The Messenger of Virtue (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

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Description If one truly wishes to develop their recognition of the Messenger of Allāh Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, it is necessary for them to study him Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam in the context of his closest comparisons – the prophets of Allāh Alahimus Salaam. It becomes apparent quite imminently that the Messenger of Allāh Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam was ranted great superiority and virtue by Allāh SWT over the rest of creation. The publication attempts to shed light on this particular point and by studying it, you will be able to recognise the magnificent status of the Messenger of Allāh SWT. BidĀyah as-sul fĪ tafdĪl ar-rasŪl (The Beginning of the Quest for the High Esteem of the Messenger Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is a concise work summarising forty distinctive virtues and characteristics of the Messenger of Allāh Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. The author, Shaykh ‘Izz ad-Dīn ibn ‘Abd al-Salām Rahmatullahi Alayhi, nicknamed the Sultan of Scholars, produced a number of brilliant works in Shāfi’ī jurisprudence, Qur’ānic exegesis, methodological fundamentals of Sacred Law, formal legal opinion, governance, and a masterpiece on Islamic legal principles entitled Qawā’id al-Ahkām fī Masālih al-Anām [The Bases of Legal Rulings in the Interests of Mankind]. For trade, bulk orders, international or more information, please contact: +44 (0) 7825 345 836 (call/text/whatsapp) [email protected]

Revive Your Heart with 52 Prophetic Ethics

Book Description

In this book, the author invites us to an exciting journey to explore our inner self and understand our human nature, while offering practical ways to purify it so that we can reach the ultimate state of peace and contentment. To do so, we need a role model to follow, someone who has exemplary traits and virtues, someone who is free of flaws. And who else can it be other than Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.

The Weekly Khutbah Volume 1: 2013-2014

Book Description

Every week Friday comes and for us Muslims, Friday is very crucial in the sense we have our Jummah prayers. Along with the Jummah prayers we have our weekly sermons. What happens is that most of us tend to forget the sermons delivered by the Imams. So I thought of this system of writing down all the sermons so that the knowledge we gain gets preserved. Furthermore the sisters who are mostly unable to attend the Jummah prayer in many countries do not get the chance to learn from the weekly sermons. The males can easily record their learning and teach the women at their home. All the sermons are from the Imams from the Masjids I attend weekly and the Hadiths mentioned are from their own sermons. Sometimes the Imams may tend to refer to weak Hadiths, I have tried my best to classify them as much as possible. May Allah have mercy upon us all and may we get guided to the Straight Path, Ameen.

Open letter

Book Description

OPEN LETTER This book is one of the last works of well-known theologian who recently has left this world – Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf rahmatullahi alaihi who was one of the greatest and outstanding religious scholars of our epoch. In his book the author discusses about terrorist organization of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham) which is in the center of focus of the entire international community and which has become the global problem, about reasons of appearing of this organization that was declared by it as “the Islamic State”, as well as about how to solve this problem. The book was published in the beginning of 2015 in Uzbek and has gained the great interest of readers. The fact that this book looks at one of the most pressing problems and topics of today’s world makes it worthwhile to read.

Knowledge - Ibn Baaz

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Work Faith Balance

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Follow the Prophet (Salla Llãhu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and Gain Allah's Special Love

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Have you ever had a person who loved you even before the day you were born? You may think it is your mother or father, but actually it is the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, peace be upon him. Read this booklet to follow the guidance of our Prophet of Mercy and implement his daily habits into your own life.

The Noble Messengers

Book Description

The Nobel Messengers is an epic journey tracing the footsteps of seventeen prophets, beginning with Adam, alayhi as-salaam, the first man and prophet on earth, and ending with Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa-sallam, the Last Messenger and Seal of the Prophets. Through their struggles and hardships, the Messengers’ exceptional qualities shine and inspire: Nuh’s abiding faith and fortitude during his marathon mission; Yusaf’s loyalty, and pristine personality; Ayyub’s unshakable faith and infinite patience, to name just a few. While dynamic illustrations sensitively portray different events from the Messengers’ illustrious lives, complementing and enhancing the narratives, the author’s comments encourage the reader to reflect on the lessons we may learn, that we may achieve success in this life and the Hereafter. Intended primarily for teenage readership, to help nurture and guide their impressionable young minds, adults will also find this book informative and enlightening, Insha’Allah.

How to acquire good manners

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