The Longer Catechism of the Eastern Orthodox Church

Book Description

"What is Christian hope?" According to the Longer Catechism, Christian hope is "the resting of the heart on God, with the full trust that he ever cares for our salvation, and will give us the happiness he has promised." Succinctly and authoritatively, this and many other questions were asked and answered in St. Philaret of Moscow's Longer Catechism, which he composed in order to assist the faithful in understanding the essentials of the Orthodox Christian faith and way of life. Totaling six hundred and eleven questions and answers, it organizes its subjects on the three pillars of Faith, Hope, and Love, and under each respective heading treats of the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and Beatitudes, and the Ten Commandments. This immensely valuable work has stood the test of time and will continue to be a resource for bishops, priests, deacons, laity, and catechumens, for teaching, learning, and reinforcing the truths of our faith. Also included is St. Philaret's Shorter Catechism, and also a profound and moving sermon by him on the Cross of Christ. Perfect for young and old, for individual study, small groups, and catechism classes, and for inquirers into the Orthodox faith, it is hoped that the trustworthy and sanctified voice of St. Philaret will continue to echo still, edifying and enlightening all those who take up and read.

The Longer Catechism of The Orthodox, Eastern Church

Book Description

“Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality Worship without sacrifice. The large Russian Catechism of Philaret, approved by the holy Synod is now the most authoritative doctrinal standard of the Orthodox Græco-Russian Church, and has practically superseded the older Catechism, or Orthodox Confession of Mogila. Originally composed in Slavono-Russian. We have before us a Russian edition (Moscow, 1869), a Greek edition (Χριστιανικ κατ᾿ ἔκτασιν κατήχησις τῆς ὀρϑοδόξου, καϑολικῆς καὶ ἀνατοικῆς ἐκκλησίας , Odessa, 1848), and a German edition (Ausführlicher christlicher Katechismus der orthodox-katholischen orientalischen Kirche, St. Petersburg, 1850). The English translation here given was prepared by the Rev. R. W. Blackmore, B.A., formerly chaplain to the Russia Company in Kronstadt, and published at Aberdeen, 1845, in the work The Doctrine of the Russian Church. On comparing it with the authorized Greek and German translations, we found it faithful and idiomatic.

The Holy Standards

Book Description

Containing: The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, The Athanasian Creed, The Confession of Chalcedon, The Confession of Dositheus, The Shorter and Longer Catechisms of St. Philaret of Moscow, The Catechism of St. Peter Mogila, and The Synodikon of Orthodoxy. The present collection of official and formally approved statements of faith of the Eastern Orthodox Church is, as far as the present compiler is aware, the first time such an endeavor has been attempted in the English language. The reason for such a collection is quite simple: The instruction of the faithful and their edification unto all godliness. Although in these confused days there is an abundance of opinions, there are, sadly, a paucity of clear, thorough, authoritative, and readily available summaries of the Orthodox Faith that have both stood the test of time and also received the official approbation of the Church. The current climate, therefore, needs such a collection, for too many seek to present the faith in the light of their own wisdom. But, as we pray in the prayers after the Divine Liturgy to be delivered from the slavery of our own reasoning, it is the editor's prayer that this collection of sacred Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms will raise up a generation of faithful Orthodox Christians who, through meditating again and again on the holy truths contained herein, will be both well rounded and deeply grounded in the Faith that was once for all delivered to the saints, and able to withstand in the evil day the ever blowing winds of diverse and strange doctrines and destructive heresies.

The Early Eastern Orthodox Church

Book Description

"It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us," the apostles declared at the conclusion of their council described in Acts 15. This apostolic council was the first of many councils to come as Christians sought to discern the will of God in the midst of historic challenges. The faithful continued to struggle to express their new apostolic faith in new words, new languages, new places and new times. Many issues--the interaction of science and faith, divinity and humanity, Church and State--continue to be pertinent today. This book tells the story of these struggles from the days of the New Testament to the fall of the city of Constantinople in AD 1453. It focuses on the Christian community in the eastern Mediterranean which became known as the Byzantine Empire. Each chapter examines the personalities and theologies entwined at the heart of conflicts that shaped the medieval world as well as the modern cultures of Greece, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

An Orthodox Catechism

Book Description

Hercules Collins, a leading pastor among the seventeenth-century English Particular Baptists, understood the potential benefits of the Heidelberg Catechism for the people under his pastoral care. In order to provide them with an accessible version within his own system of church practice, he edited the Heidelberg and published it in 1680 under the title An Orthodox Catechism. (from the Foreword)

The Eastern Orthodox Church

Book Description

An insider’s account of the Eastern Orthodox Church, from its beginning in the era of Jesus and the Apostles to the modern age In this short, accessible account of the Eastern Orthodox Church, John McGuckin begins by tackling the question “What is the Church?” His answer is a clear, historically and theologically rooted portrait of what the Church is for Orthodox Christianity and how it differs from Western Christians’ expectations. McGuckin explores the lived faith of generations, including sketches of some of the most important theological themes and individual personalities of the ancient and modern Church. He interweaves a personal approach throughout, offering to readers the experience of what it is like to enter an Orthodox church and witness its liturgy. In this astute and insightful book, he grapples with the reasons why many Western historians and societies have overlooked Orthodox Christianity and provides an important introduction to the Orthodox Church and the Eastern Christian World.