Metaphysical Anthropology

Book Description

In this penetrating exploration of human reality, written "in a single mental movement of almost sixteen unbroken months of work," Marias has produced the most personal and original--and quite possibly the most important--of his many books. Its theme is its greatest novelty: the discovery of the level of reality that represents the empirical structure of human life. Metaphysical Anthropology brings to full development the course of Marias's thought over a period of twenty years, and completes the interpretation of philosophical theory that began with his presentation of the philosophical past (History of Philosophy) and continued through his view of the theory of human life in its collective concreteness (The Social Structure). Metaphysical Anthropology will also appear in separate Spanish, Portuguese, and Brazilian editions, as well as in other major languages.

A Watch Over Mortality

Book Description

An in-depth study of the thought of contemporary Spanish philosopher Julian Marias, in the context of Ortega y Gasset and his times and twentieth-century Spanish culture.

Julián Marías

Book Description

A Marriage of Philosophy and Music

Book Description

How to use philosophy and music to open your horizons and enjoy being yourself, put theory to work, and help you experience personal growth is discussed in A Marriage of Philosophy and Music. It is all about "after." After having a liberal education, you are comfortable in modern culture, and after further education and becoming a specialist in some field, you enjoy using your skills. We learn the ideas and methods of many social cultures and our own chosen specialty, but we often neglect the liberal art of disciplining and enjoying the ideas and methods of our own individuality. This book offers a path toward the education of privacy, with the key words being selection, design, and beauty. The book relates five areas of general human interest: spirituality, philosophy, science, art, and body awareness. The interrelation is accomplished by using personal patterns of experience that are available from philosophy and music. Because of the plurality of subject matters and methods used in philosophy and music, their patterns of discipline are comparable to self-discipline. A Marriage of Philosophy and Music attempts to create a path in this direction, because besides the enjoyment of social culture and personal skills, there is enjoyment in being yourself, which is a neglected liberal art.


Book Description

Eschewing hair-splitting for the sport of it, González takes a fresh look at the notion of subjectivity and the nature of the self in seven essays. With reference to Camus, Cocteau, Gabriel Marcel, Ortega and Enrique Anderson Imbert, he explores diverse topics from the aesthetic vision and moral courage to the absurd. His nuanced and sensitive writing draws the reader on an introspective journey through a portal that subtly shifts the perception of human reality.

Understanding Spain

Book Description

Ortega's The Revolt of the Masses and the Triumph of the New Man

Book Description

This book is first and foremost a detailed and meticulous study of Ortega y Gasset's The Revolt of the Masses (1930). No other up-to-date books explore this thinker and his great work. Most importantly, the author demonstrates the relevance and importance of Ortega y Gasset's thought and his The Revolt of the Masses for today's world, showing, for instance, how Ortega's categories like "mass man" and "decadence," have been vindicated by today's spiritual, moral and cultural decay. This aspect of the book will perhaps be of major interest to the reading public. What Ortega argues for in his brief history of philosophy is something that he has otherwise made explicit throughout his work, mainly his conviction that strictly speaking philosophy as an activity or manner of thinking that faces naked reality, holistically, ended long ago with the ancient Greeks. All subsequent philosophical endeavors have been merely a rehashing or an academic commentary on the pre-existing philosophical canon. This latter activity he saw as pertaining to the history of philosophy, but he did not regard it as philosophy. Philosophy, as a vital and life-forging way of life, he argued, had played out its originality, and thus had run its course, long ago. With a glossary of special terms as used by Ortega, and with references to Albert Camus, Gabriel Marcel, C.S. Lewis, Friedrich Nietzsche, Josef Pieper, and others, this work is a fundamental tool for any student of Ortega, of existentialism, and 20th-century European philosophy. Pedro Blas Gonzalez is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Barry University in Miami. His areas of specialization include Continental philosophy, specifically Phenomenology, Existentialism, and philosophical aspects of literature. His works include Fragments: Essays In Subjectivity, Individuality And Autonomy (Algora, 2005), and Human Existence as Radical Reality: Ortega's Philosophy of Subjectivity (Paragon House, 2005). Gonzalez holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from DePaul University.

The Sexual Reformation

Book Description

What does it mean to be a woman or a man created in the image of God? Many Christians don't have a good grasp of what their sexuality means. Many women in the church don't feel like their contributions matter. Why is this? The church is sadly still confused about what it means to be a man or a woman. While secular society talks about sexuality in terms of liberation, many in the church define manhood and womanhood in terms of reductive roles that rob us of the dignity of personhood, created in the image of God. In her poetic, theologically contemplative style, Aimee Byrd invites you to enter the rich treasure trove of the Song of Songs as its lyrics reveal how our very bodies are visible signs that tell us something about our God. This often-ignored biblical book has much to teach us about Christ, his church, man, and woman. And what it teaches us is not a list of roles and hierarchy. It is a love song. As it unfolds throughout the canon of Scripture, the meaning of our sexuality extends beyond biology, nature, and culture to give us a glimpse of what is to come. This meaningfulness reinforces our discipleship as we participate in the eschatological song. In The Sexual Reformation, you will discover the beautiful message that our bodies—and our whole selves—are part of the greater story in which Christ received the gift of his bride, the church. Within the context of that story, you'll rediscover your sexuality as a gift.