The Mending Ministry of John

Book Description

The Heavenly Ministry of Christ

Book Description

Much of what is preached and taught among Christians today concerns the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus, that is, the work He did during His life on the earth. However, just as the person of Christ has two aspects, so does His ministry. While He was on earth, He was the man Jesus. Since His ascension into heaven, however, He is the glorified Christ. His earthly ministry lasted for only a limited time, but His heavenly ministry is eternal; it will never end. What is Christ doing now? In this book, Witness Lee answers this question, opening up the second part of Christ’s ministry, the heavenly ministry, the ministry that continues today.

Concerning the Person of Christ

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Gospel Outlines

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The Ultimate Significance of the Golden Lampstand

Book Description

The speaking concerning the golden lampstand in the Bible is in three stages: The first stage is the golden lampstand, the second stage is the golden lampstand with the olive oil (the Holy Spirit), and the third stage is the singular lampstand becoming the plural lampstands—one lampstand becoming many lampstands. This is very meaningful. In Exodus 25, the emphasis of the lampstand is on Christ; in Zechariah 4, the emphasis is on the Holy Spirit; and in Revelation 1, the emphasis is on the churches. All three passages mention the lampstand, but in the first passage Christ is emphasized, in the second passage the Holy Spirit is emphasized, and in the third passage the churches are brought forth.

The Holy Word for Morning Revival - The Mending Ministry of John

Book Description

This book is intended as an aid to believers in developing a daily time of morning revival with the Lord in His word. At the same time, it provides a limited review of the Thanksgiving weekend conference held in Schaumburg, Illinois, November 28—December 1, 2013. The general subject of the conference was “The Mending Ministry of John.” Through intimate contact with the Lord in His word, the believers can be constituted with life and truth and thereby equipped to prophesy in the meetings of the church unto the building up of the Body of Christ.

The Seven Spirits for the Local Churches

Book Description

Today we need the intensified Spirit because of the degradation of the church. When the book of Revelation was written, the church had become degraded. The Lord became the intensified Spirit because of the degradation of the church. The history of the church tells us that even in the last part of the first century while the apostle John was still alive, the church had degraded from the Spirit to religion. The church had fallen from the living Spirit to dead religion. It was in such a situation that the Lord wrote this book to the seven local churches, using the title of the sevenfold Spirit. Under the degradation of the church, what we need is not religion or doctrines but the intensified Spirit.