The Lone Wolf Murders

Book Description

A lone wolf biker is faced with an impossible dilemma when he witnesses the murder of a local, prominent political figure by a pair of assassins he knows are bikers. These cold, ruthless, serial killers are bikers that even one-percenters shun. John Trotter, aka Wolf, is an experienced, daily rider torn between his love of family, friends, and the freedom of the road. The biker code he lives by is challenged by his conscience to do the right thing. He calls on his biker brothers for assistance as other bikers start to die in mysterious accidents. The intensity is turned up when Wolf is forced on a long ride to hell and back. The characters, scenes, routes, and rallies are based on actual bikers, places, and events that took place when the author rode the story, minus the murders. The story was guided by coincidence, karma, and totems to the scenes described. Biker humor, chases, crashes, and tips are woven into the story. The characters are believable, everyday bikers from all walks of life, unlike the image frequently portrayed to the public. The journey Wolf and his biker brothers take is enriched by rides to rallies and locations across the southeastern U.S. taking routes frequented by bikers. The book can be used as a guide for rides to fully experience the story while exploring the area. Bikers and non-bikers alike will gain understanding of the call of freedom and its relationship to the motorcycle culture.

Lone Wolf: True Stories Of Spree

Book Description

Cases of lone killers embarking on slaughter sprees have occurred with frightening regularity since the late 1980s. People like Michael Ryan, Thomas Hamilton, Martin Bryant and Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh. What drives these men - and it is always men - to turn on friends, family and strangers in acts of senseless rage and slaughter? In the wake of the summer of 1999, in which four incidents of spree killing shocked the world, this is a look at a chilling new trend of brutal and indiscriminate killing that blights our "civilized" society.

The Mystery of the Lone Wolf Killer

Book Description

For the first time, the life and mind of Anders Behring Breivik, the most unexpected of mass murderers, is examined and set in the context of wider criminal psychology. *Winner of the 2016 Silver Falchion Award for Best Nonfiction Adult Book* July 22, 2011 was the darkest day in Norway’s history since Nazi Germany’s invasion. It was one hundred eighty-nine minutes of terror, from the moment the bomb exploded outside a government building until Anders Behring Breivik was apprehended by the police at Utøya Island. Breivik murdered seventy-seven people, most of them teenagers and young adults, and wounded hundreds more. The massacre left the world in shock. Breivik is the archetypal "lone wolf killer," often overlooked until the moment they commit their crime. He has inspired others like him, just as Breivik was inspired by Timothy McVeigh and Theodore Kaczynski. No other killer has murdered more people single-handedly in one day. Adam Lanza studied Breivik’s now infamous manifesto prior to his own unthinkable crime. Breivik was Lanza’s role model, as he will no doubt be for others in the future who are frustrated with their societies, and most of all, their lives. Breivik is also unique as he is the only "lone wolf" killer in recent history to still be alive and in captivity. With unparalleled research and a unique international perspective, The Mystery of the Lone Wolf Killer examines the massacre itself and why this lone-killer phenomenon is increasing worldwide.

Lone Wolf #13: The Killing Run

Book Description

When a wolf leaves the pack, he lives only as long as he can kill by himself quicker and surer than any pack he runs up against. Meet a man beyond either forgiveness or vengeance. Meet the Man they Call The Lone Wolf. Better meet him now. The way he lives, he can’t live much longer. After Wulff killed Carlin in Mexico City and watched his dynamited house burn down, he decided he deserved a rest. He knew that his work wasn’t nearly over. But a lot of the top men were down . . . bullet-riddled, blown up or cremated, and the organization was beginning to feel the effect. Wulff could relax . . . a day or two at least. What he didn’t know was that little vacation in Mexico city would touch off the most violent, far-ranging hunt of his life, a Killing Run that would take him across two countries, his mad fury for vengeance almost consuming him as well.

Lone Wolf #6: Chicago Slaughter

Book Description

When a wolf leaves the pack, he lives only as long as he can kill by himself quicker and surer than any pack he runs up against. Meet a man beyond either forgiveness or vengeance. Meet the Man they Call The Lone Wolf. Better meet him now. The way he lives, he can’t live much longer. There was nothing you could do, the policeman thought. You just had to seal off your mind. Unless you were that crazy bastard Wulff. He thought for a moment of his ex-partner, ex-cop, ex-combat soldier, ex-narco, who was going to clean up the international drug trade singlehandedly and on the street. Wulff was crazy, he thought that you could really make a difference. The policeman could have laughed but then he thought of what Wulff had accomplished in just a couple of months of single-handed action and he was not so sure. Moving out on his own he had done more damage than a hundred agencies in twenty years. The policeman was still busy with these reflections when the knife entered him, between two ribs, neatly and almost painlessly at first.

