The Luther Effect

Book Description

To mark the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this opulent volume invites the reader to embark on a journey through the world and across a period of time that extends across five centuries and four continents: It describes in detail the global diversity and history of the effects - and also the conflict potential - of Protestantism between the cultures. Which traces has Protestantism left in its contact with other denominations, religions and lifestyles? How did it change through these e ncounters - and not least: how did people adopt the Protestant doctrine; how did they modify it and live by it? On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 this lavishly illustrated volume demonstrates the diversity and history of t he effects - and also the conflict potential of Protestantism. It tells a global history of effect and counter - effect which began in around 1500 and extends into the present day, shown by the examples of Europe, Germany and Sweden, the United States, South Korea and Tanzania.

Luther and Calvinism

Book Description

Die Wirkung Martin Luthers auf den Calvinismus war enorm. In diesem Band dokumentieren namhafte Autoren auf dem Gebiet der Lutherforschung und der reformierten Theologie die internationale Forschung zur Rezeption Martin Luthers im Calvinismus. Umfassend analysieren sie das Bild Luthers in unterschiedlichen calvinistischen Kontexten. Als Experten gelingt es ihnen, die zentralen Zusammenhänge zwischen lutherischem und calvinistischem Denken nachvollziehbar und präzise aufzuzeigen. Mit ihrem nachdrücklichen Hinweis auf die immense Wirkung Luthers auf den Calvinismus leisten sie insgesamt einen Meilenstein auf dem Weg zur Erforschung der Bedeutung Martin Luthers für die Geistesgeschichte Europas.

The Luther Effect

Book Description

To mark the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this opulent volume invites the reader to embark on a journey through the world and across a period of time that extends across five centuries and four continents. It describes in detail the global diversity and history of the effects, and also the conflict potential, of Protestantism between the cultures. Which traces has Protestantism left in its contact with other denominations, religions and lifestyles? How did it change through these encounters? And not least: how did people adopt the Protestant doctrine; how did they modify it and live by it? On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 this lavishly illustrated volume demonstrates the diversity and history of the effects, and also the conflict potential of Protestantism. It tells a global history of effect and counter-effect which began in around 1500 and extends into the present day, shown by the examples of Europe, Germany and Sweden, the United States, South Korea and Tanzania. Exhibition: Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany (12.04.2017-05.11.2017).

Martin Luther's 95 Theses

Book Description

Did Martin Luther wield his hammer on the Wittenberg church door on October 31, 1517? Did he even post the Ninety-five Theses at all? This collection of documents sheds light on the debate surrounding Luther's actions and the timing of his writing and his request for a disputation on the indulgence issue. The primary documents in this book include the theses, their companion sermon ("A Sermon on Indulgence and Grace", 1518), a chronoloical arrangement of letters pertinent to the theses, and selections from Luther's Table Talk that address the Ninety-five Theses. A final section contains Luther's recollections, which offer today's reader the reformer's own views of the Reformation and the Ninety-five Theses.

Martin Luther

Book Description

A biography of Martin Luther, a German monk, who led the Protestant Reformation in Europe during the sixteenth century.

Martin Luther and the Shaping of the Catholic Tradtion

Book Description

When Martin Luther distributed his 95 Theses on indulgences on October 31, 1517, he set in motion a chain of events that profoundly transformed the face of Western Christianity. The 500th anniversary of the 95 Theses offered an opportunity to reassess the meaning of that event. The relation of the Catholic Church to the Reformation that Luther set in motion is complex. The Reformation had roots in the late-medieval Catholic tradition and the Catholic reaction to the Reformation altered Catholicism in complex ways, both positive and negative. The theology and practice of the Orthodox church also entered into the discussions. A conference entitled “Luther and the Shaping of the Catholic Tradition,” held at The Catholic University of America, with thirteen Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant speakers from Germany, Finland, France, the Vatican, and the United States addressed these issues and shed new light on the historical, theological, cultural relationship between Luther and the Catholic tradition. It contributes to deepening and extending the recent ecumenical tradition of Luther-Catholic studies.

Der Luthereffekt

Book Description

Martin Luther

Book Description

Few figures in history have defined their time as dramatically as Martin Luther. And few books have captured the spirit of such a figure as truly as this robust and eloquent life of Luther. A highly regarded historian and biographer and a gifted novelist and playwright, Richard Marius gives us a dazzling portrait of the German reformer--his inner compulsions, his struggle with himself and his God, the gestation of his theology, his relations with contemporaries, and his responses to opponents. Focusing in particular on the productive years 1516-1525, Marius' detailed account of Luther's writings yields a rich picture of the development of Luther's thought on the great questions that came to define the Reformation. Marius follows Luther from his birth in Saxony in 1483, during the reign of Frederick III, through his schooling in Erfurt, his flight to an Augustinian monastery and ordination to the outbreak of his revolt against Rome in 1517, the Wittenberg years, his progress to Worms, his exile in the Wartburg, and his triumphant return to Wittenberg. Throughout, Marius pauses to acquaint us with pertinent issues: the question of authority in the church, the theology of penance, the timing of Luther's Reformation breakthrough, the German peasantry in 1525, Muntzer's revolutionaries, the whys and hows of Luther's attack on Erasmus. In this personal, occasionally irreverent, always humane reconstruction, Luther emerges as a skeptic who hated skepticism and whose titanic wrestling with the dilemma of the desire for faith and the omnipresence of doubt and fear became an augury for the development of the modern religious consciousness of the West. In all of this, he also represents tragedy, with the goodness of his works overmatched by their calamitous effects on religion and society.

Brand Luther

Book Description

A revolutionary look at Martin Luther, the Reformation, and the birth of publishing, on the eve of the Reformation's 500th anniversary When Martin Luther posted his "theses" on the door of the Wittenberg church in 1517, protesting corrupt practices, he was virtually unknown. Within months, his ideas spread across Germany, then all of Europe; within years, their author was not just famous, but infamous, responsible for catalyzing the violent wave of religious reform that would come to be known as the Protestant Reformation and engulfing Europe in decades of bloody war. Luther came of age with the printing press, and the path to glory of neither one was obvious to the casual observer of the time. Printing was, and is, a risky business--the questions were how to know how much to print and how to get there before the competition. Pettegree illustrates Luther's great gifts not simply as a theologian, but as a communicator, indeed, as the world's first mass-media figure, its first brand. He recognized in printing the power of pamphlets, written in the colloquial German of everyday people, to win the battle of ideas. But that wasn't enough--not just words, but the medium itself was the message. Fatefully, Luther had a partner in the form of artist and businessman Lucas Cranach, who together with Wittenberg's printers created the distinctive look of Luther's pamphlets. Together, Luther and Cranach created a product that spread like wildfire--it was both incredibly successful and widely imitated. Soon Germany was overwhelmed by a blizzard of pamphlets, with Wittenberg at its heart; the Reformation itself would blaze on for more than a hundred years. Publishing in advance of the Reformation's 500th anniversary, Brand Luther fuses the history of religion, of printing, and of capitalism--the literal marketplace of ideas--into one enthralling story, revolutionizing our understanding of one of the pivotal figures and eras in human history.

Martin Luther's 95 Theses

Book Description

An unabridged, unaltered edition of the Disputation on the Power & Efficacy of Indulgences Commonly Known as The 95 Theses