The Many False Prophet (The Tail of the Dragon)

Book Description

The seven headed dragon in the book of Revelation used his tail to fling satrs to the earth. His seven heads are seven ruling angels-who dominate some so-called "elders..." His "tail" is a metaphor for the "many false prophets."

When the Lord Made the Tempter

Book Description

This book is written to show why the tempter, called the serpent, is junior to Jesus and mankind, . That is, the tempter cannot usurp authority over us because the Lord created mankind before the tempter. Yet above all our seniority that the Lord has given us is the seniority of Jesus, the superpower of Jesus and the super-authority that Jesus holds above the tempter. This book is also written to highlight Biblical principles that refute many of the erroneous teachings relative to the tempter. These teachings are out of line with God's point of view; and I do understand that some of these teachings were learned from past generations

The False Prophet, Alias Another Beast

Book Description

The False Prophet, Alias, Another Beast is a comprehensive study manual that exposes the purposes of "another beast," called the false prophet.

Son of Man, Prophesy Against the False Prophet and Cast Him Down

Book Description

This volume is a comprehensive instruction booklet that prophesies against "the false prophet," which is the spirit of Antichrist. Excerpt: "This is the question: "Are there untrue prophets among us today?" The answer to this question is "yes!" Phony prop

The Numbers of God

Book Description

This is a commentary on numbers used in the Bible. The Lord has many truths with respect to God that can be understood through the symbolism of numbers.

The Torah, The Principle of Giving

Book Description

A Biblical guide for those who desire to be a giver in the right way. It will release the bound from the curse of the law. Yet, the book will help the reader develop responsible giving.

The Days of the 7th Angel

Book Description

A volume of the eschatology series that opens the mystery of God relative to the seventh angel who sounds the last trumpet in Revelatiion 10. The "mystery of God" is discussed in detail, the seven thunders, as well as the adoption as sons and daughters of God, and so on..

The Last Hour, The First Hour, The Forty-second Generation

Book Description

This book explores the 42nd generation that relates to "Jesus Christ, the son of David" and "the Christ" referenced in Matthew, chapter 1; and this nook also explores an understanding related of the 42nd generation through Daniel, the book of Revelation, and so on.

The Lamb

Book Description

A detailed look at the Lamb of God and His kingdom principles. We explore His wonderful character and work as it relates to our expected lifestyle, self-esteem and relational living. The book starts with a fresh look at His blood that "speaks better things."


Book Description

A collection of poetry written by Judith Peart; and illustrations by one of her sons Jeshua David Peart