The Mediums' Book: How Mediums Use Spiritual Manifestations and Psychic Energy to Talk to Ghosts and Spirits

Book Description

The Mediums' Book sees Allan Kardec introduce and explain how human beings can communicate with the vast spiritual realm. Through this book, we learn how to make contact with spirits of humans and ancestors, and identify both good and evil spirits. An excellent book of spiritual guidance, Kardec explains the methods of mediumship. How a seeker of the spirits can build an understanding of the practices needed to summon, and how the rituals must be carried out, is covered in many detailed chapters. Kardec is honest about the pitfalls; upsetting the spirits, or incurring the wrath and misfortune unleashed by malevolent spirits, is something a medium must always be cautious of. In studying the behavior of the spirits, Kardec answers questions about whether they attach themselves to people or objects. We discover why spirits can manifest even without the presence of a learned medium; such as in haunted houses or other sites.

The Book on Mediums

Book Description

A companion to his first book, The Spirits' Guide, The Book on Mediums explains how to apply Allan Kardec's principles of his practical science of spiritism in order to become a medium. His aim is to teach interested readers, those who believe in the existence of the spirit world, and people with a strong desire to communicate with the dead how to cultivate their sensitivity to the paranormal. It is a serious undertaking, and Kardec warns his reader to approach the subject with a scholarly mind and pure intentions. For those who are willing, there is a whole new world just waiting to be experienced. French scholar HIPPOLYTE LEON DENIZARD RIVAIL (1804-1869), aka Allan Kardec, was a longtime teacher of mathematics, astronomy, and other scientific disciplines before turning to the paranormal. He founded the Parisian Society of Psychologic Studies, and founded and edited the monthly magazine La Revue Spirite, Journal of Psychologic Studies. He is also the author of The Gospel as Explained by Spirits (1864).

The Spirit Whisperer

Book Description

There’s a special language that transcends time and space—a language that’s not constrained by the limitations of just words—but one that consists of signs, symbols, energy, and thought. A language that can only be heard when one truly listens. It’s the language of The Spirit Whisperer. In John Holland’s past books, he explained how he came to terms with, and learned to accept and embrace, his spiritual gifts as a psychic medium; and how "readers" could develop their own intuitive psychic abilities. In this book, John picks up the fascinating story of his personal journey of growth and development as one of the most respected practicing mediums today. This work chronicles his career to date and includes some enlightening and heartfelt real-life case studies. He candidly discusses readings with clients, including those who’ve had their own After Death Communications (ADCs) —from the outrageous to the profound. John also explains the signs and symbols that our loved ones continually try to send us. One of his most popular sayings is: "Those on the Other Side want to talk to you —as much as you want to talk to them!" John divulges for the first time some of the extraordinary paranormal occurrences he’s witnessed throughout his career, and provides a rare glimpse behind the scenes of what it’s like to be a "Psychic Time Machine" for several television shows. He’ll also help parents who have a psychic child themselves. The Spirit Whisperer is a book you’ll want to read over and over, as many of the stories will touch your heart as well as your soul!

How To Be Your Own Medium

Book Description

People contact mediums to help them through the grieving process. In times of emptiness, sorrow and regret, mediums offer love and reassurance, and the chance to reconnect with the energy of a departed loved one. This book offers readers the tools and techniques to be their own medium, in order to help them through the grieving process. It also offers loving advice that will help those who grieve let go of the departed and live a happy, healthy life.

How to Talk to Spirits

Book Description

"How to Talk With Spirits: S�ances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" is an informative and practical guide to an unusual and often, sensitive subject. In it, questions from the curious living about the dead - human and animals - are answered. Learn how to conduct a s�ance, understand how mediums relate spirit communication, take safe and successful ghost hunts, and avoid vampire entities. Read about the author's most memorable ghost encounters, and hauntings by murder victims. Test your own psychic abilities with the author's ESP Quiz. By the end of the book you will decide if you want to or can communicate with the dead or leave well enough alone.

