The Love Affair of Mr. Ding and Mrs. Dong

Book Description

Mr. Ding and Mrs. Dong are totally opposite but when they meet they fall in love.

The Lazy Beaver

Book Description

At Three Rivers all the beavers are hard-working builders except one.

Old Mr. Bennett's Carrots

Book Description

Charlock Halms and his friends try to put out of business a farmer who uses chemicals to grow his carrots.

Journey in a Shell

Book Description

After Martin's uncle sends him a seashell with a note to listen to the sounds of the ocean in the shell, Martin wonders what the ocean looks and feels like.

Leona Devours Books

Book Description

Leona loves reading books and then she eats them.

Lulu and the Artist

Book Description

Several dogs visit Lulu with their masters, but only when the dog of her dreams comes by does she invite him home.

The Crying Cat

Book Description

Charlock Halms devises a plan to help a cat convince his owners to take him with them on vacation.

The Magic Shoes

Book Description

Martin's new blue shoes are under a spell and give him too much energy until his aunt tells him the trick to control them.

The Hen with the Wooden Leg

Book Description

A hen, with the aid of a family whose dog saved her life, helps detectives catch a gang of chicken thieves.

A Pal for Martin

Book Description

Martin loses his pet snail but gains a baby brother.