The Messiah's Inventions

Book Description

Noah’s ark was an invention of God (elohiym—the plural (three) form of one God—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). God the Son later became the incarnate Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the very Christ. The original Son of God was undoubtedly the divine agent that communed with Noah, inspiring him with the great invention of God to preserve life through the perils of a world-wide Deluge. Noah was the master builder and preacher of righteousness. God could have translated the people and animals to heaven or some other world before that horrific water holocaust of the entire earth, and relocated them back to earth when the Flood was over. But God chose not to do this. God chose a cooperative effort of God and man at great cost to preserve life on earth during that fearful water holocaust. But the ark, as well designed and built as it was, was in itself not sufficient to preserve life. It required the mighty power of God and the heavenly angels to guide and preserve the ark and its inhabitants during that fearful ordeal. “For this they [last day scoffers—evolutionists] willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” 2 Peter 3:5-7 and context (KJV). In the imminent future we face the fearful peril of one third of the population of the earth being incinerated in a nuclear holocaust (Revelation 9:14-21); also the peril of the corona of the sun going out in darkness, like what happened briefly July 19-23, 2013 (Google dark sun), and the earth’s population freezing to death, or the sun continuing its nova sequence, scorching the earth with great heat, and then going out in darkness. What we desperately need now are new inventions of God, the cooperation of God, men, and angels to preserve life in fire, make the sun unnecessary, flood the entire earth with light and clean energy (Revelation 21:23). God has already inspired one man, said of Lucifer himself to be the Everlasting Father incarnate, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the very Christ, with designs of God of inventions to preserve and restore earth to Edenic condition in this doom of fire. The inventions are already roughly designed and the master builder found and educated. All that is needed now are believing people donating money for these costly heavenly inventions. God will not do this all by Himself. He will work with us as we give our all, be it little or much. This book will tell all about the inventions of God for now, to preserve life through fire and to make the sun unnecessary. What is most needed now is belief in God’s Messiahs. So in this book there will not only be science and technology, but theology, history, and prophetic evidences in favor of Messiah A and Messiah B—Jesus of Nazareth and Gordon L. Ziegler of Lacey, Washington U.S.A. Any and all may now make tax deductable donations to Benevolent Enterprises to actualize the divine inventions to preserve life from a holocaust of fire, restore the earth and its people, and make the sun unnecessary with heavenly light and heat.

The Invention of God

Book Description

Who invented God? When, why, and where? Thomas Römer seeks to answer these questions about the deity of the great monotheisms—Yhwh, God, or Allah—by tracing Israelite beliefs and their context from the Bronze Age to the end of the Old Testament period in the third century BCE. That we can address such enigmatic questions at all may come as a surprise. But as Römer makes clear, a wealth of evidence allows us to piece together a reliable account of the origins and evolution of the god of Israel. Römer draws on a long tradition of historical, philological, and exegetical work and on recent discoveries in archaeology and epigraphy to locate the origins of Yhwh in the early Iron Age, when he emerged somewhere in Edom or in the northwest of the Arabian peninsula as a god of the wilderness and of storms and war. He became the sole god of Israel and Jerusalem in fits and starts as other gods, including the mother goddess Asherah, were gradually sidelined. But it was not until a major catastrophe—the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah—that Israelites came to worship Yhwh as the one god of all, creator of heaven and earth, who nevertheless proclaimed a special relationship with Judaism. A masterpiece of detective work and exposition by one of the world’s leading experts on the Hebrew Bible, The Invention of God casts a clear light on profoundly important questions that are too rarely asked, let alone answered.

Is God Just a Human Invention?

Book Description

Sean McDowell and Jonathan Morrow have penned an accessible yet rigorous look at the arguments of the New Atheists. Writing from a distinctively Christian perspective, McDowell and Morrow lay out the facts so that the emerging generation can make up their own mind after considering all the evidence.

The Mythmaker

Book Description

The author presents new arguments which support the view that Paul, not Jesus, was the founder of Christianity. He argues that Jesus and also his immediate disciples James and Peter were life-long adherents of Pharisaic Judaism. Paul, however, was not, as he claimed, a native-born Jew of Pharisee upbringing, but came in fact from a Gentile background. He maintains that it was Paul alone who created a new religion by his vision of Jesus as a Divine Saviour who died to save humanity. This concept, which went far beyond the messianic claims of Jesus, was an amalgamation of ideas derived from Hellenistic religion, especially from Gnosticism and the mystery cults. Paul played a devious and adventurous political game with Jesus' followers of the so-called Jerusalem Church, who eventually disowned him. The conclusions of this historical and psychological study will come as a shock to many readers, but it is nevertheless a book which cannot be ignored by anyone concerned with the foundations of our culture and society. -- Book jacket.

