The Master's Healing Presence Bible

Book Description

The pages of Scripture are filled with the miraculous and the powerful manifestation of God. The Master's Healing Presence Bible will provide people with a firm foundation of biblical truth regarding the Holy Spirit, but also Healing, Prayer, the Presence of God and Faith--all integral aspects of relationship with Him. In addition to articles by Pastor Benny Hinn and other leaders who ministered in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the reader will find verses and passages related to these five key themes highlighted by the easy to navigate color-coded system throughout the Bible text. The Contributors: This Bible will be a living illustration of the work of the Holy Spirit through the ages and through a variety of history's mos influential teachers, preachers, ministers and healing evangelists, such as Kathryn Kuhlman, Maria Woodworth Etter, R.A. Torrey, Benny Hinn, Andrew Murray, F.F. Bosworth, Aimee Semple McPherson, E.M.Bounds, Madame Guyon, Charles Finney, John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, Catherine and William Booth, D.L. Moody, George Whitefield, and others.

The Healing Presence

Book Description

Leanne Payne explains the basis of her counseling ministry--Christ's indwelling presence that brings the power of the incarnation into wounded lives.

Faith Healing Ministry

Book Description

Faith Healing Ministry: A Christian Education Model for Clergy and Laity The purpose of this book is to begin an intentional effort to retrieve the ministry of faith healing using a Christian education model to educate/train clergy and laity. Healing as a spiritual gift for the body of Christ is a much-neglected gift due to variables that may be altered to benefit multitudes. In my research and study, I have discovered it is the lack of knowledge in understanding the gift of healing and how to operate it that caused so many to be indifferent about it. Jesus came so that our souls may be saved and to heal our bodies. A scriptural reference is Isaiah 53:5: "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by His stripes we are healed." This sums up the purpose for Jesus coming to earth, to make it possible for each person who would believe to have eternal life, and be sound in body and mind. This book reveals some pitfalls, or controversial teachings, regarding why so many from various denominations believe that the gifts ceased during the first century. Being in the health profession for thirty-eight years, I have seen various diseases many struggle with and medical technology has no cure for. With health care benefits changing and there is a possibility many may lose their coverage, it is imperative that we go back to God's original plan-divine healing. Not to discount the physicians, scientist, and medical technology, but it is important for us to know that we have God's plan for healing. My desire is to get the message out to the masses, especially to churches to establish healing centers, that divine healing is a benefit of the Kingdom of God.

Liquid Scripture

Book Description

The electronic Bible is here to stay‒‒packaged in software on personal computers, available as apps on tablets and cell phones. Increasingly, students look at glowing screens to consult the Bible in class, and congregants do the same in Bible study and worship. Jeffrey S. Siker asks, what difference does it make to our experience of Scripture if we no longer hold a book in our hands, if we again “scroll” through Scripture? How does the “flow” of electronic Scripture change our perception of the Bible’s authority and significance? Siker discusses the difference made when early Christians adopted the codex rather than the scroll and Gutenberg began the mass production of printed Bibles. He also reviews the latest research on how the reading brain processes digital texts and how churches use digital Bibles, including American Bible Society research and his own surveys of church leaders. Siker asks, does the proliferation of electronic translations reduce the perceived seriousness of Scripture? Does it promote an individualistic response to the Bible? How does the change from a physical Bible affect liturgical practice? His synthesis of the advantages and risks of the digitized Bible merit serious reflection in classrooms and churches alike.


Book Description

This book is written in a theistic context; that, I believe God is in control. It is not an easy proposition to intelligent, technical and scientifically thinking AI Robotic brains. Existence itself is the Love-Truth that infill and surrounds all that exist, It is The all-inclusive - ‘IS’. Existence itself is a present- continuous-ongoing-event that can only be represented by ‘IS’ or the present-continuous- state-of-being. The idea of meta-love counseling or ‘beyond’ counseling is, being-in-the- moment-that-reveals-itself to the one who is ready in sensitive alertness to receive whatever IS. This book maintains that none is entitled to alter the perpetual ‘IS” The ‘Counselor’ as Jesus meant will lead you into situations that redeem and heal. The idea is very simple. In that particular state-of-being the counselor whom we refer to as the Christian-Meta-Love –Counselor or a Healing Presence, functions as a conduit of healing in the confused, suffering, broken, desperate, defeated, self-centered, unforgiving individuals to gain freedom from their private bondage to experience Healing. It is not as much as what the Meta-Love-Counselor does but who she or he is within the glorious presence of Jesus who in fills the Meta-love-counselor to function as an agent of the healing in and through the Meta-love-counselor only acts as a channel of healing. The Holy Spirit; source of all comfort and healing begins flowing to the person in need, through you, who functions as a genuine conduit for the happening, healing process. The dynamics of such happenings is not explainable technically; as it is there for anyone in the Spirit to experience it and for those outside it to reject outright. Without love, the counselee will only be influenced to believe everything is fine. Love-Truth makes all things possible including all comforting, healing and wholeness. Surrounded by Love-Truth, all things become possible. Surrender in Love-Truth to sense the magic of love.