Talking to the Dead

Book Description

How to Become a Medium & Connect with the Afterlife Are you curious about Spirits and the afterlife? Do you want to know how to talk to the dead? In this book you will discover and understand the path of becoming an evidential medium, making contact with the Spirit World and many ways to understand and communicate successfully with a passed loved one! Packed with over 10 mediumship exercises and ways to communicate with the Spirit World, you will learn everything there is to know on how to become a medium and the afterlife! Bonus FREE gift included with your purchase! What Signs & Signals Spirit People Give Spirit people have many ways of communicating with us. In this book you will learn the common signals and signs when a Spirit person is trying to communicate with you and how to identify them more easily so you can have faster and easier communication with the beyond. How to Successfully Communicate with Spirit Loved Ones Learn what makes mediumship successful including a method on communicating with Spirit loved ones and several exercises on making contact. You will also learn the importance of sitting with spirit and what to look for in your meditations. How to Become a Medium & Talk to a Spirit Loved One In this book, Emily will teach you all the various methods and details to look for when practicing mediumship and communicating with the other side. You will learn all the evidence and details to look for when doing mediumship and how to communicate these details to your sitter or receiver. In this book are all the keys to successful mediumship including how to tell the story of your spirit loved ones, interpreting symbols from Spirit, the importance of the message and how to find out what messages the Spirit wants to communicate. You will also learn how to create your own Spiritual Toolbox Kit and how to Set your Intention with the Spirit World. Emily believes we all have an intuition and use it more than we know or are aware of. Learn today how to become more in touch with your inner voice and develop your psychic awareness!

Secrets of a Medium

Book Description

Author of the acclaimed Beginners Guide to Mediumship, Larry Dreller digs deeper into the role of mediums and the meaning of mediumship in our complex, rational, increasingly scientifically sophisticated world. Mediumship necessarily revolves around the, to some scary, but inevitable fact of death. In a broad sense, a medium is simply one who communicates with the spirits of the departed. There is ample evidence of life after death, the continuation of the soul, and other forms of life we don't understand. Yet modern science and technology have yet to explain (or explain away) that evidence. In Secrets of a Medium, which is an advanced guide to mediumship, Dreller explores death, the afterlife, and those realms beyond the mortal world in a readable, sensible manner, unclouded by vague jargon or dogmatic faith. He explains the range of psychic abilities and characteristics of mediums--the difference between psychics and channelers, the mental and physical abilities of mediums, what mediums believe, and typical settings for the work of a medium. On a practical side, he lists what is needed for a seance and other works, and how to prepare oneself mentally, physically, and spiritually for the work of a medium. He goes into some depth about what to expect when contact is made with the other side. More than just a guide to mediumship as a practice, Dreller provides a guide to life for the aspiring medium. A glossary of paranormal terms, an extensive bibliography, and a guide to the paranormal and mediumship in popular media make this an invaluable reference to aspiring and practicing mediums.

How to Be a Medium

Book Description

Have you ever sensed the presence of a Spirit in your house or around you and didn't quite know what to do about it?Maybe you have wanted to talk to your deceased loved one or those in Spirit in general but aren't sure how to make a connection?This book will help you to answer these concerns and even more. It is easy to read and is straight to the point guidance for taping into the Paranormal - all aspects of it! It includes meditations and exercises to help you strengthen your abilities (in mp3 format). It also answers the most common paranormal questions and concerns expressed! It covers the topic of Earthbound Spirits, ghosts, haunted places, objects, kids of paranormal, afterlife and many more!

Mediums Not so Rare

Book Description

As often happens in life, Edward was catapulted from his layer of safe sanctuary into a world of unknown undertakings first working as a teacher, then a multitude of jobs, each pushing him farther into the extremes of poverty. Suddenly being flung into a messy divorce, Edward spent his last money on a reading with internationally-known psychic, Rosemary Altea, changing his life forever. Never looking back, Edward continued this spiritual path investigating and befriending many mediums and, along this route he now shares with you, you will enter into the world of spirits and new dimensions.

Guided by Spirit

Book Description

AN INVITATION TO A JOURNEY What do spirit mediums themselves think about what they do? What do scientists and Spiritualists think about "messages from the spirit world?" We are a social scientist and a psychotherapist who have spent ten years answering these questions. Acting as mediums ourselves, we question and marvel at our own experiences. To learn more, we interviewed 40 mediums and studied the lives of 80 others. Journey with us...INTO THE MIND OF THE MEDIUM.