Lone Wolf

Book Description

Five years after escaping into the mountains of North Carolina, Eric Rudolph was becoming a figure of folk legend. The FBI had long since abandoned its manhunt—the largest ever on U.S. soil—for the fugitive accused of bombing the Atlanta Olympics, two abortion clinics, and a gay bar. Then, one night, Rudolph got careless; he was arrested and put in jail—possibly forever. But even in custody, he remained unrepentant . . . and an enigma. In Lone Wolf, Maryanne Vollers brings the reader deep inside one of the most sensational cases of domestic terrorism in American history. At the same time, without losing sight of the hideous nature of Rudolph's violent crimes, she successfully puts a human face on an iconic killer while exploring the painful mysteries of the heart.

Lone Wolf #9: Miami Marauder

Book Description

When a wolf leaves the pack, he lives only as long as he can kill by himself quicker and surer than any pack he runs up against. Meet a man beyond either forgiveness or vengeance. Meet the Man they Call The Lone Wolf. Better meet him now. The way he lives, he can’t live much longer. Burt Wulff was the target, and the way to Wulff was through an old friend named Tamara. Calabrese’s men came for her in broad daylight, abducted her from her home and shot her full of drugs so that she didn’t know a thing until she woke up in Miami. Miami - famous resort town, place in the sun and all that - but not now, not for Tamara and not for Wulff. The trouble was that Wulff was dead set against heroin, and went around breaking up the neat little trade routes that drug runners had set up around the globe. Now Calabrese decided he’d had enough of Wulff. Now he had Tamara, the bait by which to lure Wulff to Miami. In the shadow of those fine hotels and fancy shops, there was something going on along surfside. And that something was called murder.

Lone Wolf

Book Description

The art of good detection work is in the minds and hearts of good detectives. Ronald O'Brien and Mike Peterson are such. Two detectives, Ronald O'Brien and Mike Peterson, are childhood friends who come together to solve a murder mystery. They find themselves caught in an unexpected web of crimes that will change the course of their lives. The reader should be prepared for a series of unanticipated twist and turns that will keep them guessing to the end. A serial killer is on the prowl. Detectives Ronald O'Brien and Mike Peterson are assigned to the case. Will they catch him... before he kills again? Action packed. There are twists and turns lurking round each corner. You'll be on the edge of your seat turning pages in horror. Compelling... "I couldn't put it down, it was hard to." Mystery enthusiast, Joshua Miller, PhD. Intense drama, romance, Detectives Ronald O'Brien and Mike Peterson stop at nothing to get the job done; even if it means going beyond their duty.

Lone Wolf #11: Detroit Massacre / Lone Wolf #12: Phoenix Inferno

Book Description

Burt Wulff, after two years in the army, most of it in Vietnam, had been entitled to something nice for his trouble, so they had made him a narco. A New York City narcotics cop, with the freedom and the plainclothes and the graft money... but something had happened to this Wulff overseas: he had gone crazy. He had become a man of integrity. Eventually he tried to bust an informant, and they knew they would have to do something about this wild man... When Wulff saw his fiancée OD'd out on the floor, he thought that he might go mad on the spot but quite strangely he did not. Wulff went straight home and discarded everything except his gun and a spare. They were hardly the equipment he would need but they were a beginning. By mid-summer, he had the beginnings of an operation in his mind. The rest he would have to play by ear. Wulff hit the streets to kill a lot of people. The 11th and 12th books in Malzberg's vigilante series, The Lone Wolf, originally published by Berkley Books in the early 1970s under the name "Mike Barry."

Lone Wolf #4: Desert Stalker

Book Description

When a wolf leaves the pack, he lives only as long as he can kill by himself quicker and surer than any pack he runs up against. Meet a man beyond either forgiveness or vengeance. Meet the Man they Call The Lone Wolf. Better meet him now. The way he lives, he can’t live much longer. Memo To: Network Subject: Burt Wulff This man must be killed on sight. Details of the bounty will be distributed in a further memo. Subject is a veteran of combat and displays an extremely sophisticated knowledge of explosives, incendiary devices, armaments of all kinds and hand-to-hand combat. He is responsible for at least on hundred and fifty deaths and it appears that his ''war'' is now accelerating. In the twelve years of the interlocking organization and the important supply pact of 1963, no such danger had appeared. Wulff is only one man but for that precise reason retains a great freedom of action. He is a cold, remorseless killer and the danger he represents is not to be ignored.