Grounded in the Living Word

Book Description

Grounded in the Living Word responds to the disconnect between pastoral care and biblical interpretation in a unique and much-needed manner. In this cross-disciplinary conversation Denise Dombkowski Hopkins and Michael S. Koppel engage the intersections between biblical stories and human stories in order to assist care practitioners and Bible interpreters in the transformative work of healing pastors, communities, and ultimately, creation.

The Living Word of the Bible

Book Description

In the four chapters of this short book, Bernhard Anderson, author of one of the most successful introductions to the Old Testament, The Living World of the Old Testament, looks at the implications of biblical criticism for the life and worship of the church. Clearly and simply, he provides a survey of more recent developments in biblical study, being particularly concerned to show their positive value rather than their negative effect. The Bible, and particularly the Old Testament, is approached by way of four perspectives: imagination, narration, liberation and obligation. This approach enables Professor Anderson first to show how much richer is a properly critical view of the Bible than a stubbornly fundamentalist understanding; secondly, to tackle once again the relationship between the Bible and history; thirdly, to assess the use of the Bible in modern 'liberation' theology, and finally, in an apocalyptic age, to show what the Bible has to say about the Christian's political responsibility.

The Living World

Book Description

Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture

Book Description

This Introduction attempts to offer a different model for the discipline from that currently represented. It seeks to describe the form and function of the Hebrew Bible in its role as sacred scripture for Israel. It argues the case that the biblical literature has not been correctly understood or interpreted because its role as religious literature has not been correctly assessed.

The Living Bible, Paraphrased

Book Description

A compilation of the Scripture paraphrases previously published ... under the following titles: Living letters, 1962; Living prophecies, 1965; Living gospels, 1966; Living psalms and proverbs, 1967; Living lessons of life and love, 1968; Living book of Moses, 1969; Living history of Israel, 1970.

Old Testament Illustrations

Book Description

This is the illustrations volume which accompanies the Old Testament series of the Cambridge Bible Commentary. It is arranged on the same general plan as Mr Jones's successful companion volume on the New Testament. It contains 201 photographs, maps and drawings arranged in groups with a connected commentary which describes each picture in detail, explaining its significance. The whole collection provides a background study of the Old Testament lands and peoples. The sections deal with the geographical setting, the archaeology of the region, the periods of Old Testament history from the earliest times to the Hellenistic period, the social background, the Old Testament books as literary productions, the background of Jewish religious life. Maps are skilfully simplified to give only the information relevant to understanding the Old Testament itself The diagrams explain technical subjects. The photographs, of scenes, buildings and works of art, and the continuing tradition of Jewish religious practice, give life and visible confirmation to the study of the Scriptures.

Old Testament Introduction

Book Description

The Old Testament is part of the canon of Christian Scripture and, as such, has continuing significance for the church. However, the writings are set within a different historical era, a different culture and a different religious context. To understand the Old Testament in a meaningful way, it must be read against its historical, cultural and theological background. Here, Robin Routledge enables readers to engage with the text. He discusses: ? date, authorship, the writers’ intention and purpose, and significant textual issues ? key scholarly approaches to the text, including historical-critical and literary approaches To help us comprehend and interpret the Old Testament, and so apply it to current belief and praxis, Routledge includes an overview of exegetical and hermeneutical approaches. He also offers some guidance through the maze of new treatments and terminology. The volume provides specific introductions to the sections and books of the Old Testament, following the canonical order of the Hebrew text. In addition, Routledge notes key distinctive issues and points to sources for further study. The author’s hope is that this volume will not only aid students but will also benefit others who want to take the Old Testament seriously, and to apply its message to the life and ministry of the church today. ‘Scholarly and lucid, Old Testament Introduction is designed especially for those who want to understand how to read the Old Testament as Christian Scripture, while doing justice to its nuances and enormous diversity. I commend it warmly.’ Gordon McConville, Professor of Old Testament Theology, University of Gloucestershire