The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or the Secret of Hiram Abiff: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Manly P. Hall, masonic and esoteric scholar, traces the path followed by initiates to the ancient craft. Hall also recounts the ethical training required of a Freemason, and he profiles the character traits a Mason must "build" within himself. More than a mere social organization a few centuries old, Freemasonry can be regarded as a perpetuation of the philosophical mysteries and initiations of the ancients. This book reveals the unique and distinctive elements that have inspired generations of Masons. Thoughtful members of the craft, as well as outsiders, will appreciate its exploration of Masonic idealism and the eternal quest, from humble candidate to Entered Apprentice and eventually Master Mason.

The Story and Legend of Hiram Abiff: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Prominent masonic scholars explore the history, myth and symbolism behind Freemasonry's most prominent character; the one our rituals are quite literally built around. Presented here are the essays: The Story of Hiram Abiff by William Harvey, The Legend of Hiram Abiff by Manly P. Hall and The Hiramic Legend by Albert G. Mackey.

The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry (The Sacred Books)

Book Description

Freemasonry, though not a religion, is essentially religious. Most of its legends and allegories are of a sacred nature; much of it is woven into the structure of Christianity. We have learned to consider our own religion as the only inspired one, and this probably accounts for much of the misunderstanding in the world today concerning the place occupied by Freemasonry in the spiritual ethics of our race. A religion is a divinely inspired code of morals. A religious person is one inspired to nobler living by this code. He is identified by the code which is his source of illumination. Thus we may say that a Christian is one who receives his spiritual ideals of right and wrong from the message of the Christ, while a Buddhist is one who molds his life into the archetype of morality given by the great Gautama, or one of the other Buddhas. All doctrines which seek to unfold and preserve that invisible spark in man named Spirit, are said to be spiritual. Those which ignore this invisible element and concentrate entirely upon the visible are said to be material. There is in religion a wonderful point of balance, where the materialist and spiritist meet on the plane of logic and reason. CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction Prologue - In The Fields Of Chaos Temple Builders Chapter I - The Eternal Quest Thoughtlessness Chapter II - The Candidate Chapter III - The Entered Apprentice Chapter IV - The Fellow Craft Chapter V - The Master Mason Transmutation The Presence Of The Master Chapter VI - The Qualifications Of A True Mason Masons, Awake! Epilogue - The Priest Of Ra Addenda - The Robe Of Blue And Gold Friendship The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes (Tabula Smaragdina) Finish Of The Tabula Smaragdina Motive

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry

Book Description

This is one of the all-time best selling books on Freemasonry. It covers the symbolic meanings used in the craft relating to earlier initiates all the way up through the higher degrees. The instruction given in the lodges of freemasonry takes on an added dimension with the addition of this interesting guidebook. There are deeper meanings hidden within Freemasonry and only wise initiates like Manly Hall are able to shed light on this symbolism and then share it with you, the reader. One of the mistakes some Masons make is their use of the organization as a type of social club, while ignoring its deeper spiritual truths. Discovering them is inspiring to those seeking information that has been hidden within the craft for hundreds of years. Recommended for anyone interested in spiritual and religious symbolism, ancient wisdom teachings, and freemasons, old and new alike.

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry

Book Description

2024 Hardcover Reprint of the 1946 Fifth Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Mr. Hall, himself an honorary 33x Mason, reveals the profounder aspects of this ancient Fraternity which has been a source of inspiration to so many individuals through the centuries. The basic symbolism of the three degrees of the Blue Lodge is explained. The text can be read with profit by both new and old Masons, for within its pages lies an interpretation of Masonic symbolism which supplements the monitorial instruction usually given in the lodges. The leading Masonic scholars of all times have agreed that the symbols of the Fraternity are susceptible of the most profound interpretation and thus reveal to the truly initiated certain secrets concerning the spiritual realities of life. Freemasonry is therefore more than a mere social organization a few centuries old, and can be regarded as a perpetuation of the philosophical mysteries and initiations of the ancients. This is in keeping with the inner tradition of the Craft, a heritage from pre-Revival days. The present volume will appeal to the thoughtful Mason as an inspiring work, for it satisfies the yearning for further light and leads the initiate to that Sanctum Sanctorum where the mysteries are revealed. The book is a contribution to Masonic idealism, revealing the profounder aspects of our ancient and gentle Fraternity - those unique and distinctive features which have proved a constant inspiration through the centuries. Chapters Include: Chapter I - The Eternal Quest Chapter II - The Candidate Chapter III - The Entered Apprentice Chapter IV - The Fellow Craft Chapter V - The Master Mason Chapter VI - The Qualifications of a True Mason Epilogue

Lost Keys of Freemasonry

Book Description

Mr. Hall, himself an honorary 33x Mason, reveals the profounder aspects of this ancient Fraternity which has been a source of inspiration to so many individuals through the centuries. The basic symbolism of the three degrees of the Blue Lodge is explained. The text can be read with profit by both new and old Masons, for within its pages lies an interpretation of Masonic symbolism which supplements the monitorial instruction usually given in the lodges. The leading Masonic scholars of all times have agreed that the symbols of the Fraternity are susceptible of the most profound interpretation and thus reveal to the truly initiated certain secrets concerning the spiritual realities of life. Freemasonry is therefore more than a mere social organization a few centuries old, and can be regarded as a perpetuation of the philosophical mysteries and initiations of the ancients. This is in keeping with the inner tradition of the Craft, a heritage from pre-Revival days. The present volume will appeal to the thoughtful Mason as an inspiring work, for it satisfies the yearning for further light and leads the initiate to that Sanctum Sanctorum where the mysteries are revealed. The book is a contribution to Masonic idealism, revealing the profounder aspects of our ancient and gentle Fraternity - those unique and distinctive features which have proved a constant inspiration through the centuries. Chapters Include: Chapter I - The Eternal Quest Chapter II - The Candidate Chapter III - The Entered Apprentice Chapter IV - The Fellow Craft Chapter V - The Master Mason Chapter VI - The Qualifications of a True Mason Epilogue