The Marquis de Sade's Stratagem of Love

Book Description

A revival of the classical style in the comedy genre. A two-act play for at least five actors (2m, 3f) based on the short story "The Love Stratagem" by Marquis de Sade. Almost all the lines, plot, intrigues and characters except for Villeblanche were created by the author. So much so that the play does not contradict the style of the Marquis de Sade, either literally or intellectually. It is a comedy reminiscent of Molière, but with a Sadean taste. A woman disguised as a man is a typical Shakespearean theme. Bedrettin brought this theme into the work with the same sense of humor. The characteristics of the play include the use of double entendre, cross-dressing, comic love scenes, physical seduction, cynicism and other forms of daring language. There are no sets or props in the play except for chairs. Therefore, it has a low cost and is suitable for touring. For those who want to rediscover classic comedy with a modern touch.

The Crimes of Love

Book Description

Who but the Marquis de Sade would write, not of the pain, tragedy, and joy of love, but of its crimes? Murder, seduction, and incest are among the cruel rewards for selfless love in these stories; tragedy, despair, and death the inevitable outcome. Sade's villains will stop at nothing to satisfy their depraved passions, and they in turn suffer under the thrall of love. Psychologically astute and defiantly unconventional, these tales show Sade at his best. A skilled and artful storyteller, he is also an intellectual who asks questions about society, about ourselves, and about life, for which we have yet to find the answers.

Crimes of Love and Other Stories

Book Description

Those who have read other works by the Marquis de Sade, particularly "The 120 Days of Sodom," and are aware of the vast scope he gives to the word libertinism, will find a Sade this time more sensual than perverse. And this is not a negative factor; on the contrary, the Marquis's writing surprises with its quality and beauty. However, promiscuity is present throughout the work. His critique remains constantly aimed at holy women, virgins, and institutions such as the clergy and marriage, which led to his works being censored even a century after their publication. In this complete edition of "Contes Libertins," the reader will find 14 stories that represent an excellent sample of the irreverent, provocative, and boundless Marquis de Sade.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Book Description

A comedy in two acts. Written by Shakespeare and Developed by Bedrettin.. The interpretation of A Midsummer Night's Dream takes a different approach to the essence of the original text, introducing several changes and rebuilding the play around a kind of fantasy based on strange realities such as déjà vu and disjunctive cognition, a bizarre phenomenon in dreams first identified by psychoanalyst Mark Blechner in which the dreamer recognizes the identity of a character even though the appearance does not match the identity. Some dialogue has been moved to be used in more appropriate situations. Some dialog has been condensed to make it shorter, more concise, witty, and functional. New lines have been added to better define the characters, intensify the conflict, and increase the dose of comedy. The plot has also been developed by adding more intrigue, more mischief, more magic and more humor. Always within the framework, the theme has been enriched with surprising variations. Visual and verbal elements related to dreams, love, marriage, etc. have been added to the subtext to make the play a multi-layered comedy more suitable for modern audiences.

The Nose

Book Description

A comedy in two acts. It is a thematic development rather than an adaptation based on Ukrainian writer Gogol's short stories "The Nose", "The Overcoat" and "The Carriage", which are combined into a single comic play with an erotic touch, in which the fall of the Nose is accompanied by the collapse of the Russian aristocracy during the 1917 revolution, and many Russian figures such as Lenin, Rasputin, Gogol, Pushkin and others are mentioned in the work. It is called "Moliere's version" because it is the closest, most similar in writing style to Moliere's comedy ever written in the history of the theater. In this play, Bedrettin has twisted Moliere's classical style with the modern, dreamlike and surreal style of American filmmaker David Lynch to create a comedy based on a distorted reality, or in other words, on the nightmarish renditions of reality, which is something very "Lynchian".

Crimes of Passion

Book Description

Originally published in 1800, Crimes of Passion contained eleven stories and an essay on the novel. The present book contains three abridged tales. In “Florville and Courval” we find not only a reinterpretation and elaboration of the Oedipus myth, but an unforgettable illustration of Donatien Alphonse François de Sade’s artistic creed. He was not simply an eccentric aristocrat with artistic pretensions, but a pathological rebel against the Age of Enlightenment, and a prisoner of the Prince of Darkness. The historical tale of “Juliette and Raunai” is sentimental and melodramatic. In it, virtue triumphs, but not before the lovers have run the gamut of human suffering. “Miss Henriette Stralson” has a contemporary setting and ranks above his historical tales. In it, virtue wins only a pyrrhic victory.

Crimes of Love

Book Description

The Crimes of Love is a book by the Marquis de Sade published for the first time in 1799. This being, together with Aline and Valcour and La Marquise de Gange, the only books that go beyond their traditional style. The book is structured in eleven short novels in which love and desire converge in different situations that lead the characters to do crazy things or to live fully. Preceding the novels, there is an essay entitled "Idea on novels."

The Crimes of Love 2

Book Description

The Crimes of Love 2 is the second installment of a book by the Marquis de Sade published for the first time in 1799. This being, together with Aline and Valcour and La Marquise de Gange, the only books that go beyond their traditional style. The book is structured in eleven short novels in which love and desire converge in different situations that lead the characters to do crazy things or to live fully. Preceding the novels, there is an essay entitled "Idea on novels."

The Marquis de Sade Reader

Book Description

The Marquis de Sade spent more than half his life in prison, which gave him the excuse to take his revenge on society through evocations of sexual cruelty. Excluded from normal life, he developed an extremist vision of the world through stories, dialogues, and historical novels. Included here are extracts from his major fiction, including Les Cents Vingt Journees de Sodome, Justine, and the compulsively vicious Juliette. Other titles by Margaret Crosland, available from Dufour, include Sade's Wife and de Sade's Crimes of Love.

The Marquis de Sade's Adelaide of Brunswick

Book Description

The Marquis de Sade is one of the most infamous men in all of history. His name, in fact, is where the word "sadism" is derived from. An infamous and perverse criminal, Sade was imprisoned for much of his life, where he had ample time to hone his talent for writing scandalous and mind-blowing erotic novels such as "Justine", "Juliette," and his magnum opus, "120 Days of Sodom". This book, "Adelaide of Brunswick," is one of Sade's historical novels, found among his papers after his death. It fully demonstrates the range and ability of a man whom history has vilified, but who was inarguably a philosopher, dramatist and author of the first magnitude.