Total Recovery

Book Description

What does it mean to experience Total Recovery? It means supernatural restoration of all that you have lost or had stolen from you. It means miraculous release as God opens His floodgates upon your life…and more! In his book Total Recovery, Pastor Benny shares life-changing principles using the backdrop of the dramatic clash between King Saul and David. You will learn how to: • Recognize the dangerous three D's of Distress, Debt, and Discontent • Overcome challenges with the four P's—Praise, Prayer, Pursuit, and Power • Equip yourself with Biblical weapons of spiritual battle • Unleash the spiritual authority you have been given • Take back what the enemy of your soul has taken • Experience victories through intercession for your family and loved ones • Learn how to open the floodgates in every area of life Move into a new dimension of faith and blessing through Total Recovery. Reclaim all you have lost. Release God’s abundance into your life. Rebuild a Godly heritage for future generations.

Healing Presence

Book Description

Creating a presence-based approach to healing ​With Healing Presence, author David J. Shuch has written an impressive and groundbreaking guide to the theory and practice of healing in its many aspects. He proposes the idea that we need to re-examine and redefine what it means to be a healer and attempts to answer the following questions: What is consciousness? What is human life? What is healing? What is the science behind the art of healing? What practices and what capacities are needed so that one may be rooted in the face of suffering and helpful in fostering an atmosphere of healing? You will be motivated to reflect upon and question your own views as you study the book’s teachings. Masterfully weaving together concepts from history, religion, science, and more, the author has created a unique theory of faith, consciousness, and humanity.

Lamb of God

Book Description

Everything chronicled in the Old Testament points to what the Savior did through His birth, life, death, and resurrection. In a sweeping panorama of mankind's time line from Genesis to Revelation comes an amazing story of the Savior. It is Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God--yesterday, today, and forever--who changes the hardest of hearts of mankind into God's most effective witnesses. In this powerful ebook, Benny Hinn points readers toward the central point of history...Calvary.

A Modern Ninety-Five

Book Description

In 1517 an Augustinian monk by the name of Martin Luther nailed ninety-five statements to the door at Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. This was not a means of open debate but a desire to discuss scholarly objections to church practices of the time. Five centuries later, many of the same errors and heresies have crept back into the evangelical church. A modern ninety-five theses, couched in new terms for a new generation, require scholarly debate once again. Through modern-day apostles and prophets, and through the elitists within the evangelical church, the doctrine of buying God's grace and favor has been propagated through appeals for seed offerings and "atonement-day" donations in order to garner God's blessings. Pragmatic approaches to preaching the gospel through such movements as the seeker-driven models have moved the focus of the message of Christ and the worship of God from being God-centered to human-centered. Sound historical doctrines, such as the Trinity, have been relegated to the sidelines in favor of unity and ecumenicalism with Oneness preachers. In the words of Martin Luther, "Out of love for the truth and the desire to bring it to light," the following propositions need to be discussed in their entirety by church leaders, pastors, and laypeople alike.

Choose Joy, Beloved

Book Description

In my first book, I dealt with overcoming stressors that engulfed my daughter from the age of five through twenty-seven. Her behaviors were so extreme at times that they surpassed what I expected in the mental health arena. I turned to God for answers as things escalated out of control. To my great relief and surprise, I heard His replies. He was in the midst of every difficult day, every challenging moment. He taught my family many things. The most important was that He was with us in the fight. At the end of that book, Kelsi seemed to have a future. She had obtained a job and held it for a time. This book covers the last two years of her life here on earth. Things began to unravel. Mental illness arose with a vengeance I had never seen and took her down. She lost her job. She began to repeatedly hit herself in the head. We prayed. We saw psychiatrists, spiritual counselors, and autism specialists. Things looked hopeless, but I expected God to heal her in this realm, not the next. The day she “went ahead of us” to heaven was the worst day of our lives. Recovery from our loss seemed impossible. Parents that have lost children would fully understand. This is a story of miraculous rebound as we listened to the voice of God. He brought us through the horror of devastating loss. The principles in His Word were the pathway to choosing life again. No matter what catastrophe you have experienced, it is possible to make a comeback. You are still here because God has a purpose for you on the earth. As you read my story, I pray this: May you find hope in relationship with Jesus Christ. May the Waymaker define your open road. May you never falter in pursuing your destiny. No matter what.