Star in the East

Book Description

The story of Krishnamurti, one of the twentieth century's most influential and controversial spiritual figures, takes place in the crucible of sexual scandal, mysticism, and an extraordinary personal history. "Discovered" by a leader of the Theosophical Society, Krishnamurti was hailed as a messiah and groomed to be the new World Leader. Rejecting the society's claims, he then set out on a teaching career that covered six decades, and produced fifty books and thousands of talks. Until his death in 1986, he continued to challenge many generally cherished ideas of spirituality. His lectures, books, and interviews are still widely read and studied.In this first truly objective biography, English author Roland Vernon uses primary and secondary sources as well as numerous unattributed interviews with Krishnamurti's friends and students to provide a wealth of detail. With unflinching and non-judgmental clarity, Vernon describes the details of Krishnamurti's life, including his formative years with the allegedly pedophilic Charles Leadbeater and the notorious Anne Besant, and the painful purification "process" that he was forced to undergo. Vernon also provides insight into Krishnamurti's highly-private personal life, including an extended clandestine affair with longtime friend Rosalind Williams Rajagopal. By painting full pictures of the people who most influenced Krishnamurti, especially in his formative years, the author gives valuable clues to some of the often less well-illuminated aspects of Krishnamurti's character.

Discoveries from the Time of Jesus

Book Description

Beginning where Treasures from Bible Times ends, this attractive volume features high-quality color photographs, illustrations, drawings and maps that highlight the text and satisfy our curiosity about the past.

An Invention Called Jesus

Book Description

Scholars have produced admirable works on the Christian texts, replete with erudition and intelligence. Considering that a job well-done should not be redone, I have drawn on these without compunction. Thus the documentation used in this book is mainly taken from the Bible and other ancient texts, as well as from renowned Christian scholars teaching in Catholic and Protestant universities. Unfortunately, when these scholars approach the problem of the authenticity of the stories about Jesus, those cannot be recognized: rigorous reasoning disappears in favour of weak and baffling arguments.To those who may be surprised by this, I offer an explanation: many scholars, often Catholic priests, are believers, and the research as well as the training of researchers are frequently overseen by religious institutions. Without being overly suspicious, I think there may well be a conflict of interests: there are probably things that a researcher would have no interest in voicing, at least if they are mindful of their own faith and / or their employer and / or their career. For my part, after examining the material compiled by the best historical Jesus scholars, I think I can say that everything happens as if Jesus had not existed.Check out the website:

And Man Created God

Book Description

This book addresses one of the oldest questions posed to religious believers: if God made everything, who made God? Most recently levelled by the New Atheists, the question was asked in ancient Greece and has preoccupied religious believers in the centuries since. Here, renowned scholar Robert Banks explores the history of the objection - from its earliest vocalization in the ancient world to its most famous opponents, Freud, Marx, and others. Ideal for anyone with a general interest in new atheism, for those studying religion, or wanting to sort out what (if any) elements of their idea of God are man-made.

Jesus the Terrorist

Book Description

This is the shocking truth: Jesus was a zealot who wanted to be King of Israel. The apostles and disciples were members of his family, by blood and by marriage, and they went on to wage a war against Rome. Far from converting, Saul, the false apostle, remained malicious and vindictive to the end. Saul invented Christianity, borrowing the rituals of a pagan religion, Mithraism. The gospels are a deliberately scrambled version of Jewish zealot propaganda with characters, who were Jewish warriors, stolen and subverted by Christian writers.

What Would Jesus Patent?

Book Description

Have you ever wondered what Jesus would have patented? Perhaps He never would have patented anything, but many of His followers have patented ingenious inventions related to the Christian faith. Patents have been granted for artificial Christmas trees, fire extinguishing ornaments, Santa Claus detection kits, Easter egg decorating kits, steeples, pews, holy-water fonts, communion cup fillers, baptismal garments, rosaries, Christian board games, Jesus dolls, and scores of others. This book presents 101 ingenious and interesting patented inventions related to the Christian faith.