The Loxley Trust

Book Description

If he were still alive today, Robin Hood would be viewed as a threat to the government – a non-violent terrorist. The historical Robin acted within the context of Norman/Saxon Britain; the Robin in this book operates internationally and sees himself as acting for global justice, fairness, and against all governments, companies and individuals who prosper from violent conflict and who violate international agreements on human rights. The Loxley Trust describes the background and actions of a UN commander who is sent to Africa to protect a village, where he is attacked by a well-armed rabble of child soldiers, high on drugs, leaving no opportunity for negotiation. Robin aims to change the world, one by one, but it won’t be quick or easy. The Loxley Trust is a political thriller that will foster debate on how we can create a one-world society based upon co-operation between all nations and communities. It identifies the forces that work to halt the creation of a harmonious society and looks at how we can fight against those forces before conflict escalates into violence. This book sheds light on some of the most pressing issues of 21st century – the arms trade, the systemic corruption of the government and the banks and financial institutions that facilitate and profit from each and every transaction. The Loxley Trust is a fascinating read for anyone interested in moving towards ‘one world’ and celebrating diversity, equality, co-operation and love.

The Jurist

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Financial Statement

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Trusts a Practical Guide

Book Description

Within the genre of financial selfhelp, 'Trusts A Practical Guide' is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people's lives at one point or another. Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you - and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative's probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirtyfive years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of wellorganized and implemented financial planning on people's lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.Using famous historical characters, placing them in recognizable situations and using real life case histories, he explains the organization and procedure of Trusts simply and easily bringing his subject alive by putting it in a perspective that is easily assimilated by the layman. Terry O'Halloran clearly explains the intricacies of Trusts and confronts their realities with reallife examples such as a family case involving a number of exwives, a business partnership that goes very expensively wrong and even the attempted murder of a director and removal of the wouldbe assassin (as a Trustee). Building the full picture from simple steps, the author explains the merits or otherwise of trusts and their uses with life assurance and pension products. "Trusts are the most important adjunct to life assurance, business protection, estate planning and pension provision. A basic understanding is essential," he insists.

Bankers Home Magazine

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Business Review

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