The Mathematical Theory of Turbulence

Book Description

"I do not think at all that I am able to present here any procedure of investiga tion that was not perceived long ago by aZl men of talent; and I do not promise at all that you can find here anything quite new of this kind. But I shall take pains to state in clear words the pules and ways of investigation which are followed by able men, who in most cases are not even conscious of follow ing them. Although I am free from illusion that I shall fully succeed even in doing this, I stiZl hope that the little that is present here may please some people and have some application afterwards. " Bernard Balzano (Wissenschaftslehre, 1929) The following book results from a series of lectures on the mathematical theory of turbulence delivered by the author at the Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics during the past several years, and represents, in fact, a comprehensive account of the author's work with his graduate students in this field. It was my aim in writing this book to give engineers and scientists a mathematical feeling for a subject, which because of its nonlinear character has resisted mathematical analysis for many years. On account viii of its refractory nature this subject was categorized as one of seven "elementary catastrophes". The material presented here is designed for a first graduate course in turbulence. The complete course has been taught in one semester.

The Kolmogorov-Obukhov Theory of Turbulence

Book Description

​​​​​​​Turbulence is a major problem facing modern societies. It makes airline passengers return to their seats and fasten their seatbelts but it also creates drag on the aircraft that causes it to use more fuel and create more pollution. The same applies to cars, ships and the space shuttle. The mathematical theory of turbulence has been an unsolved problems for 500 years and the development of the statistical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations describes turbulent flow has been an open problem. The Kolmogorov-Obukhov Theory of Turbulence develops a statistical theory of turbulence from the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation and the physical theory, that was proposed by Kolmogorov and Obukhov in 1941. The statistical theory of turbulence shows that the noise in developed turbulence is a general form which can be used to present a mathematical model for the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation. The statistical theory of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation is developed in a pedagogical manner and shown to imply the Kolmogorov-Obukhov statistical theory. This book looks at a new mathematical theory in turbulence which may lead to many new developments in vorticity and Lagrangian turbulence. But even more importantly it may produce a systematic way of improving direct Navier-Stokes simulations and lead to a major jump in the technology both preventing and utilizing turbulence.

Navier-Stokes Equations and Turbulence

Book Description

This book presents the mathematical theory of turbulence to engineers and physicists, and the physical theory of turbulence to mathematicians. The mathematical technicalities are kept to a minimum within the book, enabling the language to be at a level understood by a broad audience.

Mathematical and Physical Theory of Turbulence, Volume 250

Book Description

Although the current dynamical system approach offers several important insights into the turbulence problem, issues still remain that present challenges to conventional methodologies and concepts. These challenges call for the advancement and application of new physical concepts, mathematical modeling, and analysis techniques. Bringing together ex

Vorticity and Turbulence

Book Description

This book provides an introduction to the theory of turbulence in fluids based on the representation of the flow by means of its vorticity field. It has long been understood that, at least in the case of incompressible flow, the vorticity representation is natural and physically transparent, yet the development of a theory of turbulence in this representation has been slow. The pioneering work of Onsager and of Joyce and Montgomery on the statistical mechanics of two-dimensional vortex systems has only recently been put on a firm mathematical footing, and the three-dimensional theory remains in parts speculative and even controversial. The first three chapters of the book contain a reasonably standard intro duction to homogeneous turbulence (the simplest case); a quick review of fluid mechanics is followed by a summary of the appropriate Fourier theory (more detailed than is customary in fluid mechanics) and by a summary of Kolmogorov's theory of the inertial range, slanted so as to dovetail with later vortex-based arguments. The possibility that the inertial spectrum is an equilibrium spectrum is raised.

Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows

Book Description

Providing a comprehensive grounding in the subject of turbulence, Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows develops both the physical insight and the mathematical framework needed to understand turbulent flow. Its scope enables the reader to become a knowledgeable user of turbulence models; it develops analytical tools for developers of predictive tools. Thoroughly revised and updated, this second edition includes a new fourth section covering DNS (direct numerical simulation), LES (large eddy simulation), DES (detached eddy simulation) and numerical aspects of eddy resolving simulation. In addition to its role as a guide for students, Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows also is a valuable reference for practicing engineers and scientists in computational and experimental fluid dynamics, who would like to broaden their understanding of fundamental issues in turbulence and how they relate to turbulence model implementation. Provides an excellent foundation to the fundamental theoretical concepts in turbulence. Features new and heavily revised material, including an entire new section on eddy resolving simulation. Includes new material on modeling laminar to turbulent transition. Written for students and practitioners in aeronautical and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and the physical sciences. Accompanied by a website housing solutions to the problems within the book.

The Mathematical Theory of Turbulence

Book Description

"I do not think at all that I am able to present here any procedure of investiga tion that was not perceived long ago by all men of talent; and I do not promise at all that you can find here anything_ quite new of this kind. But I shall take pains to state in clear words the pules and ways of investigation which are followed by ahle men, who in most cases are not even conscious of foZlow ing them. Although I am free from illusion that I shall fully succeed even in doing this, I still hope that the little that is present here may please some people and have some application afterwards. " Bernard Bolzano (Wissenschaftslehre, 1929) The following book results from aseries of lectures on the mathematical theory of turbulence delivered by the author at the Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics during the past several years, and represents, in fact, a comprehensive account of the author's work with his graduate students in this field. It was my aim in writing this book to give to engineers and scientists a mathematical feeling for a subject, which because of its nonlinear character has resisted mathematical analysis for many years. On account vii i of its refractory nature this subject was categorized as one of seven "elementary catastrophes". The material presented here is designed for a first graduate course in turbulence. The complete course has been taught in one semester.

The Theory of Homogeneous Turbulence

Book Description

This is a reissue of Professor Batchelor's text on the theory of turbulent motion, which was first published by Cambridge Unviersity Press in 1953. It continues to be widely referred to in the professional literature of fluid mechanics, but has not been available for several years. This classic account includes an introduction to the study of homogeneous turbulence, including its mathematic representation and kinematics. Linear problems, such as the randomly-perturbed harmonic oscillator and turbulent flow through a wire gauze, are then treated. The author also presents the general dynamics of decay, universal equilibrium theory, and the decay of energy-containing eddies. There is a renewed interest in turbulent motion, which finds applications in atmospheric physics, fluid mechanics, astrophysics, and planetary science.

Theories of Turbulence

Book Description

The term "turbulence” is used for a large variety of dynamical phenomena of fluids in motion whenever the details of the flow appear to be random and average properties are of primary interest. Just as wide ranging are the theoretical methods that have been applied towards a better understanding of fluid turbulence. In this book a number of these methods are described and applied to a broad range of problems from the transition to turbulence to asymptotic turbulence when the inertial part of the spectrum is fully developed. Statistical as well as nonstatistical treatments are presented, but a complete coverage of the subject is not attempted. The book will be of interest to scientists and engineers who wish to familiarize themselves with modern developments in theories of turbulence. The fact that the properties of turbulent fluid flow are addressed from very different points of view makes this volume rather unique among presently available books on turbulence.