. Now, he responds to the widespread hunger for more insight on this subject with a straightforward, real-life look at heaven, rewards, and how to live in light of eternity. The deepest longing of your heart is for one person and one place. Jesus is that person. Heaven is that place. A thousand counterfeits vie for your attention, trying to convince you that they are what you're looking for. But you'll never find true satisfaction with what this world has to offer. What you really crave can only be found in the land of substance: Heaven. In Light of Eternity will grip your soul and open your eyes to the realities of Heaven. Far from boring, Heaven promises to be an exhilarating adventure in which every chapter is better than the one before. With clear biblical teaching and illustrative stories and reflections, Alcorn shows how your life today will impact the eternal reality that awaits you. Let this book guide you into discovering how wonderful your eternal future will be--and what you can do now to prepare for it.

Reflections on the Joy of Eternal Life

Book Description

"The Lutheran Church commemorates three influential hymnwriters every October: Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann, and Paul Gerhardt. The Joy of Eternal Life sheds light on why Philipp Nicolai is still remembered over four hundred years after his death. During Nicolai's time as a pastor, he and his parishioners witnessed a horrendous plague claim the lives of four thousand people in five months. To comfort his people and counteract the belief at the time that death, loss, and despair rob human beings of God's goodness, presence, and love, he wrote this book. In it, he proclaims the glory of eternal life, God's love for His people, and our future resurrection in heaven. This books also includes two of his beloved hymns, "Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying" and "O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright." Pastors, musicians, and those interested in Church history will appreciate reading Nicolai's popular work in English for the first time. Additionally, laity will appreciate the devotional nature of this work, which offers the comfort and consolation of Christ to those who are in despair"--

Lumea Veșnic Vie

Book Description

Lumea Veșnic Vie O carte de filozofie care ne îndrumă spre viața adevărată! Tot ce este vizibil ochilor se schimbă odată cu trecerea timpului și, în cele din urmă, dispare. Ce este ceea ce este veșnic viu, fără schimbare? Numai Adevărul există veșnic fără schimbare. Această carte a fost scrisă în 2004, ca o continuare a cărții 'Lumea Dincolo de Lume' publicată în 2003. Ea oferă un ghid detaliat spre tărâmul Adevărului. 'Lumea Dincolo de Lume' vorbește despre calea prin care conștiința oamenilor poate deveni Adevăr și poate ajunge în lumea păcii, în timp ce această carte vorbește despre adevărata existență a Adevărului, care este eternă și niciodată nu se schimbă. 'Lumea Veșnic Vie' se referă la lumea completă, lumea Adevărului. Ea este golul pur și infinit care a existat înainte de început și există pentru totdeauna după. Este existența eternă, neschimbătoare, Universul dinaintea universului și cea mai supremă și mai mare existență. Toate creațiile au fost create din acest loc și se întorc în acest loc. Acest gol infinit al Universului există pur și simplu așa cum este, în ciuda nenumăratelor lucruri materiale repetând continuu ciclul venirii în existență și dispărând. Acesta este Adevărul. Dacă tu golești toată mintea pe care tu ai acumulat-o de-a lungul vieții tale și te întorci la Mintea Adevărului, care este originea, conștiința ta originală va exista pentru totdeauna, deși corpul tău fizic poate dispărea. Cu toate acestea, motivul pentru care ființele umane nu sunt capabile să trăiască cu o astfel de Minte adevărată este pentru că noi suntem prinși în interiorul unei minți umane iluzorii pe care noi am creat-o. Din acest motiv, mintea noastră este egocentrică și se schimbă tot timpul. Când tu golești complet toată acea inutilă și negativă minte umană, tu poți deveni adevărata Minte care există cu adevărat și poți trăi în adevărata lume. În adevărata lume, tu nu ai niciun fel de gânduri iluzorii, deoarece nu există minte umană. Gândurile și acțiunile tale devin una, și este o lume unde oamenii au încredere și au grijă unii de alții. Această carte 'Lumea Veșnic Vie' este un ghid spre Adevăr pentru cei care aspiră la o viață adevărată. Despre autor Învățătorul Woo Myung este filozof, conferențiar și autor ale cărui cărți au fost best seller nr 1 pe Wall Street Journal, Barnes & Noble, Amazon și, de asemenea, best seller-ul USA Today, care i-au adus numeroase premii. El a devenit Adevăr după o profundă introspecție asupra vieții și existenței. Începând de atunci el s-a dedicat să-i învețe pe oameni să devină Adevăr, fiind cunoscut de asemenea ca inovator în meditație. Cărțile sale - Cum să Mergi și să Trăiești în Rai, Paradis și Tărâmul Fericirii Cât Ești în Vață, Cum să ai o Întâlnire cu Dumnezeu, Buddha, Allah, și Nu Mai Trăi în Acest Pământ, Mergi în Lumea Veșnică a Fericirii, Trăiește Acolo Pentru Totdeauna, au fost bestseller-uri, care au atras atenția. De asemenea, el a primit premiul Eric Hoffer Award Montaigne Medal pentru cartea sa fiind primul Korean care a primit acest premiu. Cărțile învățătorului Woo Myung au fost traduse și publicate în multe alte limbi din întreaga lume - în Engleză, Spaniolă, Franceză, Italiană, Suedeză, Maghiară, Portugheză, Română, Thailandeză, Japoneză, etc.