The Mayans' Calendars and Advanced Writing System - History Books Age 9-12 | Children's History Books

Book Description

The Mayan calendar was one that calculated the end of the world. It once brought historians, philosophers and thinkers fear of the coming doom. In this book, however, we are going to look at the topic objectively. We are not going to focus on the prophecies. We are only going to appreciate the fact that the Mayans were very advanced of their time. Read history books today!

The Mayans' Calendars and Advanced Writing System - History Books Age 9-12 | Children's History Books

Book Description

The Mayan calendar was one that calculated the end of the world. It once brought historians, philosophers and thinkers fear of the coming doom. In this book, however, we are going to look at the topic objectively. We are not going to focus on the prophecies. We are only going to appreciate the fact that the Mayans were very advanced of their time. Read history books today!

The Mayan Cities - History Books Age 9-12 | Children's History Books

Book Description

During ancient times, big cities were built by hand. They did not have huge neon signs or electricity. Builders had no machines to help them. But ancient Mayan cities are astounding. They have been carefully planned to ensure that the citizens have access to their needs. This history book will discuss some of the most popular Mayan cities. Are you ready to learn?

The Mayans Developed a Calendar, Mathematics and Astronomy | Mayan History Books Grade 4 | Children's Ancient History

Book Description

Did you know that before Aristotle and Galileo there were the Mayans? The Mayans were an ancient civilization that once lived in Mexico. They were intelligent people who developed their own calendar and studied math as well as astronomy. Develop an appreciation for this ancient civilization by reading all about them. Go ahead and grab a copy today!

The Mayans Developed a Calendar, Mathematics and Astronomy - Mayan History Books Grade 4 - Children's Ancient History

Book Description

Did you know that before Aristotle and Galileo there were the Mayans? The Mayans were an ancient civilization that once lived in Mexico. They were intelligent people who developed their own calendar and studied math as well as astronomy. Develop an appreciation for this ancient civilization by reading all about them. Go ahead and grab a copy today!

Who Were the Mayans and What Did They Give the World? | History for Kids Junior Scholars Edition | Children's History Books

Book Description

The Mayans are indigenous in Mexico and Central America. They are known for their logosyllabic script, which is said to be the most sophisticated writing system in the pre-Columbian Americas. But what else did the Mayans give the world? Read this ebook and you’ll find out. Have a good read!

A Quick History of the Mayan Civilization - History for Kids | Children's History Books

Book Description

Looking back and learning about the ancient times can get boring. Dates, people, facts and events can get overwhelming especially to young children. But historical facts are important in shaping the future. That is why we took the initiative of creating powerful learning materials that are able to attract and keep learners’ attention. Take a look at this book today!

The Daily Life of a Mayan Family - History for Kids | Children's History Books

Book Description

Have you ever paused to wonder what life was like in the ancient times? This book will give you the opportunity to study the Daily Life of a Mayan Family. By looking back to what transpired in the past and how lives were lived the, you can have a better appreciation of the present. You might even learn to thank the people who made living much more comfortable.

Mayan History

Book Description

If you're interested in learning about the Maya civilization, here are some important Mayan History Facts that will help you get started. The Maya developed a highly sophisticated writing system called the logosyllabic script. They also developed an elaborate astronomical calendar, astronomical system, and art. All of this helped them build a thriving civilization. The Maya were also known for their mathematics, art, and architecture. According to Mayan mythology, the earth was divided into three realms: heaven, earth, and hell. The Maya called these three realms Xibalba, and the earth was composed of nine layers under the surface. The Maya placed a high value on religion, and priests had a significant role in government. During critical times, kings would consult with their priests for advice and predictions. The Maya believed that their gods were the source of all their knowledge, and they were therefore capable of influencing every aspect of their lives. The Mayans also had a writing system. They used hieroglyphics to write words and sounds. The Mayas used up to 800 glyphs, which are the same as our modern alphabet. As well, they invented the concept of zero. The Mayas also wore beautiful headdresses and hats. The larger the hat, the greater the importance and value of the person wearing it. If you're interested in learning about the Mayan culture, you'll be able to find a few important Mayan History Facts that will help you get started.

The Maya Calendar

Book Description

By 1,800 years ago, speakers of proto-Ch’olan, the ancestor of three present-day Maya languages, had developed a calendar of eighteen twenty-day months plus a set of five days for a total of 365 days. This original Maya calendar, used extensively during the Classic period (200–900 CE), recorded in hieroglyphic inscriptions the dates of dynastic and cosmological importance. Over time, and especially after the Mayas’ contact with Europeans, the month names that had originated with these inscriptions developed into fourteen distinct traditions, each connected to a different ethnic group. Today, the glyphs encompass 250 standard forms, variants, and alternates, with about 570 meanings among all the cognates, synonyms, and homonyms. In The Maya Calendar, Weldon Lamb collects, defines, and correlates the month names in every recorded Maya calendrical tradition from the first hieroglyphic inscriptions to the present—an undertaking critical to unlocking and understanding the iconography and cosmology of the ancient Maya world. Mining data from astronomy, ethnography, linguistics, and epigraphy, and working from early and modern dictionaries of the Maya languages, Lamb pieces together accurate definitions of the month names in order to compare them across time and tradition. His exhaustive process reveals unsuspected parallels. Three-fourths of the month names, he shows, still derive from those of the original hieroglyphic inscriptions. Lamb also traces the relationship between month names as cognates, synonyms, or homonyms, and then reconstructs each name’s history of development, connecting the Maya month names in several calendars to ancient texts and archaeological finds. In this landmark study, Lamb’s investigations afford new insight into the agricultural, astronomical, ritual, and even political motivations behind names and dates in the Maya calendar. A history of descent and diffusion, of unexpected connectedness and longevity, The Maya Calendar offers readers a deep understanding of a foundational aspect of Maya